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Resend a Validation Email for an SSL Certificate

Check other addresses where you might receive the email

To verify the addresses that Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) used, check your ACM certificate request:

2.    Choose the certificate from the list, and then select it.

3.    Select the domain name.

ACM sends a validation email to each of the listed email addresses in your request.

By default, ACM sends validation emails to the following email addresses (in the examples listed here, replace “example.com” with your domain):

ACM also sends a domain validation email to the email addresses associated with the domain registrant, the technical contact, and the administrative contact in the WHOIS listing.

Note: For .IO domains, a validation email is not sent to the domain registrant, the technical contact, or the administrative contact. For more information, see

Troubleshoot .IO Domain Problems.

Make sure one of the email addresses listed is reachable

If you or someone in your organization administers an email server for your domain, configure an account or alias for at least one of the addresses listed here.

If you don’t receive an email at the email addresses associated with the domain registrant, the technical contact, or the administrative contact associated with your domain, it’s usually because privacy features are enabled with your domain provider, or your domain information is outdated.

If your WHOIS listing shows a privacy email address, either make sure that email sent to the privacy address is forwarded to your real email address, or list your real email address instead.

Even with domain privacy features such as WhoisGuard enabled, it’s a best practice to configure forwarding rules from the WHOIS output address to the correct email address, such as the technical, administrator, or billing contact.

Note: Domain contact information can take several days to propagate after you update it.

If the information associated with your domain is correct, and you’re ready to receive email at one or more of the email addresses listed earlier, check the spam filters of those email addresses to make sure that the validation email isn’t being filtered from your inbox.

If necessary, request that the validation emails be resent

After you’re sure that your domain information is correct and visible, and you’re ready to receive email at one of the email addresses listed earlier, you can request that your domain validation email be resent by following these steps:

2.    Choose the certificate from the list, and then select it.

3.    From the Actions menu, choose Resend validation email.

Use DNS to validate your domain instead

You can validate your domain by inserting a CNAME record provided by AWS through the AWS Certificate Manager console. For more information, see Use DNS to Validate Domain Ownership.


Resend a Validation Email for an SSL Certificate

Check other addresses where you might receive the email To verify the addresses that Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM) used, check yo

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