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New- AWS IoT Device Management

AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass give you a solid foundation and programming environment for your IoT devices and applications.

The nature of IoT means that an at-scale device deployment often encompasses millions or even tens of millions of devices deployed at hundreds or thousands of locations. At that scale, treating each device individually is impossible. You need to be able to set up, monitor, update, and eventually retire devices in bulk, collective fashion while also retaining the flexibility to accommodate varying deployment configurations, device models, and so forth.

New AWS IoT Device Management
Today we are launching AWS IoT Device Management to help address this challenge. It will help you through each phase of the device lifecycle, from manufacturing to retirement. Here’s what you get:

Onboarding – Starting with devices in their as-manufactured state, you can control the provisioning workflow. You can use IoT Device Management templates to quickly onboard entire fleets of devices with a few clicks. The templates can include information about device certificates and access policies.

Organization – In order to deal with massive numbers of devices, AWS IoT Device Management extends the existing IoT Device Registry and allows you to create a hierarchical model of your fleet and to set policies on a hierarchical basis. You can drill-down through the hierarchy in order to locate individual devices. You can also query your fleet on attributes such as device type or firmware version.

Monitoring – Telemetry from the devices is used to gather real-time connection, authentication, and status metrics, which are published to Amazon CloudWatch. You can examine the metrics and locate outliers for further investigation. IoT Device Management lets you configure the log level for each device group, and you can also publish change events for the Registry and Jobs for monitoring purposes.

Remote ManagementAWS IoT Device Management lets you remotely manage your devices. You can push new software and firmware to them, reset to factory defaults, reboot, and set up bulk updates at the desired velocity.

Exploring AWS IoT Device Management
The AWS IoT Device Management Console took me on a tour and pointed out how to access each of the features of the service:

I already have a large set of devices (pressure gauges):

These gauges were created using the new template-driven bulk registration feature. Here’s how I create a template:

The gauges are organized into groups (by US state in this case):

Here are the gauges in Colorado:

AWS IoT group policies allow you to control access to specific IoT resources and actions for all members of a group. The policies are structured very much like IAM policies, and can be created in the console:

Jobs are used to selectively update devices. Here’s how I create one:

As indicated by the Job type above, jobs can run either once or continuously. Here’s how I choose the devices to be updated:

I can create custom authorizers that make use of a Lambda function:

I’ve shown you a medium-sized subset of AWS IoT Device Management in this post. Check it out for yourself to learn more!



New- AWS IoT Device Management

AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass give you a solid foundation and programming environment for your IoT devices and applications. The nature of Io

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Questions fréquentes (FAQ) sur AWS IoT Device Management

Q : Comment IoT Device Management contribue-t-il aux mises à jour des appareils ? IoT Device Management permet aux clients de transf

Using AWS IoT Device Management in a Retail Scenario to Process Order Requests

In this blog post, we will simulate a common business scenario to show you how to use the group policy feature in AWS IoT Device Management. Speci

AWS IoT Device Management _物聯網裝置管理服務

AWS IoT Device Management 對於工業、消費和商業應用(如工業和聯網家庭)都至關重要。藉助 AWS IoT Device Management,客戶可以管理具有各種裝置的大型佇列,如運營技術系統、機器、攝像機、裝置、車輛等等。 工業應用

AWS IoT Device Management Features

With AWS IoT Device Management, you can group your device fleet into a hierarchical structure based on function, security requirements, or any

Вопросы и ответы по AWS IoT Device Management 

Вопрос: Как IoT Device Management помогает обновлять устройства? IoT Device Management позволяет удаленно выполнять такие действия,

AWS IoT Device Management Pricing

AWS IoT Device Management’s free tier includes 50 remote actions per month. The AWS Free Tier is available to you for 12 months starting w

AWS IoT Device Management 定價

AWS IoT Device Management 的免費套餐每月包含 50 次遠端操作。 AWS 免費套餐的有效期為 12 個月,從您建立 AWS 賬戶之日算起。如果您的免費使用期結束,或者應用程式用量超出免費使用套餐的範圍,您則需要按上述費率付費。免費套餐支援所有 AWS

AWS IoT Device Management 常見問題

問:什麼是 AWS IoT Device Management? AWS IoT Device Management 是一項服務,讓您可以在 IoT 裝置的整個生命週期內輕鬆而安全地大規模註冊、組織、監控和遠端管理 IoT 裝置。您可以使用 IoT Device

AWS IoT Device Management 功能

您可以通過 AWS IoT Device Management 將軟體和韌體推送到現場中的裝置,以便修補安全漏洞並改進裝置功能。您可以執行批量更新、控制部署速度並設定持續任務來自動更新裝置軟體,使其始終執行最新軟體版本。您還可以遠端發起重啟裝置或恢復出廠設定等操作,以便修復裝置中的軟體

AWS IoT Device Defender Features

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AWS IoT Device Defender_IoT裝置安全防護

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IoT Device Security Management

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本來很早就想寫一個關於AWS,MS這些老牌雲服務商的IOT支援介紹的,一直犯懶。昨天參加了AWS的一個線下活動,很接地氣的活動,一下記住了好幾個AWS的服務名稱以及其IOT架構,又勾起了寫的想法。 不過,偷懶主義告訴我,一定有別人寫吧,搜搜看,還真找到一篇不錯的,那我就不寫

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