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AWS Marketplace: LAMP with PHP 5.6 Certified by Bitnami

Product Overview

Deploying and configuring an environment can be a difficult and time-consuming hurdle to clear before working on a new application. When installing and configuring multiple components and libraries, many of which can conflict with one another, it is easy to make mistakes. This is why a pre-configured LAMP environment is so helpful- everything just works out of the box.

Beyond the core components of the stack, Bitnami's LAMP includes extras that make it more powerful out of the box. Popular PHP frameworks like Zend and Laravel are pre-installed, as well as a wide variety of add-ons for functionalities such as SSL, caching, firewall, and OAuth that are prerequisites for building modern web apps.

Why use Bitnami Certified Apps?

Bitnami certifies that our images are secure, up-to-date, and packaged using industry best practices.

With Bitnami you can trust what's in the app you're launching. We monitor all components and libraries for vulnerabilities, outdated components, and application updates. When one is reported, we update and release every affected listing within a couple days at most.


5.6.37-2-r35 on Ubuntu 16.04


Operating System

Linux/Unix, Ubuntu 16.04

Delivery Methods

  • Amazon Machine Image

Pricing Information

Usage Information

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Customer Reviews


AWS Marketplace: LAMP with PHP 5.6 Certified by Bitnami (PV)

AWS Marketplace is hiring! Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Am

AWS Marketplace: LAMP with PHP 5.6 Certified by Bitnami

Product Overview Deploying and configuring an environment can be a difficult a


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如何在CentOS 6.7上將PHP 5.3升級到PHP 5.6

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LAMP-安裝PHP 5/7

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Windws Server 2008 R2 WEB環境配置之IIS7/IIS7.5+FastCGI+PHP 5.6.4+MYSQL+phpMyAdmin

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Centos7 安裝php-5.6.36

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stc sendmai 本機 png ins pen 本地 ash params 因為Ubuntu18.04默認的openssl版本就是1.1.0, 而PHP5.6無法在openssl 1.1下編譯 "PHP 5.6 is receiving only security f

Lamp安裝 php-v5.6【ZendGuardLoader】的問題

Lamp安裝 php-v5.6【ZendGuardLoader】的問題 標籤(空格分隔):php,linux Apache日誌: 就這個問題導致無法解析執行php檔案。下面是網上找的解決方案 ZendGuardLoader簡介 、 從PHP5.3開始Zend Guard將取代Zend Opt

在Windows7 下如何給PHP 5.6.X 安裝 memcached 擴充套件?

看到標題的童鞋,讓你們失望了,這個問題我也沒有解決。 本地PHP環境如下: 關鍵引數: 1.PHP Version 5.6.15 2.Architecture    :x86 3.PHP Extension Build    :API2

php 5.6連線mongodb 資料庫

在上一篇博文中,已經說明在windows如何配置mongodb資料庫;那麼我們現在就來實現如何連線資料庫。 使用下面列出的其中一種方法連線: <?php $connection = new

PHP 5.6 已結束安全支援,你升級到 PHP 7 系列了嗎?

   PHP 官網近日更新了版本支援列表,自2019年1月1日起,PHP 5.6 已不再受官方支援,使用 PHP 5.6 版本的網站將不再收到安全漏洞或錯誤更新。此外,PHP 7.0 也已於2018年12月1日結束安全支援。 官方當前提供支援的有3個版本:PHP 7.1 、7

PHP 5.6.39 安裝、配置、日誌配置詳解

PHP軟體版本5.6.39 一、PHP的編譯安裝管理:① : php編譯安裝,php的編譯安裝依賴的庫比較多,編譯安裝會稍微難一點yum -y install epel-release [安裝epel源]yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ make pcre pcre-devel zlib


1,PHP官網下載php-5.6.33.tar.bz2 2,解壓到/usr/local/下 3,進入目錄執行:./configure 遇到錯誤:checking libxml2 install dir... no checking for xml2-config path.

PHP 5.6.40, 7.1.26, 7.3.1 & 7.2.14 釋出,安全修復版本

   PHP 2019 新年第一波更新為幾個分支釋出了重要的安全修復版本,分別是 5.6.40, 7.1.26, 7.3.1 和 7.2.14。 釋出公告頁面顯示,這幾個版本均包含重要的安全修復,以及其他的一些錯誤修復,官方建議升級至最新版本。 此外,按官方的說法,PHP 5.

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Install PHP 5.6 in RHEL 7.2

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So