AWS SDK for Ruby at RailsConf 2018
Last month, Jingyi and I from the AWS SDK team attended RailsConf in Pittsburgh. We gave two presentations: a session on API design and backwards compatibility, and a lightning talk featuring SDK generation for API Gateway APIs in Ruby. We also enjoyed being able to connect with many of you to talk about how you’re using our Ruby gems for AWS, and to get your feedback.
Session: Broken APIs Break Trust: Tips for Creating and Updating APIs
We had a great time sharing what we’ve learned about API design and backwards compatibility with everyone at the conference, but for those who couldn’t make it live, both the talk video and the slide deck are published and viewable now!
Finding ways to keep innovating while respecting the importance of backwards compatibility in both service and client design is an important part of what we do, and we were super excited to see the level of interest in the topic at the conference.
Keeping the Conversation Going
We always have a great time meeting all of you in person at conferences, and would love to keep hearing from you. Apropos of this, it is worth mentioning that AWS re:Invent registration is open at the time of writing. We hope to see you there!
AWS SDK for Ruby at RailsConf 2018
Last month, Jingyi and I from the AWS SDK team attended RailsConf in Pittsburgh. We gave two presentations: a session on API design and b
Advanced client stubbing in the AWS SDK for Ruby Version 3
The AWS SDK for Ruby provides a robust set of features for stubbing your clients, to make unit tests easier and less fragile. Many of you have use
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錯誤提示 [[email protected] ~]# sudo su -c "gem install sass" Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installin
AWS SDK for Java 的使用(適用於 Java 的 AWS 開發工具包開發人員指南)之配置aws憑證
今天接了個新專案,使用的AWS SDK for Java。例如: <dependency> <groupId>com.amazonaws</groupId> <artifactId>
Introducing support for Amazon S3 Select in the AWS SDK for PHP
We’re excited to announce support for the Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) SelectObjectContent API with event streams in the AWS SDK for
Upgrade AWS SDK for .NET for latest TLS Protocols
If your application is using .NET Framework 3.5 or 4.5 you should update to version or later of AWSSDK.Core. This ensures you are using t
AWS SDK for Java 2.x released
We’re pleased to announce that the AWS SDK for Java 2.x is now generally available and supported for production use. Version 2.x is a majo
New AWS SDK for JavaScript – Developer Preview
We’re happy to announce the developer preview of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3. This version of the SDK is a major rewrite of the 2.x code
辛星淺析ruby下的mkmf.rb can't find header files for ruby at
有時候在ruby下使用gem安裝包的時候,會報錯如下: ERROR: Error installing bluecloth: ERROR: Failed to build
AWS SDK for Python
Up-to-date and Consistent Interface Boto3's 'client' and 'resource' interfaces have dynamically generated classes driven by JSON mod
AWS SDK for JavaScript in Node.js
We are happy to announce the developer preview of the AWS SDK for Node.js version 3. This version of the SDK is a major rewrite of the 2.x code
現已推出 – AWS SDK for Java 2.0 的開發人員預覽
AWS 開發人員工具團隊一直苦心致力於 AWS SDK for Java 的開發,今天終於推出了 2.0 版開發人員預覽版。這個版本是對舊 1.11.x 程式碼庫的重大修改。新 SDK 構建在 Java 8 之上,重點在於一致性、不變性和易用性,包括經常請求的功能,例如支援非阻塞 I/O 以
AWS SDK for Java 2.0 – Developer Preview
We’re pleased to announce the Developer Preview of the AWS SDK for Java 2.0. The 2.0 version of the SDK is a major rewrite of the 1.11.x code base
AmazonS3 使用 AWS SDK for Java
Amazon S3是一種雲上的儲存伺服器,其功能僅在於儲存。和普通的伺服器不同,它沒有操作介面,連一般的SSH命令登入功能都沒有。和它打交道的話,一種辦法是用它的管理介面,另一種是藉助其程式設計介面。 Amazon S3 特意內建了著重於簡易性和穩健性的最小功
Fuel for Discussions: The State of Open Data at IODC 2018
Next week, hundreds of policymakers, practitioners, researchers, and technologists will be gathering in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for the fifth Internationa
Install the AWS Mobile SDK for iOS in a Swift Application
Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within We are currently hiring So
微信公眾平臺SDK for node
trac 微信公眾平臺 特性 node 開發人員 issue get sdk class 實現了下面特性: 1、開啟開發人員模式 2、解析微信請求參數 3、驗證消息來源 4、被動回復文字消息 5、被動回復圖文消息 6、獲取access_token 7、
ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android功能概述
部署 編輯 最短路徑 設備 下載 用戶 系統 幾何 和平 使用ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android,用戶能夠開發出功能強大的移動端GIS應用程序並將它們部署到Android系統的智能手機和平板上,主要功能可覆蓋: 地圖瀏覽:實現常見的地圖縮放、
nRF5 SDK for Mesh
sem show format ble 一個 header ade 概念 feature Getting started To get started, take a look at the Light switch demo. It shows how a
golang aws-sdk-go 之 s3 服務
nil http nal context hub 一個 文件的上傳 刪除文件 aws s3 是 aws 提供的分布式文件服務,價格比較優惠,經常被用來作為日誌的持久化存儲,大數據處理結果的輸入輸出等 s3 服務提供命令行工具,可以很方便地上傳、下載、刪除文件,普通 gola