1. 程式人生 > >Do you have an Audiences API? Documentation

Do you have an Audiences API? Documentation

Currently you can add, remove, and modify audiences only by using the Personas in-app audience builder.

However, you can programmatically query the Profile API in order to determine if a particular user is a member of a particular audience because Personas creates a trait with the same name as your audience. For example, to determine if the user with an email address of

[email protected] is a member of your high_value_users audience, you could query the following profile API URL:

The following response indicates that Bob is indeed a high-value user:

  "traits": {
    "high_value_users": true,
  "cursor": {
    "has_more": false,

To learn more about our profile API, you can head


If you have any questions, or see anywhere we can improve our documentation, please let us know!


Do you have an Audiences API? Documentation

Currently you can add, remove, and modify audiences only by using the Personas in-app audience builder.However, you can programmatically query the Profile

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