1. 程式人生 > >Wishpond Destination Documentation

Wishpond Destination Documentation

This destination is currently in beta. If you are interested in joining, let us know!

Segment makes it easy to send your data to Wishpond (and lots of other destinations). Once you've tracked your data through our open source libraries we'll translate and route your data to Wishpond in the format they understand.

This destination is maintained by Wishpond.

Our Wishpond destination code is open sourced on Github. Feel free to check it out: JavaScript (browser) Integration.

Getting Started

Wishpond works with our client-side javascript library: Analytics.js.

From your Segment Destinations page click on Wishpond. Drop in your Merchant ID and Trackey Key from Wishpond’s

“API Keys” dialog. These are also found in your Wishpond Account in the “API Keys” dropdown under your account name in the top right corner.

We’ll automatically initialize Wishpond’s Tracking Code with your Tracking Key and Merchant ID upon loading Analytics.js.

When you toggle on Wishpond in Segment, your Wishpond account will start to receive data when you use identify

or track methods.


When you identify a user, we’ll pass that user’s information to Wishpond. Wishpond Tracking Code, method identify, will be triggered with the params used to identify.

For instance, when Segment identify is called:

analytics.identify('1e810c197e', {
  name: 'Bill Lumbergh',
  email: '[email protected]'

Wishpond Tracker will be called with the following parameters:

Wishpond.Tracker.identify('1e810c197e', {
  name: 'Bill Lumbergh',
  email: '[email protected]'

A new lead will be created be in your ‘Wishpond Leads Database’. The lead will have the attributes: name ‘Bill Lumbergh’, email ‘[email protected]’. To more details how Wishpond’s identify works please visit Wishpond API Docs: #identify.


When you track an event, we will send that event to Wishpond. Wishpond Tracking Code, method track, will be triggered with the params used to track the event.

For instance, when Segment track is called:

analytics.track('Signed Up', {
  plan: 'Startup',
  source: 'Analytics Academy'

Wishpond Tracker will be called with the following parameters:

Wishpond.Tracker.track('Signed Up', {
  plan: 'Startup',
  source: 'Analytics Academy'

A new event will be added to the lead that the current session is tracking. The event title will be ‘Signed Up’, and it will have the properties: plan: ‘Startup’,source: ‘Analytics Academy’.

To more details how Wishpond’s identify works please visit Wishpond API Docs: #track.

Troubleshooting/ FAQ

Destination is not working properly

Make sure you have copied the right keys from Wishpond’s “API Keys” dialog, this destination will need Merchant ID and Tracking Key.


You can send computed traits and audiences generated through Segment Personas to this destination as a user property. To learn more about Personas, reach out for a demo.

For user-property destinations, an identify call will be sent to the destination for each user being added and removed. The property name will be the snake_cased version of the audience name you provide with a true/false value. For example, when a user first completes an order in the last 30 days, we will send an identify call with the property order_completed_last_30days: true, and when this user no longer satisfies we will set that value to false.

When the audience is first created an identify call is sent for every user in the audience. Subsequent syncs will only send updates for those users which were added or removed since the last sync.

Supported Sources and Connection Modes
