1. 程式人生 > >Is Segment impacted by Intelligent Tracking Prevention? Documentation

Is Segment impacted by Intelligent Tracking Prevention? Documentation

Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) is a new feature that was launched with Apple’s Safari 11 browser. ITP is a machine learning model used to identify and classify which top domains use cross-site tracking. If ITP classifies a website as having the ability to track users cross-site, the website is subject to stricter cookie policies. Specifically, any third-party cookies or cookies from sites classified by ITP will be automatically purged after 24 hours of inactivity. For all other sites, first-party cookies will be automatically purged after 30 days of inactivity.

Finally, it is important to note that Intelligent Tracking Prevention only applies to the Safari 11 browser (on desktop and mobile). For more information on how ITP works, check out WebKit.org.

Will Intelligent Tracking Prevention impact Segment’s analytics.js library?

Fortunately, ITP shouldn't impact analytics.js as we use first party cookies. This means that our analytics.js library will continue to work as expected for users browsing on Safari 11.

Additionally, our mobile SDKs and server-side libraries will not be impacted by ITP.

However, because all first-party cookies will now be automatically purged after 30 days of inactivity, you may notice an increase in anonymous users from Safari. As a reminder, we recommend calling identify upon loading any pages that are accessible by a logged in user.

Will Intelligent Tracking Prevention impact any of Segment’s Destinations?

ITP will impact Destinations that rely on third-party cookies, but because ITP uses a machine learning model to identify and classify domains, it is unclear which specific Destinations will be impacted.

Advertising and Retargeting Destinations are most likely to be affected, and we recommend evaluating each of your Advertising and Retargeting Destinations on a case-by-case basis.

Many tools have already issued guidance on how they will be impacted by ITP and steps you can take to respect your customers’ privacy. Here are resources to get you started:

Will Intelligent Tracking Prevention impact Cross-Domain Analytics?

Cross-Domain Analytics uses a 2nd-party cookie, and is not currently being impacted by ITP.

If you have any questions, or see anywhere we can improve our documentation, please let us know!


Is Segment impacted by Intelligent Tracking Prevention? Documentation

Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) is a new feature that was launched with Apple’s Safari 11 browser. ITP is a machine learning model used to identify a

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