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What does my warehouse error mean? Documentation

ERROR: Schema "XXX" does not exist. (SQLSTATE 3F000)

This is a permissioning issue. To learn how to set up proper permissions, you can check out our postgres and redshiftpermissioning guides.

ERROR: Cannot execute query because system is in resize mode (SQLSTATE 57014)

This error occurs when your cluster is currently resizing. The warehouse will continue on its scheduled run interval - once the resize is complete, we’ll load all data from the failed run.


This is a Redshift 500 - an internal server error. This is usually caused by having too many tables or too many columns. If you’re seeing this error, please visit our contact form to submit a request.

read tcp XXX.XX.XX.XXXX:XXXX-XXX.XX.XX.XXXX:XXXX: read: connection timed out

This is a networking error that typically arises when Redshift doesn't close properly close the connection or gets rebooted.

If you see this error on consecutive syncs, contact us.

pq: role "XXX" is not permitted to log in

This is a permissioning issue. To learn how to set up proper permissions, you can check out our postgres and redshiftpermissioning guides.

pq: password authentication failed for user "XXX";

This is a credential issue. To fix your credentials, head over to Warehouse > Settings > Connection.

dial tcp: lookup XXX-hostname on no such host

This is a credential issue. To fix your credentials, head over to Warehouse > Settings > Connection.

dial tcp XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXX: getsockopt: connection timed out / refused

This is a networking error. The connection times out because Redshift doesn't close properly or gets rebooted.

If you see this error on consecutive syncs, contact us [email protected].

ERROR: syntax error at or near "ENCODE"; (SQLSTATE 42601)

This occurs when a Postgres database is incorrectly connected as Redshift. To resolve this, delete the warehouse and reconnect, using the Postgres setup option.

Error during deduping step for collectionXXX: EOF

This error is generally a network error when Redshift closes the connection. If the problem persists on multiple runs, contact us [email protected].

ERROR: permission denied for relation update (SQLSTATE 42501)

This is a permissioning issue. To learn how to set up proper permissions, you can check out our postgres and redshiftpermissioning guides.


This error is generally a network error when Redshift closes the connection. If the problem persists on multiple runs, contact us.

If you have any questions, or see anywhere we can improve our documentation, please let us know!


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