1. 程式人生 > >Android ANR 問題第二彈------Input事件是如何超時導致ANR的

Android ANR 問題第二彈------Input事件是如何超時導致ANR的

在Android ANR 問題第一彈中,我們介紹Android ANR問題分為三類:Input,Receiver,Service。我們現在就先來詳細的介紹Input事件超時是如何導致ANR問題發生的,我們只有從原理上去了解Input超時的本質,才能更好的分析解決實際開發中遇到的問題。本文會以Android8.1的程式碼為準,來簡要分析Input事件超時。

在分析Input超時之前,我們先來簡單的介紹一下Android的Input系統。Android Input體系中,大致有兩種型別的事件,實體按鍵key事件,螢幕點選觸控事件,當然如果根據事件型別的不同我們還能細分為基礎實體按鍵的key(power,volume up/down,recents,back,home),實體鍵盤按鍵,螢幕點選(多點,單點),螢幕滑動等等的事件。在Android整個Input體系中有三個格外重要的成員:Eventhub,InputReader,InputDispatcher。它們分別擔負著各自不同的職責,Eventhub負責監聽/dev/input產生Input事件,InputReader負責從Eventhub讀取事件,並將讀取的事件發給InputDispatcher,InputDispatcher則根據實際的需要具體分發給當前手機獲得焦點實際的Window。當然它們三者之間有工作遠比我介紹的要複雜的很多。


bool InputDispatcherThread::threadLoop() {
    return true;


void InputDispatcher::dispatchOnceInnerLocked(nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    nsecs_t currentTime = now();//記錄事件分發的第一時間點,很重要,此引數會不斷在接下來的方法中作為引數進行傳遞。
    // Ready to start a new event.
    // If we don't already have a pending event, go grab one.
    if (! mPendingEvent) { //只有但前mPendingEvent(正在分發的事件)為空的時候才進入
        // Get ready to dispatch the event.
    switch (mPendingEvent->type) {
    case EventEntry::TYPE_KEY: {
        KeyEntry* typedEntry = static_cast<KeyEntry*>(mPendingEvent);
        done = dispatchKeyLocked(currentTime, typedEntry, &dropReason, nextWakeupTime);
    if (done) {
        if (dropReason != DROP_REASON_NOT_DROPPED) {
            dropInboundEventLocked(mPendingEvent, dropReason);//這裡稍微提一下,一般打出的一些drop***event的log都是從這裡輸出的


void InputDispatcher::resetANRTimeoutsLocked() {
    // Reset input target wait timeout.
    mInputTargetWaitCause = INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_NONE;


bool InputDispatcher::dispatchKeyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime, KeyEntry* entry,
        DropReason* dropReason, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    // Identify targets.
    Vector<InputTarget> inputTargets;
    int32_t injectionResult = findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(currentTime,
            entry, inputTargets, nextWakeupTime); file descriptors from//這邊會找到當前有焦點的視窗window,並根據條件觸發ANR


    // Dispatch the key.
    dispatchEventLocked(currentTime, entry, inputTargets);//繼續執行事件分發流程
    return true;


int32_t InputDispatcher::findFocusedWindowTargetsLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        const EventEntry* entry, Vector<InputTarget>& inputTargets, nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime) {
    int32_t injectionResult;
    String8 reason;
    // If there is no currently focused window and no focused application
    // then drop the event.
    if (mFocusedWindowHandle == NULL) {
        if (mFocusedApplicationHandle != NULL) {
            injectionResult = handleTargetsNotReadyLocked(currentTime, entry,
                    mFocusedApplicationHandle, NULL, nextWakeupTime,
                    "Waiting because no window has focus but there is a "
                    "focused application that may eventually add a window "
                    "when it finishes starting up.");
            goto Unresponsive;
        }//看到這裡,有沒有一絲的驚喜,是不是發現monkey test的時候經常遇到類似log的ANR?典型的無視窗,有應用的ANR問題,這裡我們就需要了解Android應用的啟動流程了(後續準備寫一篇Android應用啟動流程詳細分析的文章),一般此類問題都是Android應用首次啟動時會發生此類問題,此時我們應用本身需要檢查一下我們的Android應用重寫的Application onCreate方法,Android應用的啟動介面是否在onCreate onStart方法中是否存在耗時操作。當然不排除系統原因造成的啟動慢,直接導致ANR問題發生的情況

        ALOGI("Dropping event because there is no focused window or focused application.");
        injectionResult = INPUT_EVENT_INJECTION_FAILED;
        goto Failed;

    // Check whether the window is ready for more input.//這裡將會進入更為詳細更多種類的ANR觸發過程
    reason = checkWindowReadyForMoreInputLocked(currentTime,
            mFocusedWindowHandle, entry, "focused");
    if (!reason.isEmpty()) {//一旦checkWindowReadyForMoreInputLocked返回不為空,怎說明存在應用ANR
        injectionResult = handleTargetsNotReadyLocked(currentTime, entry,
                mFocusedApplicationHandle, mFocusedWindowHandle, nextWakeupTime, reason.string());
        goto Unresponsive;

    // Success!  Output targets.
            InputTarget::FLAG_FOREGROUND | InputTarget::FLAG_DISPATCH_AS_IS, BitSet32(0),

    // Done.
    nsecs_t timeSpentWaitingForApplication = getTimeSpentWaitingForApplicationLocked(currentTime);
    updateDispatchStatisticsLocked(currentTime, entry,
            injectionResult, timeSpentWaitingForApplication);
    ALOGD("findFocusedWindow finished: injectionResult=%d, "
            injectionResult, timeSpentWaitingForApplication / 1000000.0);
    return injectionResult;


String8 InputDispatcher::checkWindowReadyForMoreInputLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        const sp<InputWindowHandle>& windowHandle, const EventEntry* eventEntry,
        const char* targetType) {
    // If the window is paused then keep waiting.
    if (windowHandle->getInfo()->paused) {
        return String8::format("Waiting because the %s window is paused.", targetType);

    // If the window's connection is not registered then keep waiting.
    ssize_t connectionIndex = getConnectionIndexLocked(windowHandle->getInputChannel());
    if (connectionIndex < 0) {
        return String8::format("Waiting because the %s window's input channel is not "
                "registered with the input dispatcher.  The window may be in the process "
                "of being removed.", targetType);

    // If the connection is dead then keep waiting.
    sp<Connection> connection = mConnectionsByFd.valueAt(connectionIndex);
    if (connection->status != Connection::STATUS_NORMAL) {
        return String8::format("Waiting because the %s window's input connection is %s."
                "The window may be in the process of being removed.", targetType,

    // If the connection is backed up then keep waiting.
    if (connection->inputPublisherBlocked) {
        return String8::format("Waiting because the %s window's input channel is full.  "
                "Outbound queue length: %d.  Wait queue length: %d.",
                targetType, connection->outboundQueue.count(), connection->waitQueue.count());

    // Ensure that the dispatch queues aren't too far backed up for this event.
    if (eventEntry->type == EventEntry::TYPE_KEY) {
        // If the event is a key event, then we must wait for all previous events to
        // complete before delivering it because previous events may have the
        // side-effect of transferring focus to a different window and we want to
        // ensure that the following keys are sent to the new window.
        // Suppose the user touches a button in a window then immediately presses "A".
        // If the button causes a pop-up window to appear then we want to ensure that
        // the "A" key is delivered to the new pop-up window.  This is because users
        // often anticipate pending UI changes when typing on a keyboard.
        // To obtain this behavior, we must serialize key events with respect to all
        // prior input events.
        if (!connection->outboundQueue.isEmpty() || !connection->waitQueue.isEmpty()) {
            return String8::format("Waiting to send key event because the %s window has not "
                    "finished processing all of the input events that were previously "
                    "delivered to it.  Outbound queue length: %d.  Wait queue length: %d.",
                    targetType, connection->outboundQueue.count(), connection->waitQueue.count());
    } else {
        // Touch events can always be sent to a window immediately because the user intended
        // to touch whatever was visible at the time.  Even if focus changes or a new
        // window appears moments later, the touch event was meant to be delivered to
        // whatever window happened to be on screen at the time.
        // Generic motion events, such as trackball or joystick events are a little trickier.
        // Like key events, generic motion events are delivered to the focused window.
        // Unlike key events, generic motion events don't tend to transfer focus to other
        // windows and it is not important for them to be serialized.  So we prefer to deliver
        // generic motion events as soon as possible to improve efficiency and reduce lag
        // through batching.
        // The one case where we pause input event delivery is when the wait queue is piling
        // up with lots of events because the application is not responding.
        // This condition ensures that ANRs are detected reliably.
        if (!connection->waitQueue.isEmpty()
                && currentTime >= connection->waitQueue.head->deliveryTime
                        + STREAM_AHEAD_EVENT_TIMEOUT) {
            return String8::format("Waiting to send non-key event because the %s window has not "
                    "finished processing certain input events that were delivered to it over "
                    "%0.1fms ago.  Wait queue length: %d.  Wait queue head age: %0.1fms.",
                    targetType, STREAM_AHEAD_EVENT_TIMEOUT * 0.000001f,
                    (currentTime - connection->waitQueue.head->deliveryTime) * 0.000001f);
    return String8::empty();


int32_t InputDispatcher::handleTargetsNotReadyLocked(nsecs_t currentTime,
        const EventEntry* entry,
        const sp<InputApplicationHandle>& applicationHandle,
        const sp<InputWindowHandle>& windowHandle,
        nsecs_t* nextWakeupTime, const char* reason) {
    if (applicationHandle == NULL && windowHandle == NULL) {//無應用,無視窗,進入一次,繼續等待應用,不觸發ANR
        if (mInputTargetWaitCause != INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_SYSTEM_NOT_READY) {
            ALOGD("Waiting for system to become ready for input.  Reason: %s", reason);
            mInputTargetWaitCause = INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_SYSTEM_NOT_READY;
            mInputTargetWaitStartTime = currentTime;
            mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime = LONG_LONG_MAX;
            mInputTargetWaitTimeoutExpired = false;
    } else {
#if DEBUG_FOCUS//這裡一般是有應用(application已經建立),無視窗,或者有應用,有視窗ANR的情形,一般同一個視窗至進入一次該方法
            ALOGD("Waiting for application to become ready for input: %s.  Reason: %s",
                    getApplicationWindowLabelLocked(applicationHandle, windowHandle).string(),
            nsecs_t timeout;
            if (windowHandle != NULL) {
                timeout = windowHandle->getDispatchingTimeout(DEFAULT_INPUT_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT);//5s超時
            } else if (applicationHandle != NULL) {
                timeout = applicationHandle->getDispatchingTimeout(
            } else {
                timeout = DEFAULT_INPUT_DISPATCHING_TIMEOUT;//5s超時

            mInputTargetWaitCause = INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_APPLICATION_NOT_READY;//超時等待原因
            mInputTargetWaitStartTime = currentTime;//記錄當前分發事件為第一次分發時間
            mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime = currentTime + timeout;//設定超時
            mInputTargetWaitTimeoutExpired = false;//超時是否過期

            if (windowHandle != NULL) {
                mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle = windowHandle->inputApplicationHandle;//記錄當前等待的應用
            if (mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle == NULL && applicationHandle != NULL) {
                mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle = applicationHandle;

    if (mInputTargetWaitTimeoutExpired) {

    if (currentTime >= mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime) {//當前時間已經大於超時時間,說明應用有時間分發超時了,需要觸發ANR
        onANRLocked(currentTime, applicationHandle, windowHandle,
                entry->eventTime, mInputTargetWaitStartTime, reason);

        // Force poll loop to wake up immediately on next iteration once we get the
        // ANR response back from the policy.
        *nextWakeupTime = LONG_LONG_MIN;
    } else {
        // Force poll loop to wake up when timeout is due.
        if (mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime < *nextWakeupTime) {
            *nextWakeupTime = mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime;


  • 當有事件第一次分發的時候,我們需要注意mFocusedWindowHandle和mFocusedApplicationHandle,暫不考慮無應用,無視窗的情況,這兩個引數都是通過WMS在應用啟動addWindow或者有Window切換的時候,通過JNI設定到InputDispatcher中的,所以我們在分發事件的時候,只會記錄Input事件第一次分發時的時間點,並設定該事件超時的相關引數。
  • 當InputDispatcher再次執行dispatchOnceInnerLocked的時候,發現當前的mPendingEvent不為空,所以不會重置ANR相關的timeout引數,因此只會不停的判斷當前的時間是否大於mInputTargetWaitTimeoutTime,如果大於則觸發ANR。
  • 什麼時候會重置ANR相關的timeout引數呢?分發到新的Input事件時(重置),也就是mpendingevent處理完(重置),又有新的Input事件產生的時候,焦點應用更新的時候,InputDispatcher自身重置的時候。
  • 當Input事件分發超時導致ANR時,真正的ANR發生的第一時間所以應該是InputDispatcherLog打出的時間點,當呼叫onANRLocked層層呼叫最終觸發appNotResponding列印event log ,ActivityManager anr log,記錄trace,因此我們說event log ,ActivityManager anr log,trace具有參考性,並不絕對,並無道理。



Android ANR 問題第二------Input事件是如何超時導致ANR

在Android ANR 問題第一彈中,我們介紹Android ANR問題分為三類:Input,Receiver,Service。我們現在就先來詳細的介紹Input事件超時是如何導致ANR問題發生的,我們只有從原理上去了解Input超時的本質,才能更好的分析解決實際開發中遇到

Android ANR 問題第二------Input超時實戰問題解析上

在前面的Android ANR 問題第二彈一文中,我們簡訴了Android Input超時的原因,我們瞭解到系統Input系統分發Input的事件時如果有5s超時會觸發應用ANR。在實際開發測試中,我們也會經常遇到Input超時導致的ANR問題,那麼現在我們就以實際問題分析一


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