如何修改使用 DocumentProperties() 函式的印表機設定
LPDEVMODE GetLandscapeDevMode(HWND hWnd, char *pDevice) { HANDLE hPrinter; LPDEVMODE pDevMode; DWORD dwNeeded, dwRet; /* Start by opening the printer */ if (!OpenPrinter(pDevice, &hPrinter, NULL)) return NULL; /* * Step 1: * Allocate a buffer of the correct size. */ dwNeeded = DocumentProperties(hWnd, hPrinter, /* Handle to our printer. */ pDevice, /* Name of the printer. */ NULL, /* Asking for size, so */ NULL, /* these are not used. */ 0); /* Zero returns buffer size. */ pDevMode = (LPDEVMODE)malloc(dwNeeded); /* * Step 2: * Get the default DevMode for the printer and * modify it for your needs. */ dwRet = DocumentProperties(hWnd, hPrinter, pDevice, pDevMode, /* The address of the buffer to fill. */ NULL, /* Not using the input buffer. */ DM_OUT_BUFFER); /* Have the output buffer filled. */ if (dwRet != IDOK) { /* If failure, cleanup and return failure. */ free(pDevMode); ClosePrinter(hPrinter); return NULL; } /* * Make changes to the DevMode which are supported. */ if (pDevMode->dmFields & DM_ORIENTATION) { /* If the printer supports paper orientation, set it.*/ pDevMode->dmOrientation = DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE; } if (pDevMode->dmFields & DM_DUPLEX) { /* If it supports duplex printing, use it. */ pDevMode->dmDuplex = DMDUP_HORIZONTAL; } /* * Step 3: * Merge the new settings with the old. * This gives the driver an opportunity to update any private * portions of the DevMode structure. */ dwRet = DocumentProperties(hWnd, hPrinter, pDevice, pDevMode, /* Reuse our buffer for output. */ pDevMode, /* Pass the driver our changes. */ DM_IN_BUFFER | /* Commands to Merge our changes and */ DM_OUT_BUFFER); /* write the result. */ /* Finished with the printer */ ClosePrinter(hPrinter); if (dwRet != IDOK) { /* If failure, cleanup and return failure. */ free(pDevMode); return NULL; } /* Return the modified DevMode structure. */ return pDevMode; }
如何修改使用 DocumentProperties() 函式的印表機設定
LPDEVMODE GetLandscapeDevMode(HWND hWnd, char *pDevice) { HANDLE hPrinter; LPDEVMODE pDevMode; DWORD dwNeeded, dwRet; /* S
使用ResetDC & DEVMODE 特別注意: 1)Note that a call to ResetDC resets all device context attributes back to default values. 2)The s
如何使用 SetPrinter 修改印表機設定
// MySetPrinter // // Demonstrates how to use the SetPrinter API. This particular function changes the orienation // for the printer specified in pPrint
C++ 印表機設定
我在網上已不斷看到一些網友關於自定義紙張列印的問題,基本上還沒有較完美的解決方案,我在這裡提供一個WindowsNT/2000/XP下的解決辦法,供廣大同仁參考。Windows9x/Me下也有解決辦法,有興趣者可共同探討。 該方法的主要思想是在程式開始時新增自定義紙張並設為預設紙張,程式結束前刪除該自定義紙
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PrintDialog BS = new PrintDialog(); int x = BS.PrinterSettings.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width;//印表機預設紙張大小
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#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define OK 1 #define ERROR 0 typedef struct Lnode { int data; struct Lnode * next; }
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