一、資料包資訊級別 Severity Every expert info has a specific severity level. The following severity levels are used, in parentheses are the colors in which the items will be marked in the GUI:Chat (grey): information about usual workflow, e.g. a TCP packet with the SYN flag set
Note (cyan): notable things, e.g. an application returned an "usual" error code like HTTP 404
Warn (yellow): warning, e.g. application returned an "unusual" error code like a connection problem
Error (red): serious problem, e.g. [Malformed Packet] ------------------------------------以上資訊來自於Wireshark User's Guide------------------------------------- 不同的錯誤包表示不同的錯誤級別:會話、提示、警告以及錯誤。當然,Chat級別的資料包肯定不是錯誤,Note級別的錯誤包表示資料雖然合法但是可能不是我們預期資料,Warn級別和Error級別很明顯就是錯誤資料了,需要特殊加以注意和分析。