1. 程式人生 > >react-native打離線bundle包




eact-native bundle


–entry-file Path to the root JS file, either absolute or relative to JS root [required]

–platform Either “iOS” or “Android

–transformer Specify a custom transformer to be used (absolute path) [default: “/Users/babytree-mbp13/projects/xcodeProjects/AwesomeProject/node_modules/


–dev If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified [default: true]

–prepack If true, the output bundle will use the Prepack format. [default: false]

–bridge-config File name of a a JSON export of __fbBatchedBridgeConfig. Used by Prepack. Ex. ./bridgeconfig.json

–bundle-output File name where to store the resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.bundle [required]

–sourcemap-output File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.map

–assets-dest Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle

–verbose Enables logging [default: false]


react-native bundle --entry-file index.android.js --bundle-output ./android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.jsbundle --platform android --assets-dest ./android/app/src/main/res/ --dev false

react-native bundle --entry-file index.android.js --bundle-output ./bundle/androidBundle/index.android.jsbundle --platform android --assets-dest ./bundle/androidBundle/ --dev false





–entry-file Path to the root JS file, either absolute or relative to JS root [required]

–platform Either “ios” or “android”

–transformer Specify a custom transformer to be used (absolute path) [default: “/Users/babytree-mbp13/projects/xcodeProjects/AwesomeProject/node_modules/react-native/packager/transformer.js”]

–dev If false, warnings are disabled and the bundle is minified [default: true]

–prepack If true, the output bundle will use the Prepack format. [default: false]

–bridge-config File name of a a JSON export of __fbBatchedBridgeConfig. Used by Prepack. Ex. ./bridgeconfig.json

–bundle-output File name where to store the resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.bundle [required]

–sourcemap-output File name where to store the sourcemap file for resulting bundle, ex. /tmp/groups.map

–assets-dest Directory name where to store assets referenced in the bundle

–verbose Enables logging [default: false]


1.在工程根目錄下執行打包命令,比如react-native bundle –entry-file index.ios.js –bundle-output ./bundle/iosBundle/index.ios.jsbundle –platform ios –assets-dest ./bundle/iosBundle –dev false 
2.在xcode中新增assets【必須用Create folder references的方式,新增完是藍色資料夾圖示】和index.ios.jsbundle 
3.參考官方文件,修改AppDelegate.m檔案,使用OPTION 2處的程式碼 jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@”index.ios” withExtension:@”jsbundle”];


3.必須用Create folder references【藍色資料夾圖示】的方式引入圖片的assets,否則引用不到圖片 



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