1. 程式人生 > >highcharts自定義匯出檔案格式(csv) highcharts的一些使用心得

highcharts自定義匯出檔案格式(csv) highcharts的一些使用心得

 * A Highcharts plugin for exporting data from a rendered chart as CSV, XLS or HTML table
 * Author:   Torstein Honsi
 * Licence:  MIT
 * Version:  1.4.2
/*global Highcharts, window, document, Blob */
(function (factory) {
    if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
        module.exports = factory;
    } else {
})(function (Highcharts) {

    'use strict';

    var each = Highcharts.each,
        pick = Highcharts.pick,
        seriesTypes = Highcharts.seriesTypes,
        downloadAttrSupported = document.createElement('a').download !== undefined;

        lang: {
            downloadCSV: 'Download CSV',
            downloadXLS: 'Download XLS',
            viewData: 'View data table'

     * Get the data rows as a two dimensional array
    Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getDataRows = function () {
        var options = (this.options.exporting || {}).csv || {},
            xAxis = this.xAxis[0],
            rows = {},
            rowArr = [],
            names = [],
            xTitle = xAxis.options.title && xAxis.options.title.text,

            // Options
            dateFormat = options.dateFormat || '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
            columnHeaderFormatter = options.columnHeaderFormatter || function (series, key, keyLength) {
                return series.name + (keyLength > 1 ? ' ('+ key + ')' : '');

        // Loop the series and index values
        i = 0;
        each(this.series, function (series) {
            var keys = series.options.keys,
                pointArrayMap = keys || series.pointArrayMap || ['y'],
                valueCount = pointArrayMap.length,
                requireSorting = series.requireSorting,
                categoryMap = {},

            // Map the categories for value axes
            each(pointArrayMap, function (prop) {
                categoryMap[prop] = (series[prop + 'Axis'] && series[prop + 'Axis'].categories) || [];

            if (series.options.includeInCSVExport !== false && series.visible !== false) { // #55
                j = 0;
                while (j < valueCount) {
                    names.push(columnHeaderFormatter(series, pointArrayMap[j], pointArrayMap.length));
                    j = j + 1;

                each(series.points, function (point, pIdx) {
                    var key = requireSorting ? point.x : pIdx,

                    j = 0;

                    if (!rows[key]) {
                        rows[key] = [];
                    rows[key].x = point.x;

                    // Pies, funnels, geo maps etc. use point name in X row
                    if (!series.xAxis || series.exportKey === 'name') {
                        rows[key].name = point.name;

                    while (j < valueCount) {
                        prop = pointArrayMap[j]; // y, z etc
                        val = point[prop];
                        rows[key][i + j] = pick(categoryMap[prop][val], val); // Pick a Y axis category if present
                        j = j + 1;

                i = i + j;

        // Make a sortable array
        for (x in rows) {
            if (rows.hasOwnProperty(x)) {
        // Sort it by X values
        rowArr.sort(function (a, b) {
            return a.x - b.x;

        // Add header row
        if (!xTitle) {
            xTitle = xAxis.isDatetimeAxis ? 'DateTime' : 'Category';
        dataRows = [[xTitle].concat(names)];

        // Add the category column
        each(rowArr, function (row) {

            var category = row.name;
            if (!category) {
                if (xAxis.isDatetimeAxis) {
                    if (row.x instanceof Date) {
                        row.x = row.x.getTime();
                    category = Highcharts.dateFormat(dateFormat, row.x);
                } else if (xAxis.categories) {
                    category = pick(xAxis.names[row.x], xAxis.categories[row.x], row.x)
                } else {
                    category = row.x;

            // Add the X/date/category

        return dataRows;

     * Get a CSV string
    Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getCSV = function (useLocalDecimalPoint) {
        var csv = '',
            rows = this.getDataRows(),
            options = (this.options.exporting || {}).csv || {},
            itemDelimiter = options.itemDelimiter || ',', // use ';' for direct import to Excel
            lineDelimiter = options.lineDelimiter || '\n'; // '\n' isn't working with the js csv data extraction

        // Transform the rows to CSV
        each(rows, function (row, i) {
            var val = '',
                j = row.length,
                n = useLocalDecimalPoint ? (1.1).toLocaleString()[1] : '.';
            while (j--) {
                val = row[j];
                if (typeof val === "string") {
                    val = '"' + val + '"';
                if (typeof val === 'number') {
                    if (n === ',') {
                        val = val.toString().replace(".", ",");
                row[j] = val;
            // Add the values
            csv += row.join(itemDelimiter);

            // Add the line delimiter
            if (i < rows.length - 1) {
                csv += lineDelimiter;
        return csv;

     * Build a HTML table with the data
    Highcharts.Chart.prototype.getTable = function (useLocalDecimalPoint) {
        var html = '<table>',
            rows = this.getDataRows();

        // Transform the rows to HTML
        each(rows, function (row, i) {
            var tag = i ? 'td' : 'th',
                n = useLocalDecimalPoint ? (1.1).toLocaleString()[1] : '.';

            html += '<tr>';
            for (j = 0; j < row.length; j = j + 1) {
                val = row[j];
                // Add the cell
                if (typeof val === 'number') {
                    val = val.toString();
                    if (n === ',') {
                        val = val.replace('.', n);
                    html += '<' + tag + ' class="number">' + val + '</' + tag + '>';

                } else {
                    html += '<' + tag + '>' + (val === undefined ? '' : val) + '</' + tag + '>';

            html += '</tr>';
        html += '</table>';
        return html;

    function getContent(chart, href, extension, content, MIME) {
        var a,
            options = (chart.options.exporting || {}).csv || {},
            url = options.url || 'http://www.highcharts.com/studies/csv-export/download.php';

        if (chart.options.exporting.filename) {
            name = chart.options.exporting.filename;
        } else if (chart.title) {
            name = chart.title.textStr.replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase();
        } else {
            name = 'chart';

        // MS specific. Check this first because of bug with Edge (#76)
        if (window.Blob && window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
            // Falls to msSaveOrOpenBlob if download attribute is not supported
            blobObject = new Blob([content]);
            window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blobObject, name + '.' + extension);

        // Download attribute supported
        } else if (downloadAttrSupported) {
            a = document.createElement('a');
            a.href = href;
            a.target = '_blank';
            a.download = name + '.' + extension;

        } else {
            // Fall back to server side handling
            Highcharts.post(url, {
                data: content,
                type: MIME,
                extension: extension

     * Call this on click of 'Download CSV' button
    Highcharts.Chart.prototype.downloadCSV = function () {
        var csv = this.getCSV(true);
            'data:text/csv,\uFEFF' + csv.replace(/\n/g, '%0A'),

     * Call this on click of 'Download XLS' button
    Highcharts.Chart.prototype.downloadXLS = function () {
        var uri = 'data:application/vnd.ms-excel;base64,',
            template = '<html xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40">' +
                '<head><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml><x:ExcelWorkbook><x:ExcelWorksheets><x:ExcelWorksheet>' +
                '<x:Name>Ark1</x:Name>' +
                '<x:WorksheetOptions><x:DisplayGridlines/></x:WorksheetOptions></x:ExcelWorksheet></x:ExcelWorksheets></x:ExcelWorkbook></xml><![endif]-->' +
                '<style>td{border:none;font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;} .number{mso-number-format:"0.00";}</style>' +
                '<meta name=ProgId content=Excel.Sheet>' +
                '<meta charset=UTF-8>' +
                '</head><body>' +
                this.getTable(true) +
            base64 = function (s) { 
                return window.btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(s))); // #50
            uri + base64(template),

     * View the data in a table below the chart
    Highcharts.Chart.prototype.viewData = function () {
        if (!this.insertedTable) {
            var div = document.createElement('div');
            div.className = 'highcharts-data-table';
            // Insert after the chart container
            this.renderTo.parentNode.insertBefore(div, this.renderTo.nextSibling);
            div.innerHTML = this.getTable();
            this.insertedTable = true;
// Add "Download CSV" to the exporting menu. Use download attribute if supported, else // run a simple PHP script that returns a file. The source code for the PHP script can be viewed at // https://raw.github.com/highslide-software/highcharts.com/master/studies/csv-export/csv.php if (Highcharts.getOptions().exporting) { Highcharts.getOptions().exporting.buttons.contextButton.menuItems.push({ textKey: 'downloadCSV', onclick: function () { this.downloadCSV()
; } }, { textKey: 'downloadXLS', onclick: function () { this.downloadXLS(); } }, { textKey: 'viewData', onclick: function () { this.viewData(); } }); } // Series specific if (seriesTypes.map) { seriesTypes.map.prototype.exportKey = 'name'; } if (seriesTypes.mapbubble) { seriesTypes.mapbubble.prototype.exportKey = 'name'; } });


highcharts定義匯出檔案格式(csv) highcharts一些使用心得

/** * A Highcharts plugin for exporting data from a rendered chart as CSV, XLS or HTML table * * Author: Torstein Honsi * Licence: MIT * Ver



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前言 很多人都知道讀取配置檔案,這是初級做法,上升一點難度是使用java bean的方式讀取自定義配置檔案,但是大家很少有知道讀取pom檔案資訊,接下來我都會講到。 正文 筆者還是基於Spring Boot ::        (v1.5.8.RE


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讀取自定義配置檔案 在有些時候,我們要配置一些資料,地址,路徑等操作,比如,上傳檔案的地址,新老路徑的定義,白名單介面等,這個時候需要在配置檔案裡面進行配置,而不是寫在程式碼裡面,在springboot裡面可以使用註解和實體兩種方式進行獲取到配置檔案裡面的配置資訊,我的做法是建立一個class,