postgre——case、union、小計總計(GROUP BY ROLLUP)寫法
//小計總計使用的 GROUP BY ROLLUP函式,GROUP BY ROLLUP使用雙括號將欄位括起來,是將這些欄位分為一組,只會產生一個總計
select case when t_all.temp_comm is null then '總計' else t_all.temp_comm end as temp_comm, commodity_name,guige,t_bi_commbaseinfo.comm_type_id,comm_type_name,t_all.temp_bill,t_all.temp_date, sum(temp_inCount) as temp_inCount,temp_inPrice as temp_inPrice, sum(temp_inCount*temp_inPrice) as temp_inTotal, sum(temp_inCount*temp_inPrice*(1-temp_inTax)) as temp_inTatolTax, sum(temp_inCount*temp_inTax*temp_inPrice) as temp_inTaxTatal, sum(temp_outCount) as temp_outCount,temp_outPrice as temp_outPrice, sum(temp_outCount*temp_outPrice) as temp_outTotal, sum(temp_retailPrice*temp_inCount) as temp_inSaleTotal, sum((temp_retailPrice-temp_inPrice)*temp_inCount) as temp_outDivInTotal, sum(temp_inCount-temp_outCount) as temp_outDivIn, sum(temp_inCount*temp_inPrice) as temp_divTotal from ((SELECT receipt_num AS temp_bill,shd.commodity_id as temp_comm,sh.check_date AS temp_date, (CASE WHEN shd.order_real_inprice IS NOT NULL THEN shd.order_real_inprice ELSE 0 END) AS temp_inPrice,0 as temp_outPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, (CASE WHEN shd.in_tax IS NOT NULL THEN shd.in_tax ELSE 0 END) AS temp_inTax, (case when shd.real_rece_count is not null then shd.real_rece_count else 0 end) as temp_inCount,0 as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_receivedetail AS shd LEFT JOIN t_bi_receive AS sh ON sh.receipt_id = shd.receipt_num LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on shd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE sh.check_date BETWEEN '2015/7/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND receipt_status = '2' )UNION(SELECT thd.return_com_receipt_num AS temp_bill,thd.commodity_id as temp_comm,th.check_date AS temp_date, 0 AS temp_inPrice,(CASE WHEN thd.return_com_price IS NOT NULL THEN thd.return_com_price ELSE 0 END) AS temp_outPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 AS temp_inTax,0 as temp_inCount,(case when thd.return_com_count is not null then return_com_count else 0 end) as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_returncommdetail AS thd LEFT JOIN t_bi_returncomm AS th ON thd.return_com_receipt_num = th.return_com_receipt_num LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on thd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE th.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND th.status = '2') UNION(SELECT lyd.entertain_recei_num AS temp_bill,lyd.commodity_id as temp_comm,ly.check_date AS temp_date,0 as temp_inPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 as temp_outPrice,0 as temp_inTax,0 as temp_inCount,0 as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_entaindetail AS lyd LEFT JOIN t_bi_entainment AS ly ON lyd.entertain_recei_num = ly.entertain_recei_num LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on lyd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE ly.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND ly.status IN ('2', '3') )UNION(SELECT bsd.break_rece_num AS temp_bill,bsd.commodity_id as temp_comm,bs.check_date AS temp_date,0 as temp_inPrice,0 as temp_outPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 as temp_inTax,0 as temp_inCount,0 as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_breakdetail AS bsd LEFT JOIN t_bi_break AS bs ON bsd.break_rece_num = bs.break_rece_num LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on bsd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE bs.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND bs.status = '2' )UNION(SELECT fcd.back_reciept_num AS temp_bill,fcd.commodity_id as temp_comm,fc.check_date AS temp_date,0 as temp_inPrice,0 as temp_outPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 as temp_inTax,0 as temp_inCount,0 as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_returnwaredetail AS fcd LEFT JOIN t_bi_returnwarehose AS fc ON fcd.back_reciept_num = fc.back_reciept_num LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on fcd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE fc.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND fc.status IN ('2', '3', '4') )UNION(SELECT zdd.deliever_rece_num AS temp_bill,zdd.commodity_id as temp_comm,zd.check_date AS temp_date,0 as temp_inPrice,0 as temp_outPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 as temp_inTax,0 as temp_inCount,0 as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_deliverdetail AS zdd LEFT JOIN t_bi_deliver AS zd ON zdd.deliever_rece_num = zd.deliever_rece_num LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on zdd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE zd.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND zd.status IN ('5', '3', '4') )UNION(SELECT tgd.group_reciept AS temp_bill,tgd.commodity_id as temp_comm,tg.check_date AS temp_date,0 as temp_inPrice,(case when tgd.groupbuy_price is not null then tgd.groupbuy_price else 0 end) as temp_outPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 as temp_inTax,0 as temp_inCount,(case when tgd.groupbuy_count is not null then tgd.groupbuy_count else 0 end) as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_hqgroupdetail AS tgd LEFT JOIN t_bi_hqgroup AS tg ON tgd.group_reciept = tg.group_reciept LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on tgd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE tg.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND tg.status IN ('2', '3', '4') )UNION(SELECT ttgd.group_return_reciept AS temp_bill,ttgd.commodity_id as temp_comm,ttg.check_date AS temp_date,(case when ttgd.groupbuy_price is not null then ttgd.groupbuy_price else 0 end) as temp_inPrice, (case when t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price is not null then t_bi_commbaseinfo.retail_price else 0 end) AS temp_retailPrice, 0 as temp_outPrice,0 as temp_inTax,(case when ttgd.groupbuy_count is not null then ttgd.groupbuy_count else 0 end) as temp_inCount, 0 as temp_outCount FROM t_bi_returnhqgroupdetail AS ttgd LEFT JOIN t_bi_returnhqgroup AS ttg ON ttg.group_return_reciept = ttgd.group_return_reciept LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on ttgd.commodity_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id WHERE ttg.check_date BETWEEN '2015/6/1' AND '2016/12/10' AND ttg.status IN ('2', '3', '4')) ) as t_all LEFT JOIN t_bi_commbaseinfo on t_bi_commbaseinfo.commodity_id=t_all.temp_comm LEFT JOIN t_bi_commtype on t_bi_commtype.comm_type_id=t_bi_commbaseinfo.comm_type_id GROUP BY ROLLUP((t_all.temp_comm,commodity_name,guige,t_bi_commbaseinfo.comm_type_id,comm_type_name,t_all.temp_bill,t_all.temp_date, temp_inPrice,temp_outPrice)) order by temp_comm
postgre——case、union、小計總計(GROUP BY ROLLUP)寫法
//將幾張不同表結構的資料全部合併在一起,使用了case、union,同時實現小計總計//小計總計使用的 GROUP BY ROLLUP函式,GROUP BY ROLLUP使用雙括號將欄位括起來,是將這些欄位分為一組,只會產生一個總計select case when t_a
轉自清清月兒gridview72絕技,略有改動 前臺:唯一的花頭就是設定ShowFooter="True" private double sum = 0;//取指定列的資料和,你要根據具體情況對待可能你要處理的是int protected void GridView1_R
closed else while spl 判斷語句 stat 條件 執行 ret 思路:循環或者遞歸都有個結束條件和執行條件。用&&短路與代替。 //短路與&&;就是只有前一個條件滿足才可以去判斷第二個條件。 //遞歸的出口
mic str 歷史 數組 hello 科學 練習 line 空字符串 一 C++概述 1 C++歷史背景 1)C++的江湖地位 jave C C++ C# python 2)C++之父:Bjarne Stroustrup(1950--) 1979,Cpre,為C語言
區別:類的成員預設是私有的private &n
題目描述: 求1+2+3+...+n,要求不能使用乘除法(數學公式)、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C). 分析:這道題雖然常用的方式都給禁掉了,但是可以使用我們c++學過的類和物件,通過使用類和靜態來完成。常規情況下,從1+到n,
題目如下: 求1+2+3+…+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C) 本題考的知識點就兩點 && 運算子 false && true =>
Leetcode演算法——64、最小路徑之和(minimum path sum)
給定一個 m*n 的非負整數矩陣,找到一條路徑,從左上角到右下角,要求這條路徑上的所有陣列之和最小。 備註:每次只能向下或向右移動。 Input: [ [1,3,1], [1,5,1], [4,2,1] ] Output: 7 Explanation: Because
題目描述 求1+2+3+...+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C)。
//求1+2+3+...+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字 //及條件判斷語句(A?B:C)。 public class Solution { public int Sum_Solution(int n) { //if
求1+2+3+...+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C)。 public class Solution { public int Sum_Solution(int n) { // if(
程式碼: class Solution { public: class Sum { public: Sum() { s_count++; s_sum += s_count;
前幾天跟同學交流聽說一個比較有意思的oj題目,具體描述如下: 題目描述: 求1+2+3+...+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C)。 輸入: 輸入可能包含多個測試樣例。 對於每個測試案例,輸
快排:(若求top M個元素,則只需把下面的程式裡的k換乘n-M即可) //利用快排求最小的k個數,第k小的數 void GetLeastKNum(int *input,int n,int *output,int k) { if(input==NU
今天在牛客網上遇到這樣一道題目,求1+2+3+…+n,要求不能使用乘除法、for、while、if、else、switch、case等關鍵字及條件判斷語句(A?B:C) 一般大家在看到這種題目的時候是完全沒有頭緒的,但是我們可以從多方面進行思考,首先我們應該想
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關於hive 子查詢、union 、left join
建表語句: create table tb_in_base ( id bigint, devid bigint, devname string ) partitioned by (j
java題目:求 1+2+...+n,要求不能用除法、 for、 while、 if、 else、 switch、 case 等關鍵字及條件判斷語句( A?B:C)。
這是劍指offer的46道面試題,由於面試官諸多條件的限制,本文采用遞迴的手法完成程式碼 public class Sum { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out
設(A, ≤)是一偏序集合,B是A的子集。 最大元素、最小元素:(1)元素b∈B是B的最大元素,如果對每一元素x∈B,x≤b(2)元素b∈B是B的最小元素,如果對每一元素x∈B,b≤x即:對於每一
鑲嵌 wid 方法 數量 子串 進行 遞增 動態 動態規劃 問題:最長連續公共子串、最長公共子串(可以非連續)、最長回文串(連續)、最長回文串(可以不連續)、最長遞增數組、長方形鑲嵌最多的求解 方法:上述問題有相似性,都可以采用動態規劃進行求解。 (1)最長連續公共子串:
what's the python之可叠代對象、叠代器與生成器(附面試題)
urn for循環 生成器 出現 擁有 移動 iterable 文本 協議 可叠代對象 字符串、列表、元祖、集合、字典都是可叠代的,數字是不可叠代的。(可以用for循環遍歷取出內部元素的就是可叠代的) 如何查看一個變量是否為可叠代: from collections im