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My Architecture: Evertz – Broadcast Playout from the AWS Cloud

Worldwide Tech Leader for AWS M&E, Usman Shakeel, speaks with Dan Turow, VP of File-based Solutions at Evertz, about the architecture for conducting broadcast playout in the cloud.

By broadcasting in the cloud, Evertz customers are taking advantage of the flexibility, agility, and scale of the AWS cloud:

“Discovery’s business is more dynamic than ever. In order to distribute content on every screen and launch new and innovative products, the ability to scale our technical operation is critical. A little over a year ago we decided to reimagine what infrastructure could look like by moving to a software and public cloud environment. We had to identify partners that would embrace this new approach to media infrastructure” said John Honeycutt, Chief Technology Officer at Discovery.

“By adopting new virtualization and IP technologies, media companies have several degrees of technological and operational freedom that have never before been available. The movement towards a cloud-based architecture gives Discovery increased agility and adaptability while allowing them to manage both capital and operating costs,” said Dan Turow, Vice President of File Based Solutions at Evertz. “This pioneering system will utilize the public cloud at massive scale and support the ability to rapidly deploy new channels.”


My Architecture: EvertzBroadcast Playout from the AWS Cloud

Worldwide Tech Leader for AWS M&E, Usman Shakeel, speaks with Dan Turow, VP of File-based Solutions at Evertz, about the architecture

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