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Two recent Go talks

2 January 2013


Late last year I wrote a couple of Go talks and presented them at Strange Loop, Øredev, and various other venues. The talks are designed to give insight into the practice of Go programming, each describing the construction of a real program and demonstrating the power and depth of the Go language and its libraries and tools.

The following videos are, in my opinion, the best recordings of these talks.

Go: a simple programming environment

Go is a general-purpose language that bridges the gap between efficient statically typed languages and productive dynamic language. But it’s not just the language that makes Go special – Go has broad and consistent standard libraries and powerful but simple tools.

This talk gives an introduction to Go, followed by a tour of some real programs that demonstrate the power, scope, and simplicity of the Go programming environment.

See the slide deck (use the left and right arrows to navigate).

Go: code that grows with grace

One of Go's key design goals is code adaptability; that it should be easy to take a simple design and build upon it in a clean and natural way. In this talk I describe a simple "chat roulette" server that matches pairs of incoming TCP connections, and then use Go's concurrency mechanisms, interfaces, and standard library to extend it with a web interface and other features. While the function of the program changes dramatically, Go's flexibility preserves the original design as it grows.

See the slide deck (use the left and right arrows to navigate).


Two recent Go talks

2 January 2013 Introduction Late last year I wrote a couple of Go talks and presented them at Strange Loop, Øred

Two recent Go articles

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增加 row throws mgr 額外 finally join table 還需 停止線程是一個目標簡單而實現卻不那麽簡單的任務。首先,Java沒有提供直接的API用於停止線程。此外,停止線程時還有一些額外的細節需要考慮,如待停止的線程處於阻塞(等待鎖)或者等待狀態(等

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整數 func 基礎 字型 開始 import open spl 註意 概述   變量來源於數學,是計算機語言中能儲存計算結果或能表示值抽象概念。變量可以通過變量名訪問。   Go 語言變量名由字母、數字、下劃線組成,其中首個字母不能為數字。   聲明變量的一般形式是

GO中常用包筆記 bytes(四)

g 學習筆記 bytes包Package bytes對字節數組進行操作的包。功能和strings包相似.bytes包提供的功能有:和另一個字節數組切片的關系(逐字節比較大小,是否相等/相似,是否包含/包含次數,位置搜索,是否是前綴後綴)2.字節數組切片和字符串的關系(字符串中是否含有字節數組所包含的rune,

CDOJ 1221 Ancient Go

cout#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;bool ok;char maze[15][15];char Map[12][12];bool vis[15][15];int x[4] = {0,0,1,-1};int y[4] = {1,-1,0,0

Go - 數組

索引 創建 16px class 表示 int32 部分 func amp 數組: Array 1. 定義: var <arrayName> [n] (n>=0) <type> 註: 數組的長度n,也是數組定義的組成部分;所以:var i


go 類型 嵌入類型,或者嵌套類型,這是一種可以把已有的類型聲明在新的類型裏的一種方式,這種功能對代碼復用非常重要。在其他語言中,有繼承可以做同樣的事情,但是在Go語言中,沒有繼承的概念。Go提倡的代碼復用的方式是組合,所以這也是嵌入類型的意義所在。組合而不是繼承,所以Go才會更靈活。type Rea

後端程序員之路 52、A Tour of Go-2

run arrays primes var auto 程序 pointer ase tex # flowcontrol - for - for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { - for ; sum < 1000;


程序編寫 執行文件 語言培訓 多線程 老男孩 老男孩教育go語言培訓是國內首家go語言培訓機構,主講老師是小米架構資深架構師,有多年go開發經驗。小編現將go語言優點整理如下,希望能幫到你們 1.部署簡單Go 編譯生成的是一個靜態可執行文件,除了 glibc 外沒有其他外部依賴。這讓部署變

Go - 切片(Slice)

什麽 部分 pri 長度 code ron logs 內存 tro 定義 切片本身不是數組,它指向底層的數組或者數組的一部分。因此,可以使用Slice來處理變長數組的應用場景。 Silice 是一種引用類型。 1、定義一個空的Slice package main