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Go for App Engine is now generally available

21 July 2011

The Go and App Engine teams are excited to announce that the Go runtime for App Engine is now generally available. This means you can take that Go app you've been working on (or meaning to work on) and deploy it to App Engine right now with the new

1.5.2 SDK.

Since we announced the Go runtime at Google I/O we have continued to improve and extend Go support for the App Engine APIs and have added the Channels API. The Go Datastore API now supports transactions and ancestor queries, too. See the Go App Engine documentation

for all the details.

For those who have been using the Go SDK already, please note that the 1.5.2 release introduces api_version 2. This is because the new SDK is based on Go release.r58.1 (the current stable version of Go) and is not backwards compatible with the previous release. Existing apps may require changes as per the

r58 release notes. Once you've updated your code, you should redeploy your app with the line api_version: 2 in its app.yaml file. Apps written against api_version 1 will stop working after the 18th of August.

Finally, we owe a huge thanks to our trusted testers and their many bug reports. Their help was invaluable in reaching this important milestone.

The fastest way to get started with Go on App Engine is with the Getting Started guide.

Note that the Go runtime is still considered experimental; it is not as well-supported as the Python and Java runtimes.


Go for App Engine is now generally available

21 July 2011 The Go and App Engine teams are excited to announce that the Go runtime for App Engine is now g

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