1. 程式人生 > >Go will be at OSCON 2014

Go will be at OSCON 2014

15 July 2014

OSCON, the Open Source Convention, is taking place from July 20th to the 29th in Portland, Oregon and Go will be central to many talks. If you are attending make sure you add these to your personal schedule.

On Monday you'll have the chance to learn Go in these two tutorials:

During the rest of the week you can hear how different projects use Go:

And if you have any questions come to the

Go office hours on Wednesday or come anytime by the Google booth.

See you at OSCON!


Go will be at OSCON 2014

15 July 2014 OSCON, the Open Source Convention, is taking place from July 20th to the 29th in Portland

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Effort to support postsecondary education in prison will be housed at MIT

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Go talks at FOSDEM 2014

24 February 2014 Introduction At FOSDEM on the 2nd of February 2014 members of the Go community presented

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