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Digital Transformation, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring

"AWS has been a force-multiplier for Teralytic. We have a network of soil-sensing IoT devices from which data are collected, fed, and analyzed for us to understand the health of our customers' agricultural ecosystems. We chose AWS IoT Analytics for its ability to filter outlier readings from our calculations and proactively detect issues as they arise so we can resolve them faster. In most cases, we're able to identify and prevent issues before they result in service interruptions for our customers. Within IoT Analytics, we can utilize our Machine Learning models to help detect situations where nutrients are at risk of leeching into ground water or be at risk of runoff into surface water. In addition to the environmental benefits, detecting nutrient levels by depth at key decision points in the growing season can reduce a farmer's costs as well as potentially increasing their yield."

- Dan Casson, VP of Engineering  


Digital Transformation, Predictive Maintenance, Condition Monitoring

"AWS has been a force-multiplier for Teralytic. We have a network of soil-sensing IoT devices from which data are collected, fed, and analyzed

Digital transformation in 2019: The big insights and trends

Reimagining business for the digital age is the number-one priority for many of today's top executives. We offer practical advice and examples of how to do

SnapLogic: The Universal Translator of Digital Transformation and AI

Companies have a never-ending list of cloud applications they rely on with crucial data becoming ever-more siloed. Yet, in order to make sense of all this

The 5 key drivers of digital transformation today

A few times each year, senior digital executives from around the world assemble at Forrester's Digital Transformation Summit to check in with each other an

The Digital Transformation People | AITopics

The World Economic Forum has forecasted that robots will eliminate 75 million jobs by 2022. However, they also predict they will create 133 million new job

The New Wave of Digital Transformation | AITopics

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6 Technology Trends Shaping Digital Transformation

Digital transformation, as defined by Constellation Research, is "the methodology in which organizations transform and create new business models and cultu

digital transformation

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Effective Digital Transformation; Trends in Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Data

The major trend observed across industry and the public sector is artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) for automation.

The digital transformation of Financial Advice

As in many other industries, automation is taking hold and it is accompanied by its share of critics who perceive a threat to the existing order of service

Digital Transformation for the CPG space

Digital Transformation for the CPG spaceEveryone goes digital. That’s the new normal now. If you are the famous barbershop around the corner and you don’t

Digital transformation: three ways HR can use AI more effectively

Data is changing the world, but today's enterprises remain inundated with an ever-rising tide of data generated by products, customers, partners, and busin

AWS Case Study: General Electric's Digital Transformation

Amazon Web Services is Hiring. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a dynamic, growing business unit within Amazon.com. We are currently hiring So

Predictive Maintenance

Bitfusion Boost Ubuntu 14 Caffe Ubuntu 14 AMI pre-installed with Nvidia Drivers, Cuda 7.5 Toolkit, cuDNN 5.1, Caffe, pyCaffe

Using AWS IoT for Predictive Maintenance

The interest in machine learning for industrial and manufacturing use cases on the edge is growing. Manufacturers need to know when a machine is a


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#282(div2) A. Digital Counter

counter sin using esp its clu count urn ++ 題意:某個數字可能損壞部分,問有多少種變成給出的數字。 思路:直接算。 1 #include<bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std;