1. 程式人生 > >AWS Adds 12 More Services to Its PCI DSS Compliance Program

AWS Adds 12 More Services to Its PCI DSS Compliance Program

Twelve more AWS services have obtained Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance, giving you more options, flexibility, and functionality to process and store sensitive payment card data in the AWS Cloud. The services were audited by Coalfire to ensure that they meet strict

PCI DSS standards.

The newly compliant AWS services are:

AWS now offers 42 services that meet PCI DSS standards, putting administrators in better control of their frameworks and making workloads more efficient and cost effective.

– Sara


AWS Adds 12 More Services to Its PCI DSS Compliance Program

Twelve more AWS services have obtained Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance, giving you more options, flexib

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AWS has added 16 more AWS services to its Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance program, giving you more opti

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LeetCode(12)Integer to Roman

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LeetCode之Easy篇 ——(12)Roman to Integer

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12 More Effective C++—條款16/17 (2/8原理與延緩求值)

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