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Home Automation, Home Security & Monitoring, Home Networking

A connected home brings devices and services together for an integrated, autonomous experience that improves a consumer’s life. Connected home experiences include everything from voice-controlled lights, house-cleaning robots, machine learning-enabled security cameras, and WiFi routers that troubleshoot for you. Thanks to decreasing costs and increasing options for connectivity, these smart home devices, sensors, and tools can be interlinked to create real-time, contextual, and smart experiences for consumers.

IoT powers the connected home by bringing new features and capabilities to smart devices, like interconnectivity, security, offline communication, predictive maintenance, analytics for consumer insights, and machine learning. Each of these capabilities play a different role in key connected home use cases such as home automation, home security and monitoring, and home networking.


Home Automation, Home Security & Monitoring, Home Networking

A connected home brings devices and services together for an integrated, autonomous experience that improves a consumer’s life. Connected home e

a completely hackable home automation toolset | Hacker News

Hello Hacker News,My co-founder and I have spent the better part of years developing a completely hackable Home Automation toolset that runs on a Raspberry

Build a unified home automation system

Summary Learn how to create a truly smart home by building a unified interface for interacting with all the connected devices in your

How I use home automation for work – Noteworthy

How I use home automation for workSlack channel called `# availability` where we mark when we are working. It's not about tracking how many hours you work,

Implement voice controls for a serverless home automation hub

Summary Home automation has gone from science fiction to reality in a few short years. This code pattern shows you how easy it is to

Artificial Intelligence in Home Automation

If asked about the two buzzwords in business circles today, they are artificial intelligence and automation. When both are combined together, just imagine


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Amazon GuardDuty – Continuous Security Monitoring & Threat Detection

Threats to your IT infrastructure (AWS accounts & credentials, AWS resources, guest operating systems, and applications) come in all shapes an

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HDU 1824 Let's go home (2-SAT判定)

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HDU 1533 Going Home(KM完美匹配)

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