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Other Directory Types Pricing

If you are a new AWS Directory Service customer and create a large Simple AD directory in the US West (Oregon) region, and run that managed directory 24 hours a day for 60 days, AWS calculates your charges as follows:

Simple AD large directories are not eligible for the Directory Service 30-day limited free trial.

Summary of charges for first 30 days

Your bill for the first 30 days of use is $108.00.


Other Directory Types Pricing

If you are a new AWS Directory Service customer and create a large Simple AD directory in the US West (Oregon) region, and run that managed direct

AWS Directory Service Other Directory Types

Q: What is AD Connector? AD Connector is a directory gateway designed to support AWS Enterprise IT application authentication, and to join

Android SDK安裝時出錯“android Failed to rename directory”的解決方法

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Camel FTP error:File operation failed: 150 Here comes the directory listing

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Azure Active Directory Authentication Libary (ADAL)

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【常見Web應用安全問題】---4、Directory traversal

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