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the Blog of Dale無雙(Some recordings in the field of software engineering)

Welcome to my blog.

For those who are interested in my projects, you can visit My GitHub


態度: 平生用功,但求問心無愧爾。



the Blog of DaleSome recordings in the field of software engineering

Welcome to my blog. For those who are interested in my projects, you can visit My GitHub 專業:軟體工程 態度: 平生用功,但求問心無愧爾。 我寫部落格的目的:1)把所學知

the Blog of DaleSome recordings in the field of software engineering

Welcome to my blog. For those who are interested in my projects, you can visit My GitHub 專業:軟體工程 態度: 平生用功,但求問心無愧爾。 我寫部落格的目的:1)把所學知

the Blog of Dale

前言 發現Python中有很多值得研究的問題,但是時間不太多。所以就在這裡簡要記錄一下。 1 python的編碼解碼 Since Python 3.0, strings are stored as Unicode, i.e. each character

bzoj2733: [HNOI2012]永splay+啟發式合並/線段樹合並

getch pla long long 線段 def read ++ i++ hid   這題之前寫過線段樹合並,今天復習Splay的時候想起這題,打算寫一次Splay+啟發式合並。   好爽!!!   寫了長長的代碼(其實也不長),只憑著下午的一點記憶(沒背板子。。。),

The serializable class User does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long警告

新建一個user類,並且實現它的getter,setter方法後,發現如下警告: The serializable class User does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long

VxVM報錯“Some volumes in the disk group are in use”的原因和解決方法

在使用SYMANTEC的VxVM卷管理軟體時,執行vxdg deport磁碟組(disk group)時報錯“Some volumes in the disk group are in use”,形如: # vxdg deport testdg VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-584 D

Ask HN: What percent of PRs on your project has “fix” in the title?

I'm working on a project for a few years and we just noticed that 15% of our pull requests have "fix" in the title. That made me wonder, what's the number

POJ 1050 To the Max 最大子矩陣和二維的最大欄位和

傳送門: To the Max Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 52306 Accepted: 27646 Description Given a two-dimensional array of positive

Discovery May Lead to the Creation of Biofuel from Power Fault Detection CO2 in the Atmosphere

www.inhandnetworks.com Michael Adams is a member of UGA’s Bioenergy Systems Research Institute, Georgia Power professor of biotechnology and dis

php連線mysql時報錯The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future

首先 可以成功連線,但是會報錯, The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead。。。 如下: 意思很明顯了啊,mysql_connect在將來的

Hibernate Validator 6.0.7.Final 之一宣告Bean約束之field級別的約束

bean校驗中的約束是通過Java註解的形式表現出來的(例如,@NotNull是一個非空約束),再細分的話,有4種類型的約束,它們分別是:field級別的約束、property級別的約束、容器元素的約束和類級別的約束。 本文講解第一種情況,也就是field級別的約束

warning C4819 解決方案 warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented in the cu

原文轉載於:http://blog.csdn.net/xiaoting451292510/article/details/17548957 一、 warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be r

How browsers work--Behind the scenes of modern web browsers 前端必讀

層次 優先級 display 忽略 保存 手動 背景 out 循環 瀏覽器可以被認為是使用最廣泛的軟件,本文將介紹瀏覽器的工 作原理,我們將看到,從你在地址欄輸入google.com到你看到google主頁過程中都發生了什麽。 將討論的瀏覽器 今天,有五種主流瀏覽器——IE

Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.給定一個字符串,找到最長的子串的長度,這個子串不存在重復的字符。

長度 index val color arraylist pub 翻譯 buffer int Given a string, find the length of the longest substring without repeating characters.

DeepTracker: Visualizing the Training Process of Convolutional Neural Networks對卷積神經網絡訓練過程的可視化

training ces ini net mini 個人 src works con \ 裏面主要的兩個算法比較難以贅述,miniset主要就是求最小公共子集。(個人認為)DeepTracker: Visualizing the Train

【跟我學oracle18c】第十七天:Multitenant Architecture多租戶框架:2.2 Overview of Commonality in the CDB藍色感悟

在CDB中,每個使用者、角色或物件都是通用的或本地的。類似地,通常或區域性授予特權. This section contains the following topics: About Commonality in a CDB A common phenomenon defined i

the blog of alunSemiconductor

本文把程式設計師所需掌握的關鍵知識總結為三大類19個關鍵概念,然後給出了掌握每個關鍵概念所需的入門書籍,必讀書籍,以及延伸閱讀。旨在成為最好最全面的程式設計師必讀書單。 前言 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready

解決CCS中匯入工程時提示overlaps the location of another project問題與另一個專案的位置重疊

因為之前寫了一個程式,現在想在之前的程式上再增加內容,於是把之前的專案資料夾重新複製貼上在了同一個頂層路徑裡。如圖所示,原檔案為led2018_12_12,複製粘貼後新檔案命被命名為了key_led2018_12_14. 然後在CCS裡新增新檔案工程的時候出現如下提示:E:\V101\ke

Multiples of 3 and 5the answer

progress:  key:none code: #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<iostream>

The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle:

啟動服務報錯 : ┌─────┐ |  userServiceImpl defined in file [D:\IdeaProjects\pro_new\diich-ecology\diich-biz\diich-biz-core\out\production\classe