Eclipse刪除出錯:exception has been caught while processing the refactoring 'Rename package'
Seems from your snapshot that you are running windows 7, maybe vista. If its not a renaming issue, try running eclipse as administrator. It might be permissions-related, but its just a thought.
I see merit behind what Kurru is saying. Windows is not a case-sensitive operating system, meaning that is sees the words Cat and cat as the same thing. When you rename your package, Eclipse creates new directories/folder to put the package in. If you changed the case of your words and not actually rename it, it could throw this error.
Eclipse刪除出錯:exception has been caught while processing the refactoring 'Rename package'
Seems from your snapshot that you are running windows 7, maybe vista. If its not a renaming issue, try running eclipse as administrator. It might be perm
An exception has been caught while processing the refactoring 'Delete'
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這是由於eclipse異常關閉導致的,你只需要按以下步驟操作就能解決: 1.開啟eclipse工作空間E:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources找到.projects檔案 2.開啟.projects檔案
eclipse啟動出錯:An error has occurred.See the log file D:\workspace\.metadata\.log.
這是由於eclipse異常關閉導致的,你只需要按以下步驟操作就能解決: 1.開啟eclipse工作空間D:\eclipse\workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources找到.projects檔案 2.開啟.p
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