1. 程式人生 > >圖形處理之Unity3DShader(一)Vertex and Fragment Shader

圖形處理之Unity3DShader(一)Vertex and Fragment Shader


_MyColor ("Some Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1)

_MyVector ("Some Vector", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)

_MyFloat ("My float", Float) = 0.5

_MyTexture ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {}

_MyCubemap ("Cubemap", CUBE) = "" {}


Possible values for LightMode tag are:

  • Always: Always rendered; no lighting is applied.
  • ForwardBase: Used in Forward rendering, ambient, main directional light, vertex/SH lights and lightmaps are applied.
  • ForwardAdd: Used in Forward rendering; additive per-pixel lights are applied, one pass per light.
  • Deferred: Used in Deferred Shading; renders g-buffer.
  • ShadowCaster: Renders object depth into the shadowmap or a depth texture.
  • PrepassBase: Used in legacy Deferred Lighting, renders normals and specular exponent.
  • PrepassFinal: Used in legacy Deferred Lighting, renders final color by combining textures, lighting and emission.
  • Vertex: Used in legacy Vertex Lit rendering when object is not lightmapped; all vertex lights are applied.
  • VertexLMRGBM: Used in legacy Vertex Lit rendering when object is lightmapped; on platforms where lightmap is RGBM encoded (PC & console).
  • VertexLM: Used in legacy Vertex Lit rendering when object is lightmapped; on platforms where lightmap is double-LDR encoded (mobile platforms).

Possible values for LightMode tag are:

  • SoftVegetation: Render this pass only if Soft Vegetation is on in Quality Settings.

Possible values for Queue tag are:

  • Background - this render queue is rendered before any others. You’d typically use this for things that really need to be in the background.
  • Geometry (default) - this is used for most objects. Opaque geometry uses this queue.
  • AlphaTest - alpha tested geometry uses this queue. It’s a separate queue from Geometry one since it’s more efficient to render alpha-tested objects after all solid ones are drawn.
  • Transparent - this render queue is rendered after Geometry and AlphaTest, in back-to-front order. Anything alpha-blended (i.e. shaders that don’t write to depth buffer) should go here (glass, particle effects).
  • Overlay - this render queue is meant for overlay effects. Anything rendered last should go here (e.g. lens flares).
  • Possible values for RenderType tag are:

  • Transparent: most semitransparent shaders (Transparent, Particle, Font, terrain additive pass shaders).
  • TransparentCutout: masked transparency shaders (Transparent Cutout, two pass vegetation shaders).
  • Background: Skybox shaders.
  • Overlay: GUITexture, Halo, Flare shaders.
  • TreeOpaque: terrain engine tree bark.
  • TreeTransparentCutout: terrain engine tree leaves.
  • TreeBillboard: terrain engine billboarded trees.
  • Grass: terrain engine grass.
  • GrassBillboard: terrain engine billboarded grass.

DisableBatching tag

True:(always disables batching for this shader) False: (does not disable batching; this is default)  LODFading”:(disable batching when LOD fading is active; mostly used on trees).

ForceNoShadowCasting tag

If ForceNoShadowCasting tag is given and has a value of “True”, then an object that is rendered using this subshader will never cast

shadows. This is mostly useful when you are using shader replacement on transparent objects and you do not wont to inherit a shadow

pass from another subshader.

IgnoreProjector tag

if ignoreProjector tag is given and has a value of “True”, then an object that uses this shader will not be affected by Projectors. This is mostly 

useful on semitransparent objects, because there is no good way for Projectors to affect them.

CanUseSpriteAtlas tag

Set CanUseSpriteAtlas tag to “False” if the shader is meant for sprites, and will not work when they are packed into atlases .

PreviewType tag

PreviewType indicates how the material inspector preview should display the material. By default materials are displayed as 

spheres, but PreviewType can also be set to “Plane” (will display as 2D) or “Skybox” (will display as skybox).

三、測試 1.Cull Back | Front | Off 2.ZWrite On | Off

Controls whether pixels from this object are written to the depth buffer (default is On). If you’re drawng solid objects, leave this on. 

If you’re drawing semitransparent effects, switch to ZWrite Off. For more details read below.

3.ZTest Less | Greater | LEqual | GEqual | Equal | NotEqual | Always

 How should depth testing be performed. Default is LEqual (draw objects in from or at the distance as existing objects; 

hide objects behind them).

4.Offset Factor, Units

Allows you specify a depth offset with two parameters. factor and unitsFactor scales the maximum Z slope, with respect to X or Y of the polygon, 

and units scale the minimum resolvable depth buffer value. This allows you to force one polygon to be drawn on top of another although they are

actually in the same position. For example Offset 0, –1 pulls the polygon closer to the camera ignoring the polygon’s slope, whereas Offset –1, –1 

 will pull the polygon even closer when looking at a grazing angle.


Blend Off;Blend SrcFactor DstFactor;Blend SrcFactor DstFactor, SrcFactorA DstFactorA

One The value of one - use this to let either the source or the destination color come through fully.
Zero The value zero - use this to remove either the source or the destination values.
SrcColor The value of this stage is multiplied by the source color value.
SrcAlpha The value of this stage is multiplied by the source alpha value.
DstColor The value of this stage is multiplied by frame buffer source color value.
DstAlpha The value of this stage is multiplied by frame buffer source alpha value.
OneMinusSrcColor The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - source color).
OneMinusSrcAlpha The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - source alpha).
OneMinusDstColor The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - destination color).
OneMinusDstAlpha The value of this stage is multiplied by (1 - destination alpha).
Add Add source and destination together.
Sub Subtract destination from source.
RevSub Subtract source from destination.
Min Use the smaller of source and destination.
Max Use the larger of source and destination.



    Ref referenceValue

The value to be compared against (if Comp is anything else than always) and/or the value to be written to the buffer (if either Pass, Fail or ZFail is set to replace). 0–255 integer.


    ReadMask readMask

An 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when comparing the reference value with the contents of the buffer (referenceValue & readMaskcomparisonFunction (stencilBufferValue & readMask). Default: 255.


    WriteMask writeMask

An 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when writing to the buffer. Default: 255.


    Comp comparisonFunction

The function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer. Default: always.


    Pass stencilOperation

What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes. Default: keep.


    Fail stencilOperation

What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails. Default: keep.


    ZFail stencilOperation

What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails. Default: keep.

Comp, Pass, Fail and ZFail will be applied to the front-facing geometry, unless Cull Front is specified, in which case it’s back-facing geometry. You can also explicitly specify the two-sided stencil state by defining CompFront, PassFront, FailFront, ZFailFront (for front-facing geometry), and CompBack, PassBack, FailBack, ZFailBack (for back-facing geometry).

Comparison Function

Comparison function is one of the following:

Greater Only render pixels whose reference value is greater than the value in the buffer.
GEqual Only render pixels whose reference value is greater than or equal to the value in the buffer.
Less Only render pixels whose reference value is less than the value in the buffer.
LEqual Only render pixels whose reference value is less than or equal to the value in the buffer.
Equal Only render pixels whose reference value equals the value in the buffer.
NotEqual Only render pixels whose reference value differs from the value in the buffer.
Always Make the stencil test always pass.
Never Make the stencil test always fail.

Stencil Operation

Stencil operation is one of the following:

Keep Keep the current contents of the buffer.
Zero Write 0 into the buffer.
Replace Write the reference value into the buffer.
IncrSat Increment the current value in the buffer. If the value is 255 already, it stays at 255.
DecrSat Decrement the current value in the buffer. If the value is 0 already, it stays at 0.
Invert Negate all the bits.
IncrWrap Increment the current value in the buffer. If the value is 255 already, it becomes 0.
DecrWrap Decrement the current value in the buffer. If the value is 0 already, it becomes 255.

AlphaTest off; AlphaTest comparison AlphaValue;

Greater Only render pixels whose alpha is greater than AlphaValue.
GEqual Only render pixels whose alpha is greater than or equal to AlphaValue.
Less Only render pixels whose alpha value is less than AlphaValue.
LEqual Only render pixels whose alpha value is less than or equal to from AlphaValue.
Equal Only render pixels whose alpha value equals AlphaValue.
NotEqual Only render pixels whose alpha value differs from AlphaValue.
Always Render all pixels. This is functionally equivalent to AlphaTest Off.
Never Don’t render any pixels.

Mode Off | Global | Linear | Exp | Exp2

Color ColorValue

Density FloatValue

Range FloatValue, FloatValue


  • #pragma vertex name - compile function name as the vertex shader.
  • #pragma fragment name - compile function name as the fragment shader.
  • #pragma geometry name - compile function name as DX10 geometry shader. Having this option automatically turns on #pragma target 4.0, described below.
  • #pragma hull name - compile function name as DX11 hull shader. Having this option automatically turns on #pragma target 5.0, described below.
  • #pragma domain name - compile function name as DX11 domain shader. Having this option automatically turns on #pragma target 5.0, described below.

Other compilation directives:

  • #pragma target name - which shader target to compile to. See Shader targets below for details.
  • #pragma only_renderers space separated names - compile shader only for given renderers. By default shaders are compiled for all renderers. See Renderers below for details.
  • #pragma exclude_renderers space separated names - do not compile shader for given renderers. By default shaders are compiled for all renderers. See Renderers below for details.
  • #pragma multi_compile …_ - for working with multiple shader variants.
  • #pragma enable_d3d11_debug_symbols - generate debug information for shaders compiled for DirectX 11, this will allow you to debug shaders via Visual Studio 2012 (or higher) Graphics debugger.
5.Built-in shader variables
Name Value
UNITY_MATRIX_MVP Current model * view * projection matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_MV Current model * view matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_V Current view matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_P Current projection matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_VP Current view * projection matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_T_MV Transpose of model * view matrix.
UNITY_MATRIX_IT_MV Inverse transpose of model * view matrix.
_Object2World Current model matrix.
_World2Object Inverse of current world matrix.
Name Type Value
_WorldSpaceCameraPos float3 World space position of the camera.
_ProjectionParams float4 x is 1.0 (or –1.0 if currently rendering with a flipped projection matrix), y is the camera’s near plane, z is the camera’s far plane and w is 1/FarPlane.
_ScreenParams float4 x is the camera’s render target width in pixels, y is the camera’s render target height in pixels, z is 1.0 + 1.0/width and w is 1.0 + 1.0/height.
_ZBufferParams float4 Used to linearize Z buffer values. x is (1-far/near), yis (far/near), z is (x/far) and w is (y/far).
unity_OrthoParams float4 x is orthographic camera’s width, y is orthographic camera’s height, z is unused and w is 1.0 when camera is orthographic, 0.0 when perspective.
unity_CameraProjection float4x4 Camera’s projection matrix.
unity_CameraInvProjection float4x4 Inverse of camera’s projection matrix.
unity_CameraWorldClipPlanes[6] float4 Camera frustum plane world space equations, in this order: left, right, bottom, top, near, far.
Name Type Value
_Time float4 Time since level load (t/20, t, t*2, t*3), use to animate things inside the shaders.
_SinTime float4 Sine of time: (t/8, t/4, t/2, t).
_CosTime float4 Cosine of time: (t/8, t/4, t/2, t).
unity_DeltaTime float4 Delta time: (dt, 1/dt, smoothDt, 1/smoothDt).

Forward rendering (ForwardBase and ForwardAdd pass types):

Name Type Value
_LightColor0 (declared in Lighting.cginc) fixed4 Light color.
_WorldSpaceLightPos0 float4 Directional lights: (world space direction, 0). Other lights: (world space position, 1).
_LightMatrix0 (declared in AutoLight.cginc) float4x4 World-to-light matrix. Used to sample cookie & attenuation textures.
unity_4LightPosX0, unity_4LightPosY0, unity_4LightPosZ0 float4 (ForwardBase pass only) world space positions of first four non-important point lights.
unity_4LightAtten0 float4 (ForwardBase pass only) attenuation factors of first four non-important point lights.
unity_LightColor half4[4] (ForwardBase pass only) colors of of first four non-important point lights.

Deferred shading and deferred lighting, used in the lighting pass shader (all declared in UnityDeferredLibrary.cginc):

Name Type Value
_LightColor float4 Light color.
_LightMatrix0 float4x4 World-to-light matrix. Used to sample cookie & attenuation textures.


  • VertexLit kind of shaders = 100
  • Decal, Reflective VertexLit = 150
  • Diffuse = 200
  • Diffuse Detail, Reflective Bumped Unlit, Reflective Bumped VertexLit = 250
  • Bumped, Specular = 300
  • Bumped Specular = 400
  • Parallax = 500
  • Parallax Specular = 600


圖形處理Unity3DShaderVertex and Fragment Shader

一、Properties _MyColor ("Some Color", Color) = (1,1,1,1) _MyVector ("Some Vector", Vector) = (0,0,0,0) _MyFloat ("My float", Float) = 0.


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