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前端程式碼規範 及 最佳實踐

Aptana Studio is a powerful, free and open source Ajax development environment which runs stand-alone or within Eclipse. Aptana Studio offers tooling for Ajax including HTML, CSS, DOM, and JavaScript editing and debugging, plus support via additional free plugins for PHP, Ruby on Rails, Adobe AIR, Apple iPhone development. It also features full SVN repository integration for committing, branching, tagging, merging and repository browsing.
. [Linux, Mac, Windows]
Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It supports many filetypes and has some nice features.
. [Linux, Mac, Windows]
Notepad ++
Notepad++ is a free (free as in “free speech”, but also as in “free beer”) source code editor and Notepad replacement, which supports several programming languages, running under the MS Windows environment. Notepad ++. [Windows]
e TextEditor
E is a new text editor for Windows, with powerful editing features and quite a few unique abilities. It makes manipulating text fast and easy, and lets you focus on your writing by automating all the manual work. You can extend it in any language, and by supporting TextMate bundles, it allows you to tap into a huge and active community.
e TextEditor
. [Windows]
Edit Plus
EditPlus is a text editor, HTML editor and programmers editor for Windows. While it can serve as a good Notepad replacement, it also offers many powerful features for Web page authors and programmers. EditPlus. [Windows]
HomeSite 5.5 provides a lean, code-only editor for web development. Advanced coding features enable you to instantly create and modify HTML, CFML, JSP, and XHTML tags, while enhanced productivity tools allow you to validate, reuse, navigate, and format code more easily. Configure Adobe (formerly Macromedia) HomeSite to fit your needs by extending its functionality and customizing the interface. Homesite. [Windows]
TextMate claims to be the “Missing Editor” for Mac OS X. A general purpose editor with a sparse interface, the real power is in it’s extensibility. Features column selections, recordable macros, snippets, auto-pairing of brackets and other characters, clipboard history, code folding, tab-triggers, tabbed placeholders and mirror typing. And that’s just for starters. Anything that can be done via scripts through the Mac command line can be done through custom commands, allowing an extremely high degree of customization and expansion of the feature set. TextMate’s “bundle” format has been adapted by many other code editors including the aforementioned e TextEditor. TextMate. [Mac]
Espresso was created by the same fellow that created the innovative CSSEdit CSS editor. Espresso features syntax highlighting, code folding, code completion, document outliner/navigators, projects, powerful find features, and built-in file transfer publishing capabilities. Finally, it has a powerful “Sugar” feature set which allows the creation of custom commands and plugins. Espresso. [Mac]
BBEdit is the grand-daddy of Mac code editors for web development. Features syntax highlighting, exceptionally powerful text manipulation tools, multi-file searches, a scriptable API, text clippings, and extensive Mac Automator features. BBEdit. [Mac]
The free “little brother” of BBEdit, it is a powerful raw text editor with a massive text manipulation feature set. Searches, regular expressions, text transformations, syntax highlighting and code navigation tools for a variety of different language environments. TextWrangler. [Mac]
Coda from Panic software is a powerful IDE with code editing, terminal, remote file management, and help documentation all built into one UI. Aiming to be a one stop shop for your web development workflow, it also features SVN integration and a new plug-in builder with powerful scripting support and TextMate bundle importing. Finally, code clips and live multi-user editing are also supported. Coda. [Mac]
Another editor that’s been around for ages, this is an immensely robust and powerful text editor, able to open files limited only by the amount of memory on your computer. The feature list is virtually too much to list, with a massive list of text manipulation features, project support, powerful search and replace, hex editing, function lists, a massive list of languages supported (600+) remote file ftp, telnet, ssh, file comparison, scriptable macros, tools and compiler support, and much, much more. UltraEdit. [Linux, Mac, Windows]
Sublime Text
A relatively new editor, Sublime Text is a new approach in editors. “Open Anything” searches through file names and file contents, with remarkable efficiency. Incredibly powerful selection controls allow editing text in multiple locations at once and the “Minimap” gives you a bird’s eye view of the open file so you can find your place easily. Actively being developed, new features are being added and the community around the editor is rapidly expanding. Macros, auto-complete, snippets, build tools, the list of features goes on and on. Supports Linux and Mac starting with version 2.
Sublime Text. [Linux, Mac, Windows]
If you have to ask, it’s probably not for you. Vim [Linux, Mac, Windows]


前端程式碼規範 最佳實踐

Aptana Aptana Studio is a powerful, free and open source Ajax development environment which runs stand-alone or within Eclipse. Aptana Studio offers tooli


編輯推薦   業內深入融合流程管理與流程技術的專著,全面講解了業務流程及其實現,企業打造高效流程型組織的實踐指南。  本書作者是國內資深的工作流及BPM領域專家,現任國內知名的IT上市公司東華軟體股份公司房產事業部執行副總經理。近些年,集首席諮詢顧問、系統分析師、架構師、技

JavaScript - undefined與null的區分最佳實踐

操作 boolean 強調 特殊屬性 fine 高級 不同 erro javascrip 主要參考 《JavaScript高級程序設計》 ECMAScript中的六種數據類型 ECMAScript中包含六種數據類型: Undefined Null Boolean


初衷 不管參與專案的人數有多少,確保每一行程式碼都像是同一個人編寫的; 根據實際情況制定良好的程式碼規範; 遵守編碼風格使程式碼更容易維護,對長期專案大有裨益; 實施程式碼規範增加程式碼可讀性,提高協作開發效率; 實施程式碼規範減少低


5種類型:undefined, boolean, string, number, object 使用typeof結果新增:null, function ECMAScript5中為陣列提供五種迭代方法 every(), filt

Spark Streaming調優引數最佳實踐深入剖析-Spark商業調優實戰

本套技術專欄是作者(秦凱新)平時工作的總結和昇華,通過從真實商業環境抽取案例進行總結和分享,並給出商業應用的調優建議和叢集環境容量規劃等內容,請持續關注本套部落格。版權宣告:禁止轉載,歡迎學習。QQ郵箱地址:[email protected],如有任何商業交流,可隨時聯絡。


Web技術中心程式碼規範 前言 軟體的長期價值直接源於其編碼質量。在它的整個生命週期裡,一個程式可能會被許多人閱讀或修改。如果一個程式可以清晰的展現出它的結構和特徵,那就能減少在以後對其進行修改時出錯的可能性,程式設計規範可以幫助程式設計師們增加程式的健壯性。基本所有的前

Java 介面規範最佳實踐

可理解 文件完善 格式統一:這裡涉及很多方面,包括:介面返回型別、命名規則以及引數順序 在我們所有的API方法中,要麼是全是getXYZ()格式,要麼全是xyz(),最好不要兩種格式都有。

NPM依賴包版本號 和 的區別最佳實踐

也歡迎大家轉載本篇文章。分享知識,造福人民,實現我們中華民族偉大復興!                     你會發現很多專案的依賴包版本號前面會加上~,或者是^,以Angular2為例: 那麼~和^的作用和區別是什麼呢?~會匹配最近的小版本依賴包,比如~1.


        沒有人否認code review(程式碼評審、複查) 對提高程式碼質量的作用,但是如何進行code review? 這裡 確實存在一些方法和技巧。方法不當,會浪費大量時間、造成低效率;流程過緊,會大大降低生產力,流程過鬆,很難知道code review的效果,

使用OBS+Azure Media Service+CDN進行直播,配置方法最佳實踐

我們知道,在Azure Media Service進行直播需要一個本地實時編碼器的配合。從Azure官方文件可以瞭解到下列四種編碼器的配置方法:  Elemental LiveFMLETelestream WirecastNewTek TriCasterOBS - O


一、微服務將變得輕量級 架構需要由人去設計,這些人被稱為架構師。或許很多人並未授予架構師的頭銜,但自己卻從事著架構的工作。我們認為,架構這項工作永遠都需要由人去完成,可能短期內都無法由機器來取代。如果我們不理解什麼是架構,或者對架構師的職責感到疑惑,那麼很難讓架構這項工



Bean Validation 介紹最佳實踐

https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/java/j-lo-jsr303/ 關於 Bean Validation 在任何時候,當你要處理一個應用程式的業務邏輯,資料校驗是你必須要考慮和麵對的事情。應用程式必須通過某種手段來確保輸


文章來源不清楚了,請見諒,轉自公司的案例庫。 使用svn幾年了,一直對分支和合並敬而遠之,一來是因為分支的管理不該我操心,二來即使涉及到分支的管理,也不敢貿然使用合併功能,生怕合併出了問題對團隊造成不良影響,最主要的原因是,自己對分支的目的和合並的方法不甚瞭解,這才是硬


你會發現很多專案的依賴包版本號前面會加上~,或者是^,以Angular2為例: 那麼~和^的作用和區別是什麼呢? ~會匹配最近的小版本依賴包,比如~1.2.3會匹配所有1.2.x版本,但是不包括1.3.0 ^會匹配最新的大版本依賴包,比如^1.2.3會


1.使用邏輯符號&&或者||進行條件判斷 var foo = 10;     foo == 10 && doSomething(); // is the same thing as if (foo == 10) doSomething(); 

前端程式碼規範( HTML篇)

1. HTML除錯的工具:Web Developer 使用Web Developer禁用CSS樣式,觀察其結構和樣式是否符合語義 2. HTML除錯方法:語義化標籤 儘可能少使用無語義的

3-6 dkfile語法梳理最佳實踐

fff rfi .com base data work https http metadata 通過dockerfile 創建自己的docker image from 盡量使用官方的image 作為 base imagelabel metadata 不可少,類似代碼裏註釋安

spring boot 使用最佳實踐

maven插件 port 所有 ide tap file build 內存數據庫 管理 第一部分,spring boot 文檔 Spring boot的使用 使用maven進行構建 用戶可以通過繼承spring-boot-starter-parent來獲取默認的依賴。