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xiaonanln/goworld: Scalable Distributed Game Server Engine with Hot Swapping in Golang


Scalable Distributed Game Server Engine with Hot Reload in Golang

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  • Spaces & Entities: manage multiple spaces and entities with AOI support
  • Distributed: increase server capacity by using more machines
  • Hot-Swappable: update game logic by restarting server process
  • Multiple Communication Protocols
    : supports TCP, KCP and WebSocket
  • Traffic Compression & Encryption: traffic between clients and servers can be compressed and encrypted


GoWorld Architecture


GoWorld server adopts an entity framework, in which entities represent all players, monsters, NPCs. Entities in the same space can visit each other directly by calling methods or access attributes. Entities in different spaces can call each over using RPC.

A GoWorld server consists of one dispatcher, one or more games and one or more gates. The gates are responsible for handling client connections and receive/send packets from/to clients. The games manages all entities and runs all game logic. The dispatcher is responsible for redirecting packets among games and between games and gates.

The game processes are hot-swappable. We can swap a game by sending SIGHUP to the process and restart the process with -restore parameter to bring game back to work but with the latest executable image. This feature enables updating server-side logic or fixing server bugs transparently without significant interference of online players.

Installing GoWorld

GoWorld requries Go 1.10.x to install.

go get -d github.com/xiaonanln/goworld
go get -u github.com/golang/dep/cmd/dep
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/xiaonanln/goworld
dep ensure
go get ./cmd/...

GoWorld uses Dep to manage packages.

For Chinese only: 中國的朋友可能會碰到網路問題,那麼您可以通過點選下載vendor.tar.gz,並將其解壓到goworld根目錄下。

# debian-jessie + golang + goworld + mongodb 3.4 
docker run -it xiaonanln/goworld-dev

Manage GoWorld Servers

Use command goworld to build, start, stop and reload game servers.

Build Example Chatroom Server:

$ goworld build examples/chatroom_demo

Start Example Chatroom Server: (dispatcher -> game -> gate)

$ goworld start examples/chatroom_demo

Stop Game Server (gate -> game -> dispatcher):

$ goworld stop examples/chatroom_demo

Reload Game Servers:

$ goworld reload examples/chatroom_demo

Reload will reboot game processes with the current executable while preserving all game server states. However, it does not work on Windows.

List Server Processes:

$ goworld status examples/chatroom_demo
> 1 dispatcher running, 1/1 gates running, 1/1 games (examples/chatroom_demo) running
> 	2763      dispatcher      /home/ubuntu/go/src/github.com/xiaonanln/goworld/components/dispatcher/dispatcher -dispid 1
> 	2770      chatroom_demo   /home/ubuntu/go/src/github.com/xiaonanln/goworld/examples/chatroom_demo/chatroom_demo -gid 1
> 	2779      gate            /home/ubuntu/go/src/github.com/xiaonanln/goworld/components/gate/gate -gid 1


Chatroom Demo

The chatroom demo is a simple implementation of chatroom server and client. It illustrates how GoWorld can also be used for games which don't divide players by spaces.

The chatroom demo provides following features:

  • register & login
  • send chat message
  • switch chatrooms

Build Server:

goworld build examples/chatroom_demo

Run Server:

goworld start examples/chatroom_demo

Chatroom Demo Client:

Chatroom demo client implements the client-server protocol in Javascript.
The client for chatroom demo is hosted at github.com/xiaonanln/goworld-chatroom-demo-client. The project was created and built in Cocos Creater 1.5. A running server and client demo can also be found at http://goworldgs.com/chatclient/.

Unity Demo

Unity Demo is a simple multiple player monster shooting game to show how spaces and entities of GoWorld can be used to create multiple player online games.

  • register & login
  • move players in space
  • summon monsters
  • player shoot monsters
  • monsters attack players

Developing features:

  • Hit effects
  • Players migrate among multiple spaces
  • Server side map navigation

Build Server:

goworld build examples/unity_demo

Run Server:

goworld start examples/unity_demo

Unity Demo Client:

Unity demo client implements the client-server protocol in C#. The client for unity demo is hosted at https://github.com/xiaonanln/goworld-unity-demo. The project was created and built in Unity 2017.1.

You can try the demo by downloading GoWorldUnityDemo.zip. The demo connects to a goworld server on Huawei Cloud instance.


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