1. 程式人生 > >Android gradle plugin和 Gradle版本關係\Gradle version 1.10 is required. Current version is 2.0

Android gradle plugin和 Gradle版本關係\Gradle version 1.10 is required. Current version is 2.0


Android gradle plugin和 Gradle版本關係需要正確匹配,如果不正確,可能出現下面這個錯誤。

Android gradle plugin和 Gradle版本關係如下(持續更新):

Android Gradle Plugin Requires Gradle
1.0.0 - 1.1.3 2.2.1 - 2.3
1.2.0 - 1.3.1 2.2.1 - 2.9
1.5.0 2.2.1+
2.0.0-2.1.2 2.10 - 2.13
2.1.3+ 2.14.1+
2.3.0+ 3.3+


Gradle version 1.10 is required. Current version is 2.0


Android gradle plugin的版本需要和 Gradle的版本相匹配,具體對應版本檢視:

Android Studio and the Android Gradle Plugin
Studio 1.* or 2.* works with Gradle Plugin 1., and 2.

Newer versions of the Gradle plugin may require newer versions of Studio to enable the new features in the IDE, but the project should open in older versions of Studio, and build from there (since Gradle does the build). We will be very careful about this.

We will determine later our compatibility story between Studio 2.x and Gradle Plugin 1.x and between Studio 1.x and Gradle Plugin 2.x

We will make every effort to keep compatibility where possible, and to provide good Quick Assist to help with migration where applicable.

Android gradle plugin的版本在這個路徑中修改:app\build.gradle


Gradle的版本在這個路徑中修改 :app\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.properties




Android gradle plugin Gradle版本關係\Gradle version 1.10 is required. Current version is 2.0

你也可以檢視我的其他同類文章,也會讓你有一定的收貨! Android gradle plugin和 Gradle版本關係需要正確匹配,如果不正確,可能出現下面這個錯誤。 Android gradle plugin和 Gradle版本關係如下(持續更新):

Gradle Plugin Gradle版本的需求

GradlePlugin 和Gradle的版本的需求 例如這裡如果plugin是2.3.0的那麼Gradle 就至少是3.3的 Plugin version Required Gradle version 1.0.0 - 1.1.3 2.2.1 - 2.3




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