1. 程式人生 > >net-snmp開發教程



1          基本概念


MIBS rfc詳見原始碼目錄下的doc\rfc\smiV2


1.2.1    scalar:變數,就是一個量(包括整數理、字串型、IPADDRESS等)




./configure –help #檢視配置



make install

4          程式

4.1         snmpd:響應snmp


用法:-f 不呼叫fork,即不進入daemon,如果不用這個引數,則進入daemon模式


       -Le    Log messages to the standard error stream.

       -Lf FILE

              Log messages to the specified file.

       -Lo    Log messages to the standard output stream.

       -Ls FACILITY

              Log  messages  via  syslog,  using the specified facility

              ('d' for LOG_DAEMON, 'u' for  LOG_USER,  or  '0'-'7'  for

              LOG_LOCAL0 through LOG_LOCAL7).

4.4         snmpgetsnmpgetnextsnmpwalk:得到請求

4.10      mib2c:用於從mib檔案生成擴充套件模組c程式碼的工具。

  -V, --version         顯示命令的版本號

SNMP Version 1 or 2c specific

  -c COMMUNITY          設定團體名

SNMP Version 3 specific

  -a PROTOCOL           設定認證協議 (MD5|SHA)

  -A PASSPHRASE         設定認證協議密碼

  -e ENGINE-ID          set security engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301)

  -E ENGINE-ID          set context engine ID (e.g. 800000020109840301)

  -l LEVEL              set security level (noAuthNoPriv|authNoPriv|authPriv)

  -n CONTEXT            set context name (e.g. bridge1)

  -u USER-NAME          set security name (e.g. bert)

  -x PROTOCOL           設定加密協議 (DES|AES)

  -X PASSPHRASE         設定加密協議密碼

  -Z BOOTS,TIME         set destination engine boots/time


snmpgetnext -v 1 -c public sysUpTime

snmpget –v 3 –a MD5 –A 1235678 –u name oid

5          配置

用配置工具 snmpconf 進行配置



# SECTION: Textual mib parsing


#   This section controls the textual mib parser.  Textual

#   mibs are parsed in order to convert OIDs, enumerated

#   lists, and ... to and from textual representations

#   and numerical representations.

# mibs: Specifies a list of mibs to be searched for and loaded.

#   Adding a '+' sign to the front of the argument appends the new

#   mib name to the list of mibs already being searched for.

#   arguments: [+]mibname[:mibname...]

mibs  +/root/test/NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt

5.2.3    安裝存取控制


# SECTION: Access Control Setup


#   This section defines who is allowed to talk to your running

#   snmp agent.

# rwcommunity: a SNMPv1/SNMPv2c read-write access community name

#   arguments:  community [default|hostname|network/bits] [oid]

rwcommunity  public

rwcommunity public

# rwuser: a SNMPv3 read-write user

#   arguments:  user [noauth|auth|priv] [restriction_oid]

rwuser  public  #這裡定義使用者名稱和驗證方式,密碼儲存在/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf

# rouser: a SNMPv3 read-only user

#   arguments:  user [noauth|auth|priv] [restriction_oid]

rouser  public  #這裡定義使用者名稱和驗證方式,密碼儲存在/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf,詳見——net-snmp-config配置V3


# SECTION: Trap Destinations


#   Here we define who the agent will send traps to.

# trap2sink: A SNMPv2c trap receiver

#   arguments: host [community] [portnum]

trap2sink public 162

trap2sink public 162


# SECTION: Extending the Agent


#   You can extend the snmp agent to have it return information

#   that you yourself define.

# dlmod: dynamically extend the agent using a shared-object

#   arguments:  module-name module-path

dlmod  notification /data/snmp/test/.libs/ libnetsnmpmibs.so

#authCommunity   TYPES COMMUNITY  [SOURCE [OID | -v VIEW ]]

authCommunity log,execute,net public

[email protected]:~# net-snmp-config --create-snmpv3-user --help


net-snmp-create-v3-user [-ro] [-A authpass] [-X privpass]

[-a MD5|SHA] [-x DES|AES] [username]

[email protected]:~# net-snmp-create-v3-user -ro -A SHA -a public1234 -x DES -X abcdefgmok public

adding the following line to /var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf:

createUser public SHA "public1234" DES abcdefgmok

adding the following line to /usr/local/share/snmp/snmpd.conf:

rouser public


它實質上是把V3的使用者配置(createUser public SHA "public1234" DES abcdefgmok)加到/var/net-snmp/snmpd.conf檔案中。然後agent從這個檔案中讀取v3的使用者配置資訊。然後生成相應的密碼並儲存在這個檔案中。

SNMP Version 3 引數:

  -a PROTOCOL           設定認證協議 (MD5|SHA)

  -A PASSPHRASE         設定認證協議密碼

  -x PROTOCOL           設定加密協議 (DES|AES)

  -X privpass           設定加密協議密碼

6          啟動

執行 snmpd –f –Lo

後臺方式 snmpd

[email protected]:~# snmpget -v 1 -c public UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0

UDP-MIB::udpInDatagrams.0 = Counter32: 7822


8          開發

8.1         程式邏輯


8.1.1    接收網管發過來的snmp包,並對接收到的snmp包進行解析,校驗後,找到並呼叫相應的處理函式進行處理。


#0 reachalarmSubscriberTable_handler (handler=0x8159980, reginfo=0x8122b78,

reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at reachalarmSubscriberTable.c:116

#1 0x008e08e6 in netsnmp_call_handler (requests=0x817d138, reqinfo=0x817d050,

reginfo=0x8122b78, next_handler=0x8159980) at agent_handler.c:526

#2 netsnmp_call_next_handler (current=0x8146088, reginfo=0x8122b78,

reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at agent_handler.c:640

#3 0x008dab83 in netsnmp_table_iterator_helper_handler (handler=0x8146088,

reginfo=0x8122b78, reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138)

at helpers/table_iterator.c:936

#4 0x008e08e6 in netsnmp_call_handler (requests=0x817d138, reqinfo=0x817d050,

reginfo=0x8122b78, next_handler=0x8146088) at agent_handler.c:526

#5 netsnmp_call_next_handler (current=0x813dcf0, reginfo=0x8122b78,

reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at agent_handler.c:640

#6 0x008d268c in table_helper_handler (handler=0x813dcf0, reginfo=0x8122b78,

reqinfo=0x817d050, requests=0x817d138) at helpers/table.c:712

#7 0x008e0291 in netsnmp_call_handler (requests=0x817d138, reqinfo=0x817d050,

reginfo=0x8122b78, next_handler=0x813dcf0) at agent_handler.c:526

#8 netsnmp_call_handlers (reginfo=0x8122b78, reqinfo=0x817d050,

requests=0x817d138) at agent_handler.c:611

#9 0x008efc4a in handle_var_requests (asp=0x817c738) at snmp_agent.c:2676

#10 0x008f0150 in handle_getnext_loop (asp=0x817c738) at snmp_agent.c:3122

#11 0x008f0b0b in handle_pdu (asp=0x817c738) at snmp_agent.c:3499

#12 0x008f0c98 in netsnmp_handle_request (asp=0x817c738, status=0)

at snmp_agent.c:3278

#13 0x008f16bc in handle_snmp_packet (magic=0x0, pdu=0x8191178,

session=0x817c898, op=<optimized out>, reqid=<optimized out>)

at snmp_agent.c:1987

#14 handle_snmp_packet (op=1, session=0x817c898, reqid=8, pdu=0x8191178,

magic=0x0) at snmp_agent.c:1889

#15 0x003808a6 in _sess_process_packet (sessp=0x817c6c0, sp=0x817c898,

isp=0x817c860, transport=0x817c6d8, opaque=0x817d618, olength=36,

packetptr=0x8180ba0 "0&\002\001", length=40) at snmp_api.c:5400

#16 0x00381d0b in _sess_read (sessp=0x817c6c0, fdset=0xbfd00128)

at snmp_api.c:5829

#17 0x0038250a in snmp_sess_read2 (sessp=0x817c6c0, fdset=0xbfd00128)

at snmp_api.c:5861

#18 0x003825f4 in snmp_read2 (fdset=0xbfd00128) at snmp_api.c:5463

#19 0x0804bcee in receive () at snmpd.c:1315

#20 main (argc=6, argv=0xbfd00414) at snmpd.c:1105






mg-soft builder生成。


export MIBS=ALL


MIBS  ALL #搜尋/usr/share/snmp/mibs下的所有檔案

MIBS  +/usr/share/snmp/ NET-SNMP-EXAMPLES-MIB.txt#加入新建立的檔案

[email protected]:~# snmptranslate -TB netSnmpExamples





解析正確,就說明MIBS檔案配置正確。    直接在你想要生成程式碼的目錄下執行下面命令:



[email protected]:~#mib2c netSnmpExamples

writing to -

mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of

code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.

You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:

OID:                              netSnmpExamples

numeric translation:              .

number of scalars within:         8

number of tables within:          3

number of notifications within:   1

First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the

ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code

base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):

1) ucd-snmp style code

2) Net-SNMP style code

Select your choice :

建議做法是:為每一個實體單獨生成一組檔案。這樣條理比較清楚。    如果你清楚模組,可以用下面命令直接指定模板。

mib2c –c 模板檔案實體名

模板檔案位於: /usr/share/snmp/*.conf




[email protected]:~/test/mib# mib2c netSnmpExampleInteger

writing to -

mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of

code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.

You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:

OID:                              netSnmpExampleInteger

numeric translation:              .

number of scalars within:         1

number of tables within:          0

number of notifications within:   0

First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the

ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code

base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):

1) ucd-snmp style code

2) Net-SNMP style code

Select your choice : 2




It looks like you have some scalars in the mib you requested, so I

will now generate code for them if you wish.  You have two choices

for scalar API styles currently.  Pick between them, or choose not

to generate any code for the scalars:

1) If you're writing code for some generic scalars

(by hand use: "mib2c -c mib2c.scalar.conf netSnmpExampleInteger")

2) If you want to magically "tie" integer variables to integer


(by hand use: "mib2c -c mib2c.int_watch.conf netSnmpExampleInteger")

3) Don't generate any code for the scalars

Select your choice: 1

using the mib2c.scalar.conf configuration file to generate your code.

writing to netSnmpExampleInteger.h

writing to netSnmpExampleInteger.c


* NOTE WELL: The code generated by mib2c is only a template. *YOU*  *

* must fill in the code before it'll work most of the time. In many *

* cases, spots that MUST be edited within the files are marked with *

* /* XXX */ or /* TODO */ comments.                                 *


running indent on netSnmpExampleInteger.h

running indent on netSnmpExampleInteger.c

[email protected]:~/test/mib# mib2c netSnmpHostsTable

writing to -

mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of

code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.

You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:

OID:                              netSnmpHostsTable

numeric translation:              .

number of scalars within:         0

number of tables within:          1

number of notifications within:   0

First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the

ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code

base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):

1) ucd-snmp style code

2) Net-SNMP style code

Select your choice : 2




The Net-SNMP agent API is extremely extensive and, in fact, lets

each programmer write agent code according to the style that works

best for them based on their experience and their preference.  We're

going to ask you a serious of questions that will help mib2c

generate code that best suits *your* needs, as the programmer that

will be responsible for taking the code and further refining it.  If

you don't like how the results look, you are always welcome to

re-run mib2c and select a different set of options.

There are essentially two tasks involved in processing requests

for OIDs within a MIB table - firstly identifying the relevant row

of the table for a given request, and then returning (or updating)

the appropriate column value within that row.  Many MIB tables model

the state of some external system (the kernel, a device, processes,

etc), and the MIB implementation module (the code we're about to

produce a template for) acts as an interface between this underlying

system and the SNMP side.  Other tables hold data internally that is

only available within the agent itself, or at least the master copy

of the data is held within the agent.

There are a number of different code templates that can be used to

implement MIB tables, using various approaches to these two tasks.

There are three basic approaches to identifying the relevant row:

1) Pass the request through to the table-specific code, and

identify the requested row there (for both GET and GETNEXT

requests).  This is typically the most efficient way to get

up-to-date information, but relies on suitable

  (programmer-provided) code within the MIB handler.

Most importantly, you should be an expert to use this choice.

This will produce code based on the table_dataset handler.

2) Have table-specific code to provide information about which

rows exist in the table (by iterating through them in turn),

but utilise standard helper code to select the appropriate

row for a given request.  This is particularly suitable for

tables where the data is naturally stored in a "random" order

(or differently to the MIB table index), or where rows are

frequently added to or removed from the table.

However searching for the requested row is not very efficient,

and performance can be slow - particularly for large tables with

many rows.

3) Hold a locally cached copy of the contents of the table (or at

least a cache of which rows are valid), and utilise standard

helper code to select the appropriate row.  This is

significantly faster than the iterator-based approach, but

cached data is inevitably slightly "stale" with respect to the

data from the underlying system being managed.  This approach,

since it relies on caching of data, is also results in a larger

memory footprint.  It is less appropriate for tables where rows

are frequently added or removed externally to the agent (i.e.,

not via SNMP requests).

This approach can also be used where _all_ use of the table is

via SNMP, and there is no external "underlying system".  In

this case, the local cache is the canonical version of the


4) Do not generate code for the tables.

Select the option that best fits your requirements: 2

Having identified the appropriate row for a given request, there are

three basic styles of code for returning (or updating) the requested

column value from within this row:

1) A single handler routine, which contains all the code needed to

handle GET and SET requests for each of the column objects.

The code typically looks like a single function with a large 'case'

statement covering each of the columns.

This will produce code based on the 'iterator' hepler.

2) A set of individual routines, each of which is concerned

with a particular aspect of processing the request.

Each column object within the table has one routine for

retrieving the current value, and another for setting a new one.

This will produce code based on the 'iterate_access' hepler.

3) A (different) set of individual routines, each of which is

smaller and more tightly focused than the code generated by

style 2.  The aim here is to reduce the amount of SNMP specific

knowledge required to implement a module, and hide much of the

SNMP terminology and processing within standard generated code

(which can simply be used sight unseen).

This will produce code based on the 'mfd' hepler ('MIB for Dummies').

4) Do not generate code for the tables.

(In all cases, GETNEXT requests are automatically converted

into the equivalent GET request, so the MIB specific code

  need only be concerned with GET and SET requests.).

Select the code style you wish to use: 1

The same template code can be generated using

mib2c -c mib2c.iterate.conf netSnmpHostsTable

This framework can work in one of two ways:

1)  Hold a local cached copy of some external data

which is then used to service incoming requests.

2)  Query the external data directly for each request.

The first is typically more efficient, but results in

slightly "stale" data (depending on the expiration timeout

for the cache) and greater memory usage. The second can

provide more up-to-date information, but at the cost of

higher processing overheads.

Which is more appropriate for your needs?

Select your choice : 1

writing to netSnmpHostsTable.h

writing to netSnmpHostsTable.c


* NOTE WELL: The code generated by mib2c is only a template. *YOU*  *

* must fill in the code before it'll work most of the time. In many *

* cases, spots that MUST be edited within the files are marked with *

* /* XXX */ or /* TODO */ comments.                                 *


running indent on netSnmpHostsTable.h

running indent on netSnmpHostsTable.c

[email protected]:~/test/mib# mib2c netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification

writing to -

mib2c has multiple configuration files depending on the type of

code you need to write. You must pick one depending on your need.

You requested mib2c to be run on the following part of the MIB tree:

OID:                              netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification

numeric translation:              .

number of scalars within:         0

number of tables within:          0

number of notifications within:   1

First, do you want to generate code that is compatible with the

ucd-snmp 4.X line of code, or code for the newer Net-SNMP 5.X code

base (which provides a much greater choice of APIs to pick from):

1) ucd-snmp style code

2) Net-SNMP style code

Select your choice : 2




Would you like to generate code for sending notifications from within

the agent?

"y" or "n": y

using mib2c.notify.conf to generate code for sending notifications

writing to netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.h

writing to netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.c



#   To generate just a header with a define for each column number in

#   your table:


#     mib2c -c mib2c.column_defines.conf netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification


#   To generate just a header with a define for each enum for any

#   column containing enums:


#     mib2c -c mib2c.column_enums.conf netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification


* NOTE WELL: The code generated by mib2c is only a template. *YOU*  *

* must fill in the code before it'll work most of the time. In many *

* cases, spots that MUST be edited within the files are marked with *

* /* XXX */ or /* TODO */ comments.                                 *


running indent on netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.c

running indent on netSnmpExampleHeartbeatNotification.h



/** Initializes the netSnmpExampleInteger module */




    const oid netSnmpExampleInteger_oid[] = { 1,3,6,1,4,1,8072,2,1,1 };

  DEBUGMSGTL(("netSnmpExampleInteger", "Initializing\n"));


       netsnmp_create_handler_registration("netSnmpExampleInteger", handle_netSn


                              netSnmpExampleInteger_oid, OID_LENGTH(netSnmpExamp








handle_netSnmpExampleInteger(netsnmp_mib_handler *handler,

                          netsnmp_handler_registration *reginfo,

                          netsnmp_agent_request_info   *reqinfo,

                          netsnmp_request_info         *requests)

snmpd呼叫它時,便會把相應的snmp包的資訊從這幾個引數中傳進來。其中reqinfo就是snmp請求包被snmpd解析後得到的結構,包含了請求包的會話和pdu資訊;requests:主要包含了 VB 資訊。

/** @struct netsnmp_agent_request_info_s

* The agent transaction request structure


    typedef struct netsnmp_agent_request_info_s {

        int             mode;

     /** pdu contains authinfo, eg */

/*        netsnmp_pdu    *pdu;    */

        struct netsnmp_agent_session_s *asp;    /* may not be needed */


* can be used to pass information on a per-pdu basis from a

* helper to the later handlers


        netsnmp_data_list *agent_data;

} netsnmp_agent_request_info;

typedef struct netsnmp_agent_session_s {

        int             mode;

       netsnmp_session *session;

netsnmp_pdu    *pdu;

netsnmp_pdu    *orig_pdu;

        int             rw;

        int             exact;

        int             status;

        int             index;

        int             oldmode;

        struct netsnmp_agent_session_s *next;


* new API pointers


        netsnmp_agent_request_info *reqinfo;

        netsnmp_request_info *requests;

        netsnmp_tree_cache *treecache;

        netsnmp_variable_list **bulkcache;

        int             treecache_len/* length of cache array */

        int             treecache_num/* number of current cache entries */

        netsnmp_cachemap *cache_store;

        int             vbcount;

    } netsnmp_agent_session;

typedef struct netsnmp_request_info_s {


 * variable bindings


        netsnmp_variable_list *requestvb;


     * can be used to pass information on a per-request basis from a

     * helper to the later handlers


        netsnmp_data_list *parent_data;


* pointer to the agent_request_info for this request


       struct netsnmp_agent_request_info_s *agent_req_info;

     /** don't free, reference to (struct tree)->end */

        oid            *range_end;

        size_t          range_end_len;


* flags


        int             delegated;

        int             processed;

        int             inclusive;

        int             status;

     /** index in original pdu */

        int             index;

       /** get-bulk */

        int             repeat;

        int             orig_repeat;

        netsnmp_variable_list *requestvb_start;

       /* internal use */

        struct netsnmp_request_info_s *next;

        struct netsnmp_request_info_s *prev;

        struct netsnmp_subtree_s      *subtree;

} netsnmp_request_info;






ASP.NET Aries 高級開發教程:Excel導入之代碼編寫(番外篇)

chan 導入 設置 jna 配置 決定 ptc UNC 番外篇 前言: 以許框架提供的導入配置功能,已經能解決95%以上的導入情況,但有些情況總歸還是得代碼來解決。 本篇介紹與導入相關的代碼。 1、前端追加導入時Post的參數: var grid = new

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lis 數據庫 名稱 教程 配置 rdquo net 列名 邏輯 前言: 在面對Excel的各種復雜導入情況中,多表導入是很常見的情景。 今天就來寫一下多表導入是如何配置的。 1、自定義導入模板 怎麽自定義: 其實就是自己新建一個Excel了,把列頭都寫好。

CentOS開發ASP.NET Core入門教程

作者:依樂祝 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/yilezhu/p/9891346.html 因為之前一直沒怎麼玩過CentOS,大多數時間都是使用Win10進行開發,然後程式都部署在Window Server2008或者Window Server2012上!因此想嘗試下L

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SNMP專案有個需求,就是能夠動態改變net-snmp監聽的埠而不需要重啟裝置。關於這個功能,一開始想的是如果埠變更了,那就直接使用pthread_kill 關閉原來的代理執行緒,然後重新執行執行緒。但是這樣子測試後發現重啟的執行緒會自動導致整個程序退出。 模組框架大致是這

ASP.NET Aries 高階開發教程:主題樣式及多語言(標籤化控制)

前言: 最新ASP.NET Aries升級到V5.2.0以上之後,之前的樣式和多語言機制,有了重大的升級機制,這篇就簡單介紹一下。 1、控制開關 在配置維護那裡,新增了兩個控制項:   2、如何新增主題 說明: 在Aries下,可以自已新增樣式(這裡系統暫時沒提供其它樣式),然後通過配置

ASP.NET Aries 高階開發教程:Excel匯入之多表高階匯入配置(中)

前言: 在面對Excel的各種複雜匯入情況中,多表匯入是很常見的情景。 今天就來寫一下多表匯入是如何配置的。 1、自定義匯入模板 怎麼自定義: 其實就是自己新建一個Excel了,把列頭都寫好。 不過有一些下拉選項,可能自己不好弄,比如使用者角色,是否這些要變成下拉可選操作,自己去資料庫複製

ASP.NET Aries 高階開發教程:Excel匯入之單表配置(上)

前言: 隨著ASP.NET Aries的普及,剛好也有點閒空,趕緊把Excel匯入功能的教程補上。 Excel匯入功能,分為四篇:單表配置(上)、多表高階配置(中)、配置規則(下)、程式碼編寫(番外篇)。 本篇介紹單表配置功能。 1、配置表頭,把需要匯入的勾打上。 對於格式化的配置(生成Excel模

ASP.NET Aries 高階開發教程:Excel匯入之程式碼編寫(番外篇)

前言: 以許框架提供的匯入配置功能,已經能解決95%以上的匯入情況,但有些情況總歸還是得程式碼來解決。 本篇介紹與匯入相關的程式碼。 1、前端追加匯入時Post的引數: var grid = new AR.DataGrid('V_Test', 'Demo_TestA'); //......

ASP.NET Aries 高階開發教程:Excel匯入配置之規則說明(下)

前言: 前面兩篇都是大體介紹流程,有一些配置細節,沒有細說,這裡用一篇補上。 1、Excel配置項 起始行索引、列頭跨行數: 對於自定義的Excel匯入模板(有時候模板是由客戶提供,模板的規則很亂) 比如模板裡前面是一些說明,中間是列頭,下面還帶有資料和說明格式。 通過配置起始行索


基於DDD的現代ASP.NET開發框架--ABP系列之2、ABP入門教程 ABP是“ASP.NET Boilerplate Project (ASP.NET樣板專案)”的簡稱。 ASP.NET Boilerplate是一個用最佳實踐和流行技術開發現代WEB應用程式的新起點,它旨在成為一個通用的

net-snmp agent開發詳解,非常簡單

轉載請標明出處 原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/hepeng597/article/details/8782868 花了一兩天時間測試和整理一下。 用net-snmp擴充套件MIB庫,實現方法可歸結為四種: 1)一是靜態庫方式,通過修改配置標頭檔案,

ASP.NET Aries 入門開發教程6:列表資料表格的格式化處理及行內編輯

前言: 為了趕進度,週末也寫文了! 前幾篇講完查詢框和工具欄,這節講表格資料相關的操作。 先看一下列表: 接下來我們有很多事情可以做。 1:格式化 - 鍵值的翻譯 對於“啟用”列,已經配置了格式化 #是否,已經可以看到效果了。 對於分類ID列,通常顯示的是分類名稱,而不是

CAD .NET開發 教程(C#)——第四章


net-snmp agent開發詳解

轉載請標明出處 原文地址:http://blog.csdn.net/hepeng597/article/details/8782868 花了一兩天時間測試和整理一下。 用net-snmp擴充套件MIB庫,實現方法可歸結為四種: 1)一是靜態庫方式,通


花了一兩天時間測試和整理一下。 用net-snmp擴充套件MIB庫,實現方法可歸結為四種: 1)一是靜態庫方式,通過修改配置標頭檔案,在相應地方包含新引入的mib模組的.c和.h檔案,然後重新編譯庫檔案和擴充套件程式碼;這種方式不夠靈活,每次修改擴

Senparc.Weixin.MP SDK 微信公眾平臺開發教程(二十一):在小程式中使用 WebSocket (.NET Core)

  本文將介紹如何在 .NET Core 環境下,藉助 SignalR 在小程式內使用 WebSocket。關於 WebSocket 和 SignalR 的基礎理論知識不在這裡展開,已經有足夠的參考資料,例如參考 SignalR 的官方教程:https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/a

Senparc.Weixin.MP SDK 微信公眾平臺開發教程(二十二):在 .NET Core 2.0/3.0 中使用 MessageHandler 中介軟體

概述   在 《Senparc.Weixin.MP SDK 微信公眾平臺開發教程(六):瞭解MessageHandler》 中我們已經瞭解了 MessageHandler 的執行原理和使用方法,從我設計了這種處理方式到現在已經 6 年多的時間,這是一種非常穩定而且(在如此複雜環境下)相對易於維護的

ASP.NET Aries 高階開發教程:如何寫WebAPI介面

前提: 最近,有不少同學又問到,Aries裡如何提供WebAPI介面? 針對這個問題,今天給順路寫個教程,其實呢,很簡單的。 方式一:直接用WebService提供介面。 用這種方式,直接新增介面就可以了,Aries只是預設處理了.html字尾的請求。對於WS的asmx字尾是沒有影響的,所以傳統怎麼新