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No Program No Life




struct Node{
  int sum,mx,mn;
int M,a[maxn];


void build(int n)
  for( M = 1; M <= n+1; M <<= 1);
  for( int i = M + 1; i <= M + n; i++ )T[i].sum = T[i].mx = T[i].mn = a[i-M];
( int i = M - 1; i; i-- ){ T[i].sum = T[i<<1].sum + T[i<<1|1].sum; //結點記錄的是相對的值 T[i].mx = max(T[i<<1].mx,T[i<<1|1].mx); T[i<<1].mx -= T[i].mx;T[i<<1|1].mx -= T[i].mx; T[i].mn = min(T[i<<1].mn,T[i<<1|1].mn); T[i<<1].mn -= T
[i].mn;T[i<<1|1].mn -= T[i].mn; } }


for( T[x+=M].sum += v,x >>= 1; x; x >>= 1){
  T[x].sum = T[x<<1].sum + T[x<<1|1].sum;



int s,t;
// 只更新到當s,t是兄弟結點時
for( s = x+M-1,t = x+M+1; s^t^1; s>>=1,t>>=1 ){
(~s&1)T[s^1].mx += v,T[s^1].mn += v; if( t&1)T[t^1].mx += v,T[t^1].mn += v; A = max(T[s].mx,T[s^1].mx);T[s].mx -= A;T[s^1].mx -= A;T[s>>1].mx += A; A = max(T[t].mx,T[t^1].mx);T[t].mx -= A;T[t^1].mx -= A;T[t>>1].mx += A; A = min(T[s].mn,T[s^1].mn);T[s].mn -= A;T[s^1].mn -= A;T[s>>1].mn += A; A = min(T[t].mn,T[t^1].mn);T[t].mn -= A;T[t^1].mn -= A;T[t>>1].mn += A; } // 更新到根 while(s>1){ A = max(T[s].mx,T[s^1].mx),T[s].mx -= A,T[s^1].mx -= A,T[s>>1].mx += A; A = min(T[s].mn,T[s^1].mn),T[s].mn -= A,T[s^1].mn -= A,T[s>>=1].mn += A; }


int querySum(int l,int r,int res = 0)//查詢閉區間[l,r]
  // 看成開區間(l-1,r+1)
  for( l = l + M - 1,r = r + M + 1; l^r^1; l >>= 1,r >>= 1 ){
    if(~l&1)res += T[l^1].sum;
    if( r&1)res += T[r^1].sum;
  return res;


int queryMax(int l,int r,int lmx = 0,int rmx = 0)// 查詢閉區間[l,r]
  // 這裡還是閉區間[l,r],跟和的查詢不同
  // 還要分是不是葉子結點
  l += M,r += M;
  int res ;
  if(l != r){
    for( ; l^r^1; l >>= 1,r >>= 1 ){
      lmx += T[l].mx;rmx += T[r].mx;
      if(~l&1)lmx = max(lmx,T[l^1].mx);
      if( r&1)rmx = max(rmx,T[r^1].mx); 
  res = max(lmx+T[l].mx,rmx+T[r].mx);
  while(l > 1)res += T[l>>=1].mx;
  return res;
int queryMin(int l,int r,int lmn = 0,int rmn = 0)
  l += M,r += M;
  int res = 0;
  if(l != r){
    for( ; l^r^1; l >>= 1,r >>= 1 ){
      lmn += T[l].mn;rmn += T[r].mn;
      if(~l&1)lmn = min(lmn,T[l^1].mn);
      if( r&1)rmn = min(rmn,T[r^1].mn); 
  res = min(lmn+T[l].mn,rmn+T[r].mn);
  while(l > 1)res += T[l>>=1].mn;
  return res;


#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 100000 + 10;
struct Node{
  int sum,mx,mn;
int M,a[maxn];
void build(int n)
  for( M = 1; M <= n+1; M <<= 1);
  for( int i = M + 1; i <= M + n; i++ )T[i].sum = T[i].mx = T[i].mn = a[i-M];
  for( int i = M - 1; i; i-- ){
    T[i].sum = T[i<<1].sum + T[i<<1|1].sum;

    T[i].mx = max(T[i<<1].mx,T[i<<1|1].mx);
    T[i<<1].mx -= T[i].mx;T[i<<1|1].mx -= T[i].mx;

    T[i].mn = min(T[i<<1].mn,T[i<<1|1].mn);
    T[i<<1].mn -= T[i].mn;T[i<<1|1].mn -= T[i].mn;
void update(int x,int v,int A = 0)
  int s,t;
  for( s = x+M-1,t = x+M+1; s^t^1; s>>=1,t>>=1 ){
    if(~s&1)T[s^1].mx += v,T[s^1].mn += v;
    if( t&1)T[t^1].mx += v,T[t^1].mn += v;
    A = max(T[s].mx,T[s^1].mx);T[s].mx -= A;T[s^1].mx -= A;T[s>>1].mx += A;
    A = max(T[t].mx,T[t^1].mx);T[t].mx -= A;T[t^1].mx -= A;T[t>>1].mx += A;

    A = min(T[s].mn,T[s^1].mn);T[s].mn -= A;T[s^1].mn -= A;T[s>>1].mn += A;
    A = min(T[t].mn,T[t^1].mn);T[t].mn -= A;T[t^1].mn -= A;T[t>>1].mn += A;

    A = max(T[s].mx,T[s^1].mx),T[s].mx -= A,T[s^1].mx -= A,T[s>>1].mx += A;

    A = min(T[s].mn,T[s^1].mn),T[s].mn -= A,T[s^1].mn -= A,T[s>>=1].mn += A;

  for( T[x+=M].sum += v,x >>= 1; x; x >>= 1){
    T[x].sum = T[x<<1].sum + T[x<<1|1].sum;
int querySum(int l,int r,int res = 0)
  for( l = l + M - 1,r = r + M + 1; l^r^1; l >>= 1,r >>= 1 ){
    if(~l&1)res += T[l^1].sum;
    if( r&1)res += T[r^1].sum;
  return res;
int queryMax(int l,int r,int lmx = 0,int rmx = 0)
  l += M,r += M;
  int res ;
  if(l != r){
    for( ; l^r^1; l >>= 1,r >>= 1 ){
      lmx += T[l].mx;rmx += T[r].mx;
      if(~l&1)lmx = max(lmx,T[l^1].mx);
      if( r&1)rmx = max(rmx,T[r^1].mx); 
  res = max(lmx+T[l].mx,rmx+T[r].mx);
  while(l > 1)res += T[l>>=1].mx;
  return res;
int queryMin(int l,int r,int lmn = 0,int rmn = 0)
  l += M,r += M;
  int res = 0;
  if(l != r){
    for( ; l^r^1; l >>= 1,r >>= 1 ){
      lmn += T[l].mn;rmn += T[r].mn;
      if(~l&1)lmn = min(lmn,T[l^1].mn);
      if( r&1)rmn = min(rmn,T[r^1].mn); 
  res = min(lmn+T[l].mn,rmn+T[r].mn);
  while(l > 1)res += T[l>>=1].mn;
  return res;
int main()

  return 0;


No Program No Life

記錄一個菜逼的成長。。 網上好多zkw線段樹版本都是錯的。。坑啊。 主要是連zkw的ppt上都是不完整和有錯誤的。統計的力量 結點資訊 struct Node{ int sum,mx,mn; }T[maxn<<2]; in

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hdu 4630 No Pain No Game

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