Restful API返回物件封裝
public class Result implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5372450875750675775L;
* 編碼
private Integer code;
* 訊息
private String msg;
* 資料
private Object data;
public Result() {
public Result(Integer code, String msg) {
this.code = code;
this.msg = msg;
public static Result success() {
Result result = new Result();
return result;
public static Result success(Object data) {
Result result = new Result();
return result;
public static Result failure(ResultCode resultCode) {
Result result = new Result();
return result;
public static Result failure(ResultCode resultCode, Object data) {
Result result = new Result();
return result;
public void setResultCode(ResultCode code) {
this.code = code.code();
this.msg = code.message();
public Integer getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(Integer code) {
this.code = code;
public String getMsg() {
return msg;
public void setMsg(String msg) {
this.msg = msg;
public Object getData() {
return data;
public void setData(Object data) { = data;
public static long getSerialversionuid() {
return serialVersionUID;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public enum ResultCode {
SUCCESS(1, "成功"),
FAILURE(0, "失敗"),
// 1xx Informational
* {@code 100 Continue}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.2.1</a>
CONTINUE(100, "繼續"),
* {@code 101 Switching Protocols}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.2.2</a>
* {@code 102 Processing}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
PROCESSING(102, "處理"),
* {@code 103 Checkpoint}.
* @see <a href=
* "">A
* proposal for supporting resumable POST/PUT HTTP requests in HTTP/1.0</a>
CHECKPOINT(103, "檢查點"),
// 2xx Success
* {@code 200 OK}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.3.1</a>
OK(200, "OK"),
* {@code 201 Created}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.3.2</a>
CREATED(201, "建立"),
* {@code 202 Accepted}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.3.3</a>
ACCEPTED(202, "接受"),
* {@code 203 Non-Authoritative Information}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.3.4</a>
* {@code 204 No Content}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.3.5</a>
NO_CONTENT(204, "無內容"),
* {@code 205 Reset Content}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.3.6</a>
RESET_CONTENT(205, "重置內容"),
* {@code 206 Partial Content}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1: Range
* Requests, section 4.1</a>
PARTIAL_CONTENT(206, "部分內容"),
* {@code 207 Multi-Status}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
MULTI_STATUS(207, "多狀態"),
* {@code 208 Already Reported}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV Binding
* Extensions</a>
ALREADY_REPORTED(208, "已經報告"),
* {@code 226 IM Used}.
* @see <a href="">Delta
* encoding in HTTP</a>
IM_USED(226, "IM 使用"),
// 3xx Redirection
* {@code 300 Multiple Choices}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.4.1</a>
MULTIPLE_CHOICES(300, "多種選擇"),
* {@code 301 Moved Permanently}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.4.2</a>
* {@code 302 Found}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.4.3</a>
FOUND(302, "找到"),
* {@code 302 Moved Temporarily}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.0,
* section 9.3</a>
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #FOUND} which will be returned from
* {@code HttpStatus.valueOf(302)}
MOVED_TEMPORARILY(302, "Moved Temporarily"),
* {@code 303 See Other}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.4.4</a>
SEE_OTHER(303, "見其他"),
* {@code 304 Not Modified}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Conditional Requests, section 4.1</a>
NOT_MODIFIED(304, "未修改"),
* {@code 305 Use Proxy}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.4.5</a>
* @deprecated due to security concerns regarding in-band configuration of a
* proxy
USE_PROXY(305, "使用代理"),
* {@code 307 Temporary Redirect}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.4.7</a>
* {@code 308 Permanent Redirect}.
* @see <a href="">RFC 7238</a>
// --- 4xx Client Error ---
* {@code 400 Bad Request}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.1</a>
BAD_REQUEST(400, "錯誤請求"),
* {@code 401 Unauthorized}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Authentication, section 3.1</a>
UNAUTHORIZED(401, "未經授權"),
* {@code 402 Payment Required}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.2</a>
PAYMENT_REQUIRED(402, "需要付款"),
* {@code 403 Forbidden}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.3</a>
FORBIDDEN(403, "禁止"),
* {@code 404 Not Found}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.4</a>
NOT_FOUND(404, "未找到"),
* {@code 405 Method Not Allowed}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.5</a>
METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED(405, "方法不允許"),
* {@code 406 Not Acceptable}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.6</a>
NOT_ACCEPTABLE(406, "不可接受"),
* {@code 407 Proxy Authentication Required}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Authentication, section 3.2</a>
* {@code 408 Request Timeout}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.7</a>
REQUEST_TIMEOUT(408, "請求超時"),
* {@code 409 Conflict}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.8</a>
CONFLICT(409, "衝突"),
* {@code 410 Gone}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.9</a>
GONE(410, "走了"),
* {@code 411 Length Required}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.10</a>
LENGTH_REQUIRED(411, "所需長度"),
* {@code 412 Precondition failed}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Conditional Requests, section 4.2</a>
* {@code 413 Payload Too Large}.
* @since 4.1
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.11</a>
PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE(413, "請求實體太大"),
* {@code 413 Request Entity Too Large}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1,
* section 10.4.14</a>
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #PAYLOAD_TOO_LARGE} which will be returned
* from {@code HttpStatus.valueOf(413)}
* {@code 414 URI Too Long}.
* @since 4.1
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.12</a>
URI_TOO_LONG(414, "請求URI太長"),
* {@code 414 Request-URI Too Long}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1,
* section 10.4.15</a>
* @deprecated in favor of {@link #URI_TOO_LONG} which will be returned from
* {@code HttpStatus.valueOf(414)}
* {@code 415 Unsupported Media Type}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.13</a>
UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE(415, "不支援的媒體型別"),
* {@code 416 Requested Range Not Satisfiable}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1: Range
* Requests, section 4.4</a>
* {@code 417 Expectation Failed}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.5.14</a>
* {@code 418 I'm a teapot}.
* @see <a href=
* "">HTCPCP/1.0</a>
I_AM_A_TEAPOT(418, "我是茶壺"),
* @deprecated See <a href=
* "">WebDAV
* Draft Changes</a>
* @deprecated See <a href=
* "">WebDAV
* Draft Changes</a>
METHOD_FAILURE(420, "方法失效"),
* @deprecated See <a href=
* "">WebDAV
* Draft Changes</a>
* {@code 422 Unprocessable Entity}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
* {@code 423 Locked}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
LOCKED(423, "鎖定的"),
* {@code 424 Failed Dependency}.
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
* {@code 426 Upgrade Required}.
* @see <a href="">Upgrading to TLS
* Within HTTP/1.1</a>
UPGRADE_REQUIRED(426, "需要升級"),
* {@code 428 Precondition Required}.
* @see <a href="">Additional HTTP
* Status Codes</a>
* {@code 429 Too Many Requests}.
* @see <a href="">Additional HTTP
* Status Codes</a>
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS(429, "請求太多"),
* {@code 431 Request Header Fields Too Large}.
* @see <a href="">Additional HTTP
* Status Codes</a>
* {@code 451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons}.
* @see <a href=
* "">
* An HTTP Status Code to Report Legal Obstacles</a>
* @since 4.3
// --- 5xx Server Error ---
* {@code 500 Internal Server Error}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.6.1</a>
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR(500, "內部伺服器錯誤"),
* {@code 501 Not Implemented}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.6.2</a>
NOT_IMPLEMENTED(501, "未實施"),
* {@code 502 Bad Gateway}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.6.3</a>
BAD_GATEWAY(502, "錯誤閘道器"),
* {@code 503 Service Unavailable}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.6.4</a>
* {@code 504 Gateway Timeout}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.6.5</a>
GATEWAY_TIMEOUT(504, "閘道器超時"),
* {@code 505 HTTP Version Not Supported}.
* @see <a href="">HTTP/1.1:
* Semantics and Content, section 6.6.6</a>
* {@code 506 Variant Also Negotiates}
* @see <a href="">Transparent
* Content Negotiation</a>
* {@code 507 Insufficient Storage}
* @see <a href="">WebDAV</a>
* {@code 508 Loop Detected}
* @see <a href="">WebDAV Binding
* Extensions</a>
LOOP_DETECTED(508, "迴路檢測"),
* {@code 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded}
* {@code 510 Not Extended}
* @see <a href="">HTTP Extension
* Framework</a>
NOT_EXTENDED(510, "未擴充套件"),
* {@code 511 Network Authentication Required}.
* @see <a href="">Additional HTTP
* Status Codes</a>
* 編碼
private Integer code;
* 訊息
private String message;
ResultCode(Integer code, String message) {
this.code = code;
this.message = message;
public Integer code() {
return this.code;
public String message() {
return this.message;
public static Integer getCode(String name) {
for (ResultCode resultCode : ResultCode.values()) {
if ( {
return resultCode.code;
return null;
public static String getMessage(String name) {
for (ResultCode resultCode : ResultCode.values()) {
if ( {
return resultCode.message;
return name;
public String toString() {
* 測試編碼重複
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResultCode[] ResultCodes = ResultCode.values();
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (ResultCode resultCode : ResultCodes) {
if (list.contains(resultCode.code)) {
System.out.println("編碼重複:" + resultCode.code);
} else {
Restful API返回物件封裝
1、Resultimport;public class Result implements Serializable {private static final long serialVersionUID = -53724508757
Restful API返回統一響應體
參考文件: 對於客戶端開發或者網站開發而言,呼叫介面返回有統一的響應體,可以針對性的設計介面,程式碼結構更加清晰,層次也更加分明。 所以需要呼叫api時,要求
每天用SpringBoot,還不懂RESTful API返回統一資料格式是怎麼實現的?
關於 Spring 的全域性處理,我有兩方面要說: 統一資料返回格式 統一異常處理 為了將兩個問題說明清楚,將分兩個章節分別說明,本章主要說第一點 有童鞋說,我們專案都做了這種處理,就是在每個 API 都單獨工具類將返回值進行封裝,但這種不夠優雅;我想寫最少的程式碼完成這件事,也許有童鞋說,加幾個註解就解
只需一步,在Spring Boot中統一Restful API返回值格式與統一處理異常
統一返回值 在前後端分離大行其道的今天,有一個統一的返回值格式不僅能使我們的介面看起來更漂亮,而且還可以使前端可以統一處理很多東西
HTTP請求封裝:Ajax、RESTful API及Promise
active 技術 scrip XML end delete 我們 encode 完整 一、HTTP請求 HTTP即超文本傳輸協議,用以進行HTML 文件、 圖片文件、 查詢結果等的網絡傳輸。 一個完整的HTTP請求包括:請求行、請求頭、空行和請求數據(請求數據可以為
SpringBoot構建RESTful API——處理返回異常
@ResponseBody 提供了一種很有用的方式,能夠將控制器返回的 Java 物件轉換為傳送到客戶端的資源表述。 一個好的 REST API 不僅僅能夠在客戶端和伺服器之間傳遞資源,他還能夠給客戶端提供額外的資料,幫助客戶端理解資源或者在請求中發生了什麼情況。 傳送錯誤資訊到客戶端 例如
springmvc搭建返回json格式的restful api
目標:實現如下的restful api,返回格式為json /blog/100 HTTP GET => 得到id = 100的blog /blog/100 HTTP DELETE => 刪除 id = 100的blog /blog/100 HTTP PUT =
一:應用背景在介紹功能之前,先說一下工作中遇到的問題。專案中服務端提供restful api介面給前端網站、h5和app端使用,通過http請求返回json資料。目前存在一個A介面,因前期業務需要輸出50個業務屬性供app端業務開發,現在h5也有相似需求需要用到A介面,不同的
一個應用使用 Spring Mvc 實現的 RESTFul Webservice,其Controller 用下面的類包裝結果返回給呼叫方。 public class BaseResponse<T> { private String msg = "mes
Restful API開發利器——RestPack專案教程(統一api返回json格式)
Restful API開發利器——RestPack專案教程 目錄 專案背景 RestPack 簡介 引入 RestPack 依賴 啟用 RestPack @RestPackController 註解 RestPack 異常處理 日誌輸出 資源分享與技術交流
Restful Api寫法心得之三《返回值篇》
前言 溫馨提示:可以訂閱我的微信公眾號,在手機裡看技術文件也很不錯哦o( ̄︶ ̄)o! 這是關於api基礎寫法的第三篇文章了,這裡給下前兩篇連線 《路徑定義篇》 《引數接收篇》 ,對於本篇文章我們主要說下介面的資料返回值的問題。 格式選擇 返回格
使用 flask 實現一個簡單的可以返回 json 的 RESTful API 服務端 from flask import Flask from flask import jsonify import random app = Flask(__name__) @app.route('/') def hello_world
JObject job = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(strBuff); foreach (var item in job["subjects"]) { subjec
.net 從WebService的restful api介面以POST方式請求並獲取返回值
最有效的: post位置 private void LoginTest() { string resultState = string.Empty; try {
flask框架,RESTful API的請求及返回引數探索
先提一下RESTful API設計原則GET 用來獲取資源POST 用來新建資源(也可以用於更新資源)PUT 用來更新資源DELETE 用來刪除資源在一個註冊到RESTful API的物件中,可以通過特定的成員函式來匹配對應的http請求方法,程式碼如下:class User
RestFul API 統一格式返回 + 全域性異常處理
一、背景 在分散式、微服務盛行的今天,絕大部分專案都採用的微服務框架,前後端分離方式。前端和後端進行互動,前端按照約定請求URL路徑,並傳入相關引數,後端伺服器接收請求,進行業務處理,返回資料給前端。 所以統一介面的返回值,保證介面返回值的冪等性很重要,本文主要介紹博主當前使用的結果集。 二、統一格式設計 2
利用過濾器Filter和特性Attribute實現對Web API返回結果的封裝和統一異常處理
在我們開發Web API應用的時候,我們可以借鑑ABP框架的過濾器Filter和特性Attribute的應用,實現對Web API返回結果的封裝和統一異常處理,本篇隨筆介紹利用AuthorizeAttribute實現Web API身份認證,利用ActionFilterAttribute實現對常規Web API
RESTful API 設計指南
head 簡單 option eat set 取出 tro 其他 first 網絡應用程序,分為前端和後端兩個部分。當前的發展趨勢,就是前端設備層出不窮(手機、平板、桌面電腦、其他專用設備……)。 因此,必須有一種統一的機制,方便不同的前端設備與後端進行通信。這
Yii2 Restful Api 401
原因 數據 app -s style font code ont ram 采用Yii2 Restful Api方式為APP提供數據,默認你已經做好了所有的編碼和配置工作。采用Postman測試接口: 出現這個畫面的一個可能原因是:access_token的寫法有誤,如果你
Restful API設計
rfc mage erro art 狀態 存在 asc tar 區分 理解RESTful架構 越來越多的人開始意識到,網站即軟件,而且是一種新型的軟件。 這種"互聯網軟件"采用客戶端/服務器模式,建立在分布式體系上,通過互聯網通信,具有高延時(high latency