1. 程式人生 > >Nagios監控nginx服務詳細過程


  1. #!/bin/sh
  2. PROGNAME=`basename $0`
  3. VERSION=\\\"Version 1.1,\\\"
  4. AUTHOR=\\\"tim man\\\"
  5. ST_OK=0
  6. ST_WR=1
  7. ST_CR=2
  8. ST_UK=3
  9. hostname=\\\"localhost\\\"
  10. port=80
  11. path_pid=/var/run
  12. name_pid=\\\"nginx.pid\\\"
  13. status_page=\\\"nginx_status\\\"
  14. pid_check=1
  15. secure=0
  16. print_version() {
  17.     echo \\\"$VERSION $AUTHOR\\\"
  18. }
  19. print_help() {
  20.     print_version $PROGNAME $VERSION
  21.     echo \\\"\\\"
  22.     echo \\\"$PROGNAME is a Nagios plugin to check whether nginx is running.\\\"
  23.     echo \\\"It also parses the nginx\\\'s status page to get requests and\\\"
  24.     echo \\\"connections per second as well as requests per connection. You\\\"
  25.     echo \\\"may have to alter your nginx configuration so that the plugin\\\"

  26.     echo \\\"can access the server\\\'s status page.\\\"
  27.     echo \\\"The plugin is highly configurable for this reason. See below for\\\"
  28.     echo \\\"available options.\\\"
  29.     echo \\\"\\\"
  30.     echo \\\"$PROGNAME -H localhost -P 80 -p /var/run -n nginx.pid \\\"
  31.     echo \\\" -s nginx_statut -o /tmp [-w INT] [-c INT] [-S] [-N]\\\"

  32.     echo \\\"\\\"
  33.     echo \\\"Options:\\\"
  34.     echo \\\" -H/--hostname)\\\"
  35.     echo \\\" Defines the hostname. Default is: localhost\\\"
  36.     echo \\\" -P/--port)\\\"
  37.     echo \\\" Defines the port. Default is: 80\\\"
  38.     echo \\\" -p/--path-pid)\\\"
  39.     echo \\\" Path where nginx\\\'s pid file is being stored. You might need\\\"
  40.     echo \\\" to alter this path according to your distribution. Default\\\"
  41.     echo \\\" is: /var/run\\\"
  42.     echo \\\" -n/--name_pid)\\\"
  43.     echo \\\" Name of the pid file. Default is: nginx.pid\\\"
  44.     echo \\\" -N/--no-pid-check)\\\"
  45.     echo \\\" Turn this on, if you don\\\'t want to check for a pid file\\\"
  46.     echo \\\" whether nginx is running, e.g. when you\\\'re checking a\\\"
  47.     echo \\\" remote server. Default is: off\\\"
  48.     echo \\\" -s/--status-page)\\\"
  49.     echo \\\" Name of the server\\\'s status page defined in the location\\\"
  50.     echo \\\" directive of your nginx configuration. Default is:\\\"
  51.     echo \\\" nginx_status\\\"
  52.     echo \\\" -S/--secure)\\\"
  53.     echo \\\" In case your server is only reachable via SSL, use this\\\"
  54.     echo \\\" this switch to use HTTPS instead of HTTP. Default is: off\\\"
  55.     echo \\\" -w/--warning)\\\"
  56.     echo \\\" Sets a warning level for requests per second. Default is: off\\\"
  57.     echo \\\" -c/--critical)\\\"
  58.     echo \\\" Sets a critical level for requests per second. Default is:\\\"
  59.     echo \\\" off\\\"
  60.     exit $ST_UK
  61. }
  62. while test -n \\\"$1\\\"; do
  63.     case \\\"$1\\\" in
  64.         -help|-h)
  65.             print_help
  66.             exit $ST_UK
  67.             ;;
  68.         --version|-v)
  69.             print_version $PROGNAME $VERSION
  70.             exit $ST_UK
  71.             ;;
  72.         --hostname|-H)
  73.             hostname=$2
  74.             shift
  75.             ;;
  76.         --port|-P)
  77.             port=$2
  78.             shift
  79.             ;;
  80.         --path-pid|-p)
  81.             path_pid=$2
  82.             shift
  83.             ;;
  84.         --name-pid|-n)
  85.             name_pid=$2
  86.             shift
  87.             ;;
  88.         --no-pid-check|-N)
  89.             pid_check=0
  90.             ;;
  91.         --status-page|-s)
  92.             status_page=$2
  93.             shift
  94.             ;;
  95.         --secure|-S)
  96.             secure=1
  97.             ;;
  98.         --warning|-w)
  99.             warning=$2
  100.             shift
  101.             ;;
  102.         --critical|-c)
  103.             critical=$2
  104.             shift
  105.             ;;
  106.         *)
  107.             echo \\\"Unknown argument: $1\\\"
  108.             print_help
  109.             exit $ST_UK
  110.             ;;
  111.         esac
  112.     shift
  113. done
  114. get_wcdiff() {
  115.     if [ ! -z \\\"$warning\\\" -! -z \\\"$critical\\\" ]
  116.     then
  117.         wclvls=1
  118.         if [ ${warning} -ge ${critical} ]
  119.         then
  120.             wcdiff=1
  121.         fi
  122.     elif [ ! -z \\\"$warning\\\" --z \\\"$critical\\\" ]
  123.     then
  124.         wcdiff=2
  125.     elif [ -z \\\"$warning\\\" -! -z \\\"$critical\\\" ]
  126.     then
  127.         wcdiff=3
  128.     fi
  129. }
  130. val_wcdiff() {
  131.     if [ \\\"$wcdiff\\\" = 1 ]
  132.     then
  133.         echo \\\"Please adjust your warning/critical thresholds. The warning \\\\
  134. must be lower than the critical level!\\\"
  135.         exit $ST_UK
  136.     elif [ \\\"$wcdiff\\\" = 2 ]
  137.     then
  138.         echo \\\"Please also set a critical value when you want to use \\\\
  139. warning/critical thresholds!\\\"
  140.         exit $ST_UK



    #!/bin/shPROGNAME=`basename $0`VERSION=\\\"Version 1.1,\\\"AUTHOR=\\\"tim man\\\"ST_OK=0ST_WR=1ST_CR=2ST_UK=3hostname=\\\"localhost\\\"port=80path_pid=/var


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