1. 程式人生 > >Sublime Text Markdown ERROR: error trying to parse file

Sublime Text Markdown ERROR: error trying to parse file

MacOS+Sublime Text3用來寫markdown一直遇到這個問題。(之前安裝Latex的歷史遺留問題)。

如果提示是setting就選Settings,這裡選擇Key Bindings.





Sublime Text Markdown ERROR: error trying to parse file

MacOS+Sublime Text3用來寫markdown一直遇到這個問題。(之前安裝Latex的歷史遺留問題)。 報錯顯示在keymap的第四行,那麼索引到該位置。 如果提示是setting就選

【安裝】開啟sublime text出現“Error trying to parse settings”問題

開啟sublime出現的問題: j 解決方法: 在C盤開啟此路徑:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages 可能不同電腦路徑會有所區別,就是開啟電腦中C盤的sublime text 3 資料夾。

Oracle啟動時報錯 error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12543

今天 安裝oracle資料庫,使用 pl啟東市總是提示 error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12543,網上查了半天,有的說 tnsna

plsql開啟錯誤 error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-12541

1,確認自己輸入的服務名是不是正確,服務名不區分大小寫。 2,看看系統的環境變數中ORACLE_HOME的值是不是正確, ORACLE_HOME的值要設定到client目錄。 原因:沒設定ORACLE_HOME 解決: 後來加上就可以了 在pat

Error while trying to retrieve text error CRA-12154 資料庫連線錯誤

Error while trying to retrieve text error CRA-12154 資料庫連線錯誤 Pl/SQL   連線資料庫  看ip地址 在PL/SQL中選擇Help-->Support Info... ->檢視DNS File C:\

終於解決了Linux下執行OCCI程式一直報Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804錯誤

Linux 下執行OCCI程式,一直報如下錯誤: Exception: Code - 1804, Message - Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804 之前也遇到了該錯誤,當時解決辦法是配置 O

linux下啟動mysql提示:Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon

任務 自帶 lean linu 使用 custom 方式 files 一個 啟動 mysqld 時經過很長時間顯示 Timeout error occurred trying to start MySQL Daemon. 終端進入 mysql 時顯示 ERROR 2002

SpaceVim中neomake報錯 Error while trying to load a compilation database

inux cpp turn 沒有 spa without json data mpi 回家裝上archlinux,突發奇想裝個SpaceVim寫題 安裝配置一路可以說是沒有太大問題 最後在寫題時出現如下問題 Error while trying to load a comp

bundle install There was an error while trying to write to

bundle install There was an error while trying to write to /Users/user_name/.bundle/cache/compact_index/rubygems.org.443.29b0360b93

Windows下Sublime text 編譯程式出現[Error 2] 的解決辦法

錯誤資訊[Error 2] [cmd: [u'bash', u'-c', u"g++ 'E:\\Wamp\\wamp\\c\\1.cpp' -o 'E:\\Wamp\\wamp\\c/1' && 'E:\\Wamp\\wamp\\c/1'"]] [d

Error】: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already been

錯誤: RuntimeError: Trying to backward through the graph a second time, but the buffers have already b

解決sublime text輸出decode error問題

sublime text有時執行會輸出以下錯誤資訊: [Decode error - output not utf-8]或者[Decode error - output not gbk] 錯誤資訊意思就是指令碼輸出的資訊不是某種指定編碼. 指定的編碼一般在

Github桌面安裝時問題An error occurred trying to download

Github for windows安裝過程出現了這樣的問題An error occurred trying to download 'http://github-windows.s3.amazona

redis報(error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs.

director distance ted end only conf 問題 sin lena 今天重啟redis 無法正常關閉報(error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs.錯誤 [zykj@localhost sr

gcc編譯報錯 checking whether the C compiler works... no 中的 error trying to exec 'cc1': execvp: No such file or directory解決辦法

1 首先檢查報錯原因是execvp: No such file or directory 因此要將/etc/profile的export PATH指向gcc的lib路徑中的cc1檔案 例如我的cc1檔案在/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/4.8/ 則輸出 export P

Error trying to upgrade business network. Error: Failed to receive commit notification from

✖ Upgrading business network definition. This may take a minute… Error: Error trying to upgrade business network. Error: Failed to receive commi

ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level ORA-04024: self-deadlock detected while trying to

[[email protected] ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Fri Nov 9 14:30:17 2018 Copyright (c) 1982, 2016, Oracl

Redis關閉服務報錯---(error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs.

在關閉redis時遇到如下提示> shutdown (error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs. 百度後找到以下解決方案 1.在redis.conf中修改日誌檔案的位置 #日誌檔案位置 log

Redis第一次啟動,SHUTDOWN時提示: (error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs.

今天我也是第一次玩redis,從下載到安裝到HelloWorld一切順風順水,誰知在最後關閉redis時,出現了(error) ERR Errors trying to SHUTDOWN. Check logs.錯誤。下面貼出我的解決過程(可能有點繁瑣):

Appium: Error trying to install Chromedriver binary. Waiting and trying again.

node.js的版本太低了,重新下載更高版本的node.js版本。 開始我的node.js是 v6.11.3 在cmd命令下指定appium的版本為 1.7.2 的版本進行安裝,就一直提示:Error trying to install Chromedriver binary. Wait