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ubuntu server環境安裝virtualbox增強工具

Installing VirtualBox's "Guest Additions" is not as straight forward as I'd like it to be for an Ubuntu Server Guest but I figured out the solution.

In this tutorial I am using:

  • Host: Windows XP Professional
  • VirtualBox: 3.1.6
  • Guest: Ubuntu Server 10.04 (Lucid Lynx )

So say you have a host with VirtualBox installed (I have Windows XP, you have any version of Windows, Mac, Solaris, Linux, etc.) and have an Ubuntu Server installed as a guest. If you want to install "Guest Additions" for added features (such as seemless mode, copy and paste support, or shared folders in my case), you're supposed to click Devices > Install Guest Additions...

but when I clicked the button, nothing popped up. Why doesn't anything pop-up? Did it download? Was there an error?

Unbeknown to me, VirtualBox actually downloaded an image called VBoxGuestAdditions.iso, all without telling me. Great,  it's downloaded, but how do I mount and install it?

First off, let's grab some libraries we need for Guest Additions to install
sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r`

Then mount it
sudo mount /dev/cdrom1 /mnt

Then run the proper executable (make sure you look for the correct one for your machine)
sudo bash /mnt/VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run

There will be an error that states the not all features could be installed

Installing the Window System drivers ...fail!
(Could not find the X.org or XFree86 Window System.)

But this is okay. VirtualBox's Guest Additions installs some features that we don't need on a server (seemless mode, copy and paste, etc.) If you want these features, you'll have to install 67MB+ of X.Org libraries
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core

So it's up to you: GuestAdditions with 67MB+ of X.Org libraries or let these drivers fail and enjoy shared folders.


ubuntu server環境安裝virtualbox增強工具

Installing VirtualBox's "Guest Additions" is not as straight forward as I'd like it to be for an Ubuntu Server Guest but I figured out the solution. In th


目的:提高Linux虛擬機器使用便捷性 0x01 安裝VirtualBox增強工具及共享資料夾設定 安裝增強功能後可以實現更多VirtualBox的特殊功能,如“共享資料夾”、“共享貼上板”和“拖放”等,可增強使用者的使用體驗。 為了防止直接安裝增強功能可能出現錯誤,首




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使用virtualbox安裝VBoxGuestAdditions增強工具 共享資料夾失敗問題

最近使用virtualbox 4.3.12版本,guest使用centos,host為windows系統,最新的virtualbox已經直接支援啟動時自動掛載共享資料夾,但是安裝VBoxGuestAdditions時總是提示編譯核心失敗。檢視log提示類似如下: grep

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https 1.2 快捷 show 管理 1.0 pkg Coding owin 下載: wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/5.1.26/virtualbox-5.1_5.1.26-117224~Ubuntu

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02 - 安裝VirtualBox增強功能並設置共享文件夾

vbo 再次 密碼 info png 增強 rtu log ubuntu VirtualBox增強功能可以讓系統分辨率可以自適應窗口,並且可以共享文件夾,還有其他很多有用的功能。 安裝VirtualBox增強功能。 VirtualBox的菜單:設備->安裝增強功能,

Ubuntu 18.04 安裝 virtualbox

修復 wiki http 安裝包 style download 8.0 sta deb 1、安裝包下載地址 【https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads】 2、進入軟件包的文件夾 sudo dpkg -i 安裝包的名字.

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