1. 程式人生 > >下載編譯chromium程式碼-android版本親測60




  • A 64-bit Intel machine running Linux with at least 8GB of RAM. More than 16GB is highly recommended.
  • At least 100GB of free disk space.
  • You must have Git and Python installed already.

Most development is done on Ubuntu. Other distros may or may not work; see theLinux instructions for some suggestions.

Building the Android client on Windows or Mac is not supported and doesn't work.

1. 下載depot_tools


Clone the depot_tools repository:

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git

Add depot_tools to the end of your PATH (you will probably want to put this in your~/.bashrc

or~/.zshrc). Assuming you cloneddepot_tools to/path/to/depot_tools:

export PATH="$PATH:/path/to/depot_tools"

2. 獲取程式碼

Create a chromium directory for the checkout and change to it (you can call this whatever you like and put it wherever you like, as long as the full path has no spaces):

mkdir ~/chromium && cd ~/

--nohooks android

If you don't want the full repo history, you can save a lot of time by adding the--no-history flag tofetch.

Expect the command to take 30 minutes on even a fast connection, and many hours on slower ones.

If you've already installed the build dependencies on the machine (from another checkout, for example), you can omit the--nohooks flag andfetch will automatically executegclient runhooks at the end.

  • 如果遇到 gnutls_handshake失敗 
  • error: gnutls_handshake() failed: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received. while accessing ...
    fatal: HTTP request failed


Got reason of the problem, it was gnutls package. It's working weird behind a proxy. Butopenssl is working fine even in weak network. So workaround is that we should compilegit with openssl. To do this, run the following commands:

sudo apt-get install build-essential fakeroot dpkg-dev
mkdir ~/git-openssl
cd ~/git-openssl
sudo apt-get source git
sudo apt-get build-dep git
sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev
sudo dpkg-source -x git_1.7.9.5-1.dsc //具體版本看下載的
cd git_1.7.9.5 8.

Then, edit debian/control file (run the command: gksu gedit debian/control) and replace all instances oflibcurl4-gnutls-dev with libcurl4-openssl-dev

sudo dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b

(if it's failing on test, you can remove the line TEST=test from the filedebian/rules)

sudo dpkg -i ../git_1.7.9.5-1_i386.deb

When fetch completes, it will have created a hidden .gclient file and a directory called src in the working directory. The remaining instructions assume you have switched to thesrc directory:

cd src

Converting an existing Linux checkout

If you have an existing Linux checkout, you can add Android support by appendingtarget_os = ['android'] to your.gclient file (in the directory abovesrc):

echo "target_os = [ 'android' ]">>../.gclient

Then run gclient sync to pull the new Android dependencies:

gclient sync

(This is the only difference between fetch android andfetch chromium.)


Once you have checked out the code, run


to get all of the dependencies you need to build on Linux, plus all of the Android-specific dependencies (you need some of the regular Linux dependencies because an Android build includes a bunch of the Linux tools and utilities).


Once you've run install-build-deps at least once, you can now run the Chromium-specific hooks, which will download additional binaries and other things you might need:

注意這裡會提示要下載一份LICENSE檔案,需要使用者選擇接受還是拒絕。當選擇接受後,會繼續啟動下載,如果沒有選擇,那麼再執行一遍:gclient runhooks

gclient runhooks

Optional: You can also install API keys if you want your build to talk to some Google services, but this is not necessary for most development and testing purposes.

2.1. 切換分支(如果不需要請略過)

git fetch tags


git checkout  60.0.3112.107

git checkout -b your_release_branch 60.0.3112.107


gclient sync --with_branch_heads --jobs 16

gclient runhooks



Chromium uses Ninja as its main build tool along with a tool called GN to generate .ninja files. You can create any number ofbuild directories with different configurations. To create a build directory which builds Chrome for Android, run:

gn gen --args='target_os="android"'out/Default


gn args out/Default


target_os = "android"


target_cpu = "arm"

is_official_build = true

is_debug = false

symbol_level = 1

enable_nacl = false

exclude_unwind_tables = true

proprietary_codecs = true

ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"

remove_webcore_debug_symbols = true

is_component_build = false

is_clang = false

enable_incremental_javac = false

enable_webrtc = true

  • You only have to run this once for each new build directory, Ninja will update the build files as needed.
  • You can replace Default with another name, but it should be a subdirectory ofout.
  • For other build arguments, including release settings, see GN build configuration. The default will be a debug component build matching the current host operating system and CPU.
  • For more info on GN, run gn help on the command line or read thequick start guide.

Also be aware that some scripts (e.g. tombstones.py,adb_gdb.py) require you to setCHROMIUM_OUTPUT_DIR=out/Default.


Build Chromium with Ninja using the command:


ninja -C out/Default chrome_public_apk

You can get a list of all of the other build targets from GN by running gn ls out/Default from the command line. To compile one, pass the GN label to Ninja with no preceding “//” (so, for//chrome/test:unit_tests useninja -C out/Default chrome/test:unit_tests).



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