需求:批量提交修改資料,其中需要修改的資料有 23萬多條。
declare cursor l_c1 is select u.id from 系統名(可不寫).表名 u where 條件; //定義遊標 type t1 is table of pls_integer; l_t1 t1; begin open l_c1; loop fetch l_c1 bulk collect into l_t1 limit 1000; //限制一次提交的數量 forall i in 1..l_t1.count update 系統名.表名t set t.欄位="值" where t.id = l_t1(i); commit; exit when l_t1.count=0; end loop; close l_c1; commit; end;
例項: declare cursor l_c1 is select u.id from ttt.tbl_base u where u.name='7'; type t1 is table of pls_integer; l_t1 t1; begin open l_c1; loop fetch l_c1 bulk collect into l_t1 limit 1000; forall i in 1..l_t1.count update ttt.tbl t set t.value= 'SPE01' where t.id = l_t1(i); commit; exit when l_t1.count=0; end loop; close l_c1; commit; end;
declare cursor l_c1 is select u.id from ttt.tbl_base u where u.name='7'; type t1 is table of ttt.tbl_base .id%type; //欄位型別問題(修改了這裡)。 //資料庫的欄位id的型別是 varchar2 l_t1 t1; begin open l_c1; loop fetch l_c1 bulk collect into l_t1 limit 1000; forall i in 1..l_t1.count update ttt.tbl t set t.value= 'SPE01' where t.id = l_t1(i); commit; exit when l_t1.count=0; end loop; close l_c1; commit; end;
需求:批量提交修改資料,其中需要修改的資料有 23萬多條。 declare cursor l_c1 is select u.id from 系統名(可不寫).表名 u where 條件; //定義遊標 type t1 is table of pls_integer;
用servlet實現一個註冊的小功能 ,後臺獲取資料。 註冊頁面: 註冊頁面程式碼 : <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title&g
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