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sys_arch interface for lwIP 0.6++

lwIP 0.6++ 的 sys_arch 介面

Author: Adam Dunkels
作者:Adam Dunkels 

The operating system emulation layer provides a common interface
between the lwIP code and the underlying operating system kernel. The
general idea is that porting lwIP to new architectures requires only
small changes to a few header files and a new sys_arch
implementation. It is also possible to do a sys_arch implementation
that does not rely on any underlying operating system.

The sys_arch provides semaphores and mailboxes to lwIP. For the full
lwIP functionality, multiple threads support can be implemented in the
sys_arch, but this is not required for the basic lwIP
functionality. Previous versions of lwIP required the sys_arch to
implement timer scheduling as well but as of lwIP 0.5 this is
implemented in a higher layer.

In addition to the source file providing the functionality of sys_arch,
the OS emulation layer must provide several header files defining
macros used throughout lwip.  The files required and the macros they
must define are listed below the sys_arch description.

Semaphores can be either counting or binary - lwIP works with both
kinds. Mailboxes are used for message passing and can be implemented
either as a queue which allows multiple messages to be posted to a
mailbox, or as a rendez-vous point where only one message can be
posted at a time. lwIP works with both kinds, but the former type will
be more efficient. A message in a mailbox is just a pointer, nothing

Semaphores are represented by the type "sys_sem_t" which is typedef'd
in the sys_arch.h file. Mailboxes are equivalently represented by the
type "sys_mbox_t". lwIP does not place any restrictions on how
sys_sem_t or sys_mbox_t are represented internally.

Since lwIP 1.4.0, semaphore and mailbox functions are prototyped in a way that
allows both using pointers or actual OS structures to be used. This way, memory
required for such types can be either allocated in place (globally or on the
stack) or on the heap (allocated internally in the "*_new()" functions).
從lwip 1.4.0,訊號量和郵箱功能的原型的一種方式,既可以使用指標也可以使用實際的OS結構。
這樣,申請這種型別的記憶體可以在適當的地方分配(全域性或堆疊)、堆(在“* _new()”功能的內部分配)。

The following functions must be implemented by the sys_arch:
下面列出的函式都必需在 sys_arch 中實現

- void sys_init(void)

  Is called to initialize the sys_arch layer.
  用於初始化 sys_arch 層

- err_t sys_sem_new(sys_sem_t *sem, u8_t count)

  Creates a new semaphore. The semaphore is allocated to the memory that 'sem'
  points to (which can be both a pointer or the actual OS structure).
  The "count" argument specifies the initial state of the semaphore (which is
  either 0 or 1).
  If the semaphore has been created, ERR_OK should be returned. Returning any
  other error will provide a hint what went wrong, but except for assertions,
  no real error handling is implemented.

- void sys_sem_free(sys_sem_t *sem)

  Deallocates a semaphore.

- void sys_sem_signal(sys_sem_t *sem)

  Signals a semaphore.

- u32_t sys_arch_sem_wait(sys_sem_t *sem, u32_t timeout)

  Blocks the thread while waiting for the semaphore to be
  signaled. If the "timeout" argument is non-zero, the thread should
  only be blocked for the specified time (measured in
  milliseconds). If the "timeout" argument is zero, the thread should be
  blocked until the semaphore is signalled.

  If the timeout argument is non-zero, the return value is the number of
  milliseconds spent waiting for the semaphore to be signaled. If the
  semaphore wasn't signaled within the specified time, the return value is
  SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT. If the thread didn't have to wait for the semaphore
  (i.e., it was already signaled), the function may return zero.

  Notice that lwIP implements a function with a similar name,
  sys_sem_wait(), that uses the sys_arch_sem_wait() function.
  注意,lwIP 實現了一個有相似名字的函式叫sys_sem_wait(),它會使用 sys_arch_sem_wait() 函式。

- int sys_sem_valid(sys_sem_t *sem)

  Returns 1 if the semaphore is valid, 0 if it is not valid.
  When using pointers, a simple way is to check the pointer for != NULL.
  When directly using OS structures, implementing this may be more complex.
  This may also be a define, in which case the function is not prototyped.

- void sys_sem_set_invalid(sys_sem_t *sem)

  Invalidate a semaphore so that sys_sem_valid() returns 0.
  ATTENTION: This does NOT mean that the semaphore shall be deallocated:
  sys_sem_free() is always called before calling this function!
  This may also be a define, in which case the function is not prototyped.

- err_t sys_mbox_new(sys_mbox_t *mbox, int size)

  Creates an empty mailbox for maximum "size" elements. Elements stored
  in mailboxes are pointers. You have to define macros "_MBOX_SIZE"
  in your lwipopts.h, or ignore this parameter in your implementation
  and use a default size.
  If the mailbox has been created, ERR_OK should be returned. Returning any
  other error will provide a hint what went wrong, but except for assertions,
  no real error handling is implemented.

- void sys_mbox_free(sys_mbox_t *mbox)

  Deallocates a mailbox. If there are messages still present in the
  mailbox when the mailbox is deallocated, it is an indication of a
  programming error in lwIP and the developer should be notified.

- void sys_mbox_post(sys_mbox_t *mbox, void *msg)

  Posts the "msg" to the mailbox. This function have to block until
  the "msg" is really posted.

- err_t sys_mbox_trypost(sys_mbox_t *mbox, void *msg)

  Try to post the "msg" to the mailbox. Returns ERR_MEM if this one
  is full, else, ERR_OK if the "msg" is posted.

- u32_t sys_arch_mbox_fetch(sys_mbox_t *mbox, void **msg, u32_t timeout)

  Blocks the thread until a message arrives in the mailbox, but does
  not block the thread longer than "timeout" milliseconds (similar to
  the sys_arch_sem_wait() function). If "timeout" is 0, the thread should
  be blocked until a message arrives. The "msg" argument is a result
  parameter that is set by the function (i.e., by doing "*msg =
  ptr"). The "msg" parameter maybe NULL to indicate that the message
  should be dropped.

  The return values are the same as for the sys_arch_sem_wait() function:
  Number of milliseconds spent waiting or SYS_ARCH_TIMEOUT if there was a

  Note that a function with a similar name, sys_mbox_fetch(), is
  implemented by lwIP. 

- u32_t sys_arch_mbox_tryfetch(sys_mbox_t *mbox, void **msg)

  This is similar to sys_arch_mbox_fetch, however if a message is not
  present in the mailbox, it immediately returns with the code
  SYS_MBOX_EMPTY. On success 0 is returned.

  To allow for efficient implementations, this can be defined as a
  function-like macro in sys_arch.h instead of a normal function. For
  example, a naive implementation could be:
    #define sys_arch_mbox_tryfetch(mbox,msg) \
  although this would introduce unnecessary delays.

- int sys_mbox_valid(sys_mbox_t *mbox)

  Returns 1 if the mailbox is valid, 0 if it is not valid.
  When using pointers, a simple way is to check the pointer for != NULL.
  When directly using OS structures, implementing this may be more complex.
  This may also be a define, in which case the function is not prototyped.

- void sys_mbox_set_invalid(sys_mbox_t *mbox)

  Invalidate a mailbox so that sys_mbox_valid() returns 0.
  ATTENTION: This does NOT mean that the mailbox shall be deallocated:
  sys_mbox_free() is always called before calling this function!
  This may also be a define, in which case the function is not prototyped.

If threads are supported by the underlying operating system and if
such functionality is needed in lwIP, the following function will have
to be implemented as well:

- sys_thread_t sys_thread_new(char *name, void (* thread)(void *arg), void *arg, int stacksize, int prio)

  Starts a new thread named "name" with priority "prio" that will begin its
  execution in the function "thread()". The "arg" argument will be passed as an
  argument to the thread() function. The stack size to used for this thread is
  the "stacksize" parameter. The id of the new thread is returned. Both the id
  and the priority are system dependent.

- sys_prot_t sys_arch_protect(void)

  This optional function does a "fast" critical region protection and returns
  the previous protection level. This function is only called during very short
  critical regions. An embedded system which supports ISR-based drivers might
  want to implement this function by disabling interrupts. Task-based systems
  might want to implement this by using a mutex or disabling tasking. This
  function should support recursive calls from the same task or interrupt. In
  other words, sys_arch_protect() could be called while already protected. In
  that case the return value indicates that it is already protected.

  sys_arch_protect() is only required if your port is supporting an operating

- void sys_arch_unprotect(sys_prot_t pval)

  This optional function does a "fast" set of critical region protection to the
  value specified by pval. See the documentation for sys_arch_protect() for
  more information. This function is only required if your port is supporting
  an operating system.

For some configurations, you also need:

- u32_t sys_now(void)

  This optional function returns the current time in milliseconds (don't care
  for wraparound, this is only used for time diffs).
  Not implementing this function means you cannot use some modules (e.g. TCP
  timestamps, internal timeouts for NO_SYS==1).


Be carefull with using mem_malloc() in sys_arch. When malloc() refers to
mem_malloc() you can run into a circular function call problem. In mem.c
mem_init() tries to allcate a semaphore using mem_malloc, which of course
can't be performed when sys_arch uses mem_malloc.

在 sys_arch中使用 mem_malloc()時須小心。當 malloc()引用 mem_malloc()時,你可能面對的是一個迴圈呼叫的問題。
在 mem.c 檔案中,mem_init()試圖使用 mem_malloc 函式分配一個訊號量,理所當然,當 sys_arch 使用mem_malloc函式時並不能執行。 

Additional files required for the "OS support" emulation layer:
對於支援作業系統的模擬層(emulation layer)所需的附加檔案

cc.h       - Architecture environment, some compiler specific, some
             environment specific (probably should move env stuff 
             to sys_arch.h.)

  Typedefs for the types used by lwip -
    u8_t, s8_t, u16_t, s16_t, u32_t, s32_t, mem_ptr_t

  Compiler hints for packing lwip's structures -

  Platform specific diagnostic output -
    LWIP_PLATFORM_DIAG(x)    - non-fatal, print a message.列印一些非致命的訊息
    LWIP_PLATFORM_ASSERT(x)  - fatal, print message and abandon execution.致命的,列印訊息並退出執行
    Portability defines for printf formatters:
    U16_F, S16_F, X16_F, U32_F, S32_F, X32_F, SZT_F

  "lightweight" synchronization mechanisms -
    SYS_ARCH_DECL_PROTECT(x) - declare a protection state variable.宣告一個保護狀態變數
    SYS_ARCH_PROTECT(x)      - enter protection mode.進入保護模式
    SYS_ARCH_UNPROTECT(x)    - leave protection mode.退出保護模式

  If the compiler does not provide memset() this file must include a
  definition of it, or include a file which defines it.

  This file must either include a system-local <errno.h> which defines
  the standard *nix error codes, or it should #define LWIP_PROVIDE_ERRNO
  to make lwip/arch.h define the codes which are used throughout.

perf.h     - Architecture specific performance measurement.
  Measurement calls made throughout lwip, these can be defined to nothing.
    PERF_START               - start measuring something.開始測量
    PERF_STOP(x)             - stop measuring something, and record the result.結束測量並記錄結果

sys_arch.h - Tied to sys_arch.c與sys_arch.c相關

  Arch dependent types for the following objects:
    sys_sem_t, sys_mbox_t, sys_thread_t,
  And, optionally:

  Defines to set vars of sys_mbox_t and sys_sem_t to NULL.



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