1. 程式人生 > >Moving zscore-based anomaly detector on the IoT Edge using NodeRED

Moving zscore-based anomaly detector on the IoT Edge using NodeRED

Romeo’s algorithm locates outlying values in a time series of voltage data values.

He first generates some test data, into which he introduces some outlying values, which the application will locate. Because the z-score for any given observation is based on the mean and standard deviation of the last time window, he then calculates those values in the live data stream. Each observed voltage value is subtracted from the mean, then divided by the standard deviation. If the z-score is less than -0.5, an alert is sent.

In the example below, the voltage has shot up to more than 260 volts, causing the z-score to drop to below -0.5, resulting in an alert.


Moving zscore-based anomaly detector on the IoT Edge using NodeRED

Romeo’s algorithm locates outlying values in a time series of voltage data values. He first generates some test data, into which he introduces some outl

Detect anomalies using moving z-score on the IoT edge using Node-RED

After explaining how the moving z-score is calculated with means and standard deviations for all values in a sliding window, Romeo demonstrates how to im

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