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Building with Watson: Introduction to Natural Language Understanding

In this video, developer Joshua Elliott will take you on a journey to learn the development basics of using Natural Language Understanding as he demonstrates how the service works by analyzing text to extract meta-data from content and he provides some common use cases.

The Natural Language Understanding service allows you to add the ability to your application to let you perform natural language processing that can enable advanced text analysis capabilities. (Natural language processing is the field of study concerned with programming computers to successfully process large samples of actual human language to derive a set of rules that govern the natural language in question.)

The service offers developers the ability to analyze text to extract meta-data from content such as concepts, entities, keywords, categories, sentiment, emotion, relations, and semantic roles, all using natural language understanding. You can develop your own custom annotation models using Watson Knowledge Studio (see side trip in Resources) that will help you identify industry and domain specific entities and relations in unstructured text.

Resources for you


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Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第三章:變換

學習目標 理解如何用矩陣表示線性變換和仿射變換; 學習在座標系中縮放,旋轉和移動幾何體; 學習利用矩陣的乘法合併幾個變換矩陣; 學習如何在座標系之間轉換,並且表示為轉換矩陣;斜體樣式 學習如何利用DirectX Math庫提供的方法構造轉換矩陣。

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第二章:矩陣代數

學習目標: 理解矩陣和與它相關的運算; 理解矩陣的乘法如何被看成是線性組合; 理解單位矩陣、轉置矩陣、矩陣的行列式和逆矩陣; 熟悉DirectX Math庫中矩陣相關的類和函式; 1 矩陣的定義 一個m x n的矩陣M是一個有實陣列成的

Introduction to 3D Game Programming with DirectX 12 學習筆記之 --- 第一章:向量代數

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