1. 程式人生 > >Dive deep into Watson neural networks

Dive deep into Watson neural networks

In this session from the Devoxx Belgium 2016 conference, Sandhya Kapoor, Dr. Bowen Zhou, and Arthur Kantor will dive deep into how neural networks work with a focus on the inner workings of Watson as an AI platform.

They will demonstrate how to apply machine learning algorithms to real-life situations so that by the end of the three-hour session, you will understand exactly how this cognitive platform learns and evolves. The trio will explain the algorithms the system uses to allow human-like conversations and deep searches.

More information on Watson


Dive deep into Watson neural networks

In this session from the Devoxx Belgium 2016 conference, Sandhya Kapoor, Dr. Bowen Zhou, and Arthur Kantor will dive deep into how neural networks work w

DeepVO: Towards End-to-End Visual Odometry with Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks

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An Introduction to Deep Learning and Neural Networks

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Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search

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Neural Networks and Deep Learning學習筆記ch1 - 神經網絡

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DeepEyes: 用於深度神經網絡設計的遞進式可視分析系統 (DeepEyes: Progressive Visual Analytics for Designing Deep Neural Networks)

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課程一(Neural Networks and Deep Learning)總結:Logistic Regression

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Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization - week1

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第四節,Neural Networks and Deep Learning 一書小節(上)

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Coursera Deep Learning 3 Convolutional Neural Networks - week1

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閱讀筆記:ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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中文版 ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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【DeepLearning學習筆記】Coursera課程《Neural Networks and Deep Learning》——Week1 Introduction to deep learning課堂筆記

決定 如同 樣本 理解 你是 水平 包含 rod spa Coursera課程《Neural Networks and Deep Learning》 deeplearning.ai Week1 Introduction to deep learning What is a

【DeepLearning學習筆記】Coursera課程《Neural Networks and Deep Learning》——Week2 Neural Networks Basics課堂筆記

樣本數目 and 編程 多次 之間 優化 我們 round 符號 Coursera課程《Neural Networks and Deep Learning》 deeplearning.ai Week2 Neural Networks Basics 2.1 Logistic

課程一(Neural Networks and Deep Learning),第一週(Introduction to Deep Learning)—— 0、學習目標

1. Understand the major trends driving the rise of deep learning. 2. Be able to explain how deep learning is applied to supervised learning. 3. Unde

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Neural Networks and Deep Learning

too near poi sel ace data- big Dimension important Neural Networks and Deep Learning This is the first course of the deep learning specia

YouTube推薦系統(下):Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations

咳,還是要說說這篇文章,雖然講它的人已經很多了。畢竟作為深度學習模型大規模應用於工業界推薦系統的標誌,這篇文章是繞不過去的。原文來自Deep Neural Networks for YouTube Recommendations,是YouTube2016年發表於Recosys的文章。 這篇文章的結構依然很經