1. 程式人生 > >虛擬空間地址與頁面號的轉換


       當程式中出現記憶體寫入訪問錯誤時,ExcetionRecord.ExceptionInfomation陣列第一個元素標識為寫入;若是讀取錯誤時,則 標識為讀取狀態。第二個元素,則是當前讀取或寫入的虛擬空間地址。在某些狀況下,我們需要知道出錯的虛擬地址所對應的虛擬記憶體頁面,然後針對此頁面做一些處理。那麼如何由當前虛擬地址計算出對應的虛擬記憶體頁面?

   pAddr, pPage: Pointer;
   pAddr := Pointer(ExcetionInfo^.ExcetionRecord^.ExceptionInformation[1]);
   pPage := Pointer(Integer(pAddr) and (not (Page_Size - 1)))//Page_Size = 4096


Virtual Addresses

When a program accesses memory, it does not know or care where the physical memory backing the address is stored. It knows it is up to the operating system and hardware to work together to map locate the right physical address and thus provide access to the data it wants. Thus we term the address a program is using to access memory a virtual address

. A virtual address consists of two parts; the page and an offset into that page.


Since the entire possible address space is divided up into regular sized pages, every possible address resides within a page. The page component of the virtual address acts as an index into the page table. Since the page is the smallest unit of memory allocation within the system there is a trade-off between making pages very small, and thus having very many pages for the operating-system to manage, and making pages larger but potentially wasting memory


The last bits of the virtual address are called the offset which is the location difference between the byte address you want and the start of the page. You require enough bits in the offset to be able to get to any byte in the page. For a 4K page you require (4K == (4 * 1024) == 4096 == 212 ==) 12 bits of offset. Remember that the smallest amount of memory that the operating system or hardware deals with is a page, so each of these 4096 bytes reside within a single page and are dealt with as "one".

Virtual Address Translation

Virtual address translation refers to the process of finding out which physical page maps to which virtual page.

When translating a virtual-address to a physical-address we only deal with the page number . The essence of the procedure is to take the page number of the given address and look it up in the page-table to find a pointer to a physical address, to which the offset from the virtual address is added, giving the actual location in system memory.

Since the page-tables are under the control of the operating system, if the virtual-address doesn't exist in the page-table then the operating-system knows the process is trying to access memory that has not been allocated to it and the access will not be allowed.

Figure 6.3. Virtual Address Translation Converting a virtual address to a physical address

We can follow this through for our previous example of a simple linear page-table. We calculated that a 32-bit address-space would require a table of 1048576 entries when using 4KiB pages. Thus to map a theoretical address of 0x80001234, the first step would be to remove the offset bits. In this case, with 4KiB pages, we know we have 12-bits (212 == 4096) of offset. So we would right-shift out 12-bits of the virtual address, leaving us with 0x80001. Thus (in decimal) the value in row 524289 of the linear page table would be the physical frame corresponding to this page.

You might see a problem with a linear page-table : since every page must be accounted for, whether in use or not, a physically linear page-table is completely impractical with a 64-bit address space. Consider a 64-bit address space divided into (generously large) 64 KiB pages creates 264/216 = 252 pages to be managed; assuming each page requires an 8-byte pointer to a physical location a total of 252/23 = 249 or 512 GiB of contiguous memory is required just for the page table!



       當程式中出現記憶體寫入訪問錯誤時,ExcetionRecord.ExceptionInfomation陣列第一個元素標識為寫入;若是讀取錯誤時,則 標識為讀取狀態。第二個元素,則是當前讀取或寫入的虛擬空間地址。在某些狀況下,我們需要知道出錯的虛擬地址所對應


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當我們需要通過xml格式處理sql語句時,經常會用到< ,<=,>,>=等符號,但是很容易引起xml格式的錯誤,這樣會導致後臺將xml字串轉換為xml文件時報錯,從而導致程式錯誤。 這樣的問題在iBatiS中或者自定義的xml處理

2.6 使用for迴圈遍歷檔案 2.7 使用while迴圈遍歷檔案 2.8 統計系統剩餘的記憶體 2.9 資料型別轉換計算(計算mac地址) 3.0 資料型別轉換(列表字典相互轉換

2.6 使用for迴圈遍歷檔案 open r:以只讀方式開啟 w: 以寫方式開啟 a: 以追加模式開啟 r+: 以讀寫模式開啟 w+: 以讀寫模式開啟(參見w) a+: 以讀寫模式開啟(參見a) rb: 以二進位制模式開啟 read 我們先寫一個檔案,叫1.txt 內容如下 111 22


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邏輯地址 實體地址轉換

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計算機在執行程式時,需將程式碼載入入記憶體中,CPU讀取記憶體中的程式碼並執行。 早期的計算機在沒有引入 虛擬儲存器之前,需將整個待執行的程式載入到記憶體中,因為記憶體空間有限,當待載入的程式過大時就會出現問題(多程序,則需要佔用更多的記憶體空間)。 現代計算機引入虛