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AI Application Hands-on Workshop in Osaka

AI Hands-on workshop with Watson Visual Recognition and Watson Studio. This workshop is for Osaka Prefecture Management Rationalization Association, a kind of internal seminar.


AI Application Hands-on Workshop in Osaka

AI Hands-on workshop with Watson Visual Recognition and Watson Studio. This workshop is for Osaka Prefecture Management Rationalizati

直擊 KubeCon 現場 | 阿里雲 Hands-on Workshop 亮點回顧

相關文章連結 【合集】規模化落地雲原生,阿里雲亮相 KubeCon China 沉澱九年,一文看清阿里雲原生大事件  

2017.11.12 Power BI hands-on lab workshop

power biThis event was a free of charge. As a MVP ,lihuan Song was a lecturer in the event. He introduced Microsoft Power BI data visualization technology

power bi hands-on lab for MS technology fans

ech vpd imm hot jpg col https and cto These Power BI hands-on lab are free. I‘m a hands-on speaker. The URL of my demo is https://app.po

Guest Editors’ Introduction: Special Issue on Advances in Management of Softwarized Networks

editor gem cti guest issue iss rod ransac 名稱 文章名稱:Guest Editors’ Introduction:Special Issue on Advances in Management of Softwarized Netw


其中用到的知識點我都記錄在部落格中了:https://blog.csdn.net/dss_dssssd 第一章知識點總結: supervised learning k-Nearest Neighbors Linear Regression

Hands-On Automated Machine Learning


Hands-On Unity 2018 x 移動遊戲開發教程

  Hands-On Unity 2018 x Game Development for Mobile 使用Unity 2018.2建立具有出色遊戲功能的精彩遊戲   想學習在Unity製作遊戲,但不知道從哪裡開始?現在,遊戲開發比以往任何時候都更受歡迎,而且從

mongo出現重複_id ,Duplicate documents on _id (in mongo)

生產的問題:   發現mongodb中collectionA,裡面_id 重複。重複的兩條資料,除了xx欄位不一樣,其他都差不多。   正常情況_id是能保證唯一的,是mongodb自動生成的。   原因: xx 欄位是片健,資料存入collecti

Application of deep learning in Industrial area

Application of deep learning in Industrial area https://www.vision-systems.com/articles/print/volume-22/issue-10/departments/technology-trends/machi

【學習筆記】Hands-on ML with sklearn&tensorflow [TF] [2]placeholder nodes實現mini-batch

為了實現mini-batch,需要一種節點,在每次迭代使用一個新的batch,可以用placeholder node實現這個功能。 >>>A = placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, 3)) >>>B = A + 5 #這裡

【學習筆記】Hands-on ML with sklearn&tensorflow [TF] [1]模型的訓練、儲存和載入

本篇內容:一個簡單的預測模型的建立、訓練、儲存和載入。 匯入必要模組: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import tensorflow as tf import ssl #解決資料來源網站簽名認證失敗的問題 from sklearn.data

Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow(中文版)和深度學習原理與TensorFlow實踐-學習筆記

監督學習:新增標籤。學習的目標是求出輸入與輸出之間的關係函式y=f(x)。樸素貝葉斯、邏輯迴歸和神經網路等都屬於監督學習的方法。 監督學習主要解決兩類核心問題,即迴歸和分類。 迴歸和分類的區別在於強調一個是連續的,一個是離散的。 非監督學習:不新增標籤。學習目標是為了探索樣本資料之間是否

Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab,target VM: HTTP 404 Not Found。原因及問題解決

[list] [*]在執行該示例,點選選單【Movies】時,因為IP地址解析成IPV6的,即類似httpServletRequest.getLocalName()=0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1,無法識別,此時,錯誤資訊為:[b]java.net.MalformedURLException: S

Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab,MySQL版

[list] [*]配置GlassFish的MySQL連線池並在persistence.xml中啟用<jta-data-source>且設定好JNDI。 [*]修改sql檔案。 [*]重啟專案。 [*]關於本文提到的示例程式碼[url]http://download.csdn.n

Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab,最新版本下載地址

[size=medium][b]Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab[/b] [list] [*]作者關於Java EE 7的書,《Java EE 7 Essentials》電子版在群(187515899)共享裡可以得到。 [*]歡迎點選後面的連結加入群【JavaEE GlassFis

Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab,CDI deployment failure:WELD-000072,解決辦法

[b]執行環境:[/b] [list] [*]NetBeans8.0.2 [*]GlassFish4.1 [*]《Java EE 7 Essentials》,最後一章,端到端應用程式的示例:[b]Java EE 7 Hands-on Lab,movieplex7[/b] [/list]

Understanding Feature Engineering (Part 4) — A hands-on intuitive approach to Deep Learning Methods

Introduction Working with unstructured text data is hard especially when you are trying to build an intelligent system which interprets and understa

Genetic t Industrie Router esting on animals in Germany tripled over decade

www.inhandnetworks.de A new study reveals that genetic manipulation of mice, rats, cows and pigs has increased threefold since 2004. Between 200

Awesome Links of Books, Courses, Examples for AI, MachineLearning, DeepLearning and Tensorflow in

Awesome Links of Books, Courses, Examples for AI, MachineLearning, DeepLearning and Tensorflow in 2018DataScienceAI Book Links | 機器學習、深度學習與自然語言處理領域推薦的書籍列表M