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New developers focus the mainframe on other technologies

On mobile

IBM Z Software Product Designers Betty Quinn and Anu Jayasinghe want mobile devices to be able to access the mainframe (like with most banking apps) and vice versa. Which means using the Hardware Management Console. But learning it can be a challenge since the instructions are in a massive manual. So these two have made the information more accessible to developers by creating common task-oriented “guidance” so you can pull the knowledge you need out of the massive datastore to help with the job you’re doing at that moment. They’ve also designed a mobile app that will let you view your mainframe system status, receive notifications, and make simple repairs to the system.


New developers focus the mainframe on other technologies

On mobile IBM Z Software Product Designers Betty Quinn and Anu Jayasinghe want mobile devices to be able to access the mainframe (like with most banking a

New developers learn the mainframe

“Splunking the mainframe” Experian Mainframe Graduate Alex Stuart has covered a lot of ground with big iron, including systems administration, DBA, automa

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New developers use mainframe tools

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The writing on the wall (暴力列舉)

題意: 有一個含有n*m個方格的矩陣,其中有幾格塗黑了,求不包含黑方塊的子矩陣個數。 列舉每個點作為左上角的貢獻即可,這個可以先預處理每個點最下面能到達的位置(或者最上面,看自己喜歡),然後從左到右遍歷一遍就能得到那個點作為左上角的子矩陣個數,求和即為答案。

B. The writing on the wall

題意: 給你n*m的矩陣,給你k個黑點。問你有幾個矩陣完全沒有黑點。 POINT: 遍歷右下角,再用O(m)的效率以這個右下角往左延伸能有多少個數。具體看程式碼註解。 #includ

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