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Marketing Insights Free Trial

I signed up for the 30 day free trial with Marketing Insights. However, I cannot complete the setup process. I keep receiving an error that says "An error occurred while ingesting WCA data."

I am attempting to connect to the database ACCO_D2C_Master_List (id 3734946). Since there are over 100 columns in the database, I am hand selecting which columns I would like to import to Marketing Insights.

I reached out to IBM support and was instructed to post in this forum. Can you please help me troubleshoot this issue?

Thanks, Melinda


Marketing Insights Free Trial

I signed up for the 30 day free trial with Marketing Insights. However, I cannot complete the setup process. I keep receiving an error tha

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機器學習之分類問題實戰(基於UCI Bank Marketing Dataset)

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