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Setting up the element14 IoT Learner Kit

Brian shows the unboxing of the element14 IoT Learner Kit. He then shows you how to assemble the components, including installing the SD card.

To set up the Raspberry Pi for the first time, Brain shows how to connect a USB mouse, USB keyboard, and HDMI monitor (using an HDMI cable). (To see how to set up a Raspberry Pi without the mouse, keyboard, and monitor, watch

this other Hands-on IoT episode.)

Brian shows the first boot sequence and how to get connected to your network. After booting your Pi for the first time, you need to make sure its firmware is at the latest version available (something you should do regularly). Brian shows how to run the update process using the apt-get command — both the update command, which updates the catalog of software available on the servers, and the upgrade command, which lets you update the software to the latest version. Lastly, Brian shows a few other handy commands for configuring and maintaining your Raspberry Pi.

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