IBM Power Systems Performance Claims and Proof Points
Cloud and Virtualization
Run swiftly and smoothly on a high performing global infrastructure. Deploy global cloud infrastructure rapidly on virtual servers.
IBM Power Systems Performance Claims and Proof Points
Cloud and Virtualization Run swiftly and smoothly on a high performing global infrastructure. Deploy global cloud infrastructure
IBM Power Systems Database, OLTP, and ERP Performance
IBM Corporation 2017® IBM, the IBM logo,, POWER and POWER8 are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp.,
IBM Power Systems Big Data and Analytics Performance
IBM Corporation 2017® IBM, the IBM logo,, POWER and POWER8 are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp.,
IBM Cloud Private IBM Power Systems developer resources and portal
What is IBM® Cloud Private? IBM Cloud Private (ICP) helps developers easily build and deploy new, containerized appl
IBM Power Systems Cloud and Virtualization Performance
IBM Corporation 2017® IBM, the IBM logo,, POWER and POWER8 are trademarks of the International Business Machines
IBM Power Systems Machine Learning / Deep Learning Performance
IBM Corporation 2017® IBM, the IBM logo,, POWER and POWER8 are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp.,
IBM Power Systems HPC Performance
IBM Corporation 2017® IBM, the IBM logo,, POWER and POWER8 are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corp.,
CAPI on IBM Power Systems features and benefits
Flexible programming model Application developers determine the best programming model for their application.
IBM Power Systems partner testimonials
“NXLog offers log solutions for IBM POWER9 providing the vital role of centralizing critical systems and audit logs addressing
Docker on IBM Power Systems
Docker is an open platform tool that you can use to deploy, execute, and manage containers. Docker for Power is only available for the Littl
Cloud resources to try PowerAI and PowerAI vision deep learning frameworks on IBM POWER with GPUs
IBM PowerAI Vision as a Service IBM PowerAI Vision provides tools and interfaces for business analysts, subject matter experts,
MorphCore-An Energy-Efficient Microarchitecture for High Performance ILP and High Throughput TLP
MorphCore: An Energy-Efficient Microarchitecture for High Performance ILP and High Throughput TLP 當
三星7nm EUV拿下大訂單 將代工IBM Power處理器
在UMC(聯電)和GF(AMD合作伙伴)放棄後向10nm及以下製程下探之後,只剩下臺積電、三星和Intel三家有實力做到10nm及更小的製程工藝。 臺積電由於在第一代選擇DUV光刻技術,所以7nm製程最先量產,目前已經拿到了蘋果、AMD、高通、華為等大客戶的訂單。三星則步伐稍慢,因為其第一代7nm用的是EU
Study: Adding power choices reduces cost and risk of carbon-free electricity
In major legislation passed at the end of August, California committed to creating a 100 percent carbon-free electricity grid — once again leading other na
Electrical properties of dendrites help explain our brain's unique computing power: Neurons in human and rat brains carry electr
Using hard-to-obtain samples of human brain tissue, MIT neuroscientists have now discovered that human dendrites have different electrical properties from
Ask HN: What are the spreadsheet use cases and pain points in your SAAS app
Excel / csv uploads are commonly used to get data into a saas app, is this a burden to implement for you?Do you use spreadsheets as part of workflows as we
GoLand 2018.2.1 is released with tangible performance improvements and lots of bug
Welcome the freshly built GoLand 2018.2.1! You can install this update via Toolbox App, as a patch for GoLand 2018.2 (use Help | Check for Upd
driven organisations can harness the power of ‘many eyes’ and improve the accuracy of…
How data-driven organisations can harness the power of ‘many eyes’ and improve the accuracy of their data and analyticsAnalytic Ops, simply put, is Dev Ops
[分散式系統學習]閱讀筆記 Distributed systems for fun and profit 之一 基本概念
因為工作的原因,最近打算看一些分散式學習的資料。其中這個就是一篇非常適合分散式入門的介紹。 這個短小的材料有下面5個小的章節,圖文並茂,也沒有太難的概念,非常推薦。 基礎知識。主要是一些基本概念,例如可擴充套件性(scalability),可用
[分散式系統學習]閱讀筆記 Distributed systems for fun and profit 之四 Replication 拷貝
閱讀的筆記,是本系列的第四章 拷貝其實是一組通訊問題,為一些子問題,例如選舉,失靈檢測,一致性和原子廣播提供了上下文。 同步拷貝 可以看到三個不同階段,首先client傳送請求。然後同步拷貝,同步意味著這