1. 程式人生 > >Can I save a code sample to work on later?

Can I save a code sample to work on later?

Yes, you can save your code sample at any time. Just give it a name, then select the "Save as file + share code" button. You'll get a link to your file.


Can I save a code sample to work on later?

Yes, you can save your code sample at any time. Just give it a name, then select the "Save as file + share code" button. You'll get a link

How can I drink a bubble tea to ensure that I don’t finish the tea before the bobas?

How can I drink a bubble tea to ensure that I don’t finish the tea before the bobas?Have you ever feel frustrated when you finish all the tea in bubble tea

Want to Work on A.I.? Study Philosophy or Communications, Execs Say

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics--companies everywhere appear to be fighting for workers in the STEM fields to get a head start in buildin

How can I start a systemd service only after mysql has started?

在 centos 裡,如果 service 執行順序有問題,會造成程式無法啟動,有些程式必需等 database service 先啟動後,才能執行,寫法如下: Add After=mysql.service to your service file (or change it to the correct

How can I debug a HTTP POST in Chrome / Firefox?

原來要看到browser post 的資料,還滿簡單的耶!好方便哦。 Firefox截圖: Go to Chrome Developer Tools (Chrome Menu -> More Tools -> Developer Tools). Choose “Network” tab.

Ask HN: Where can I buy a small software company?

So I currently have a software company that spins off a lot of cash and doesn't require much time to keep it running. I'd like to buy another software comp

Could I use a cloud FPGA to enforce business rules

I'm thinking that it is now possible to implement in hardware something similar to say the https://www.fixtrading.org/standards/fixml or indeed any standa

Ask HN: How can I become a 10X engineer?

just some thoughtsObviously step 1) is mastering all the fundamentals of CS. Once you know all the fundamentals of CS, master your particular stack so deep

Ask HN: Can I create a Google alternative?

Is there any law that prevents anyone from creating a similar service to a Google service? For example creating a replica of calendar or mail that looks an

Ask HN: Where can I find a text file with a set of representative URLs?

My google-fu is failing me today.I'm looking for something similar to an a list of phrases but for URLs.A phrase list looks something like this: https://ww

Ask HN: Can you train multiple neural networks to work together?

>multiple neural networks trained on different datasets all feeding forward to some master netWhat you have described is just a larger neural net or at

How do I initialize a complex array to zeros in MATLAB

A complex number can be created in MATLAB using the COMPLEX function. To initialize a complex number with zero as the real part and non-zero imagina

Can I become a good programmer without math and algorithms knowledge?

Knowledge of algorithms has very little to do with programming skill.  As some random dude* on the internet once said:  "When in doubt, us

NuCypher (YC S16) is hiring engineers to work on decentralized privacy tech

We’re looking for generalist engineers to join us in building the future of decentralized privacy-preserving technologies, including proxy re-encryption an

NuCypher hiring engineers to work on homomorphic encryption+proxy re

We’re looking for generalist engineers to join us in building the future of decentralized privacy-preserving technologies.Responsibilities: * Design, build

New attacks on graphics processors endanger user privacy: Hackers can use the graphics processing unit to spy on web activity, s

Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering computer science doctoral student Hoda Naghibijouybari and post-doctoral researcher Ajaya Neupane, along

How can I count the time it takes a function to complete in Java?

要知道 一個 function 需要執行多少個 ms, 用下面的程式就可以了,滿方便的。 long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); doReallyLongThing(); long endTime = System.currentTimeMil

Ask HN: A company used my source code for their product. What can I do?

> And there are licenses for this. At the very least, a 'all rights reserved' would have been better than having nothing specified.Legally, that phrase

Ask HN: What can I do to get into a good MSc program from an unknown university?

I will graduate from university in mid-2019, with a CGPA of 8.6/10. Thing is, I don't have anything that distinguishes me from other candidates. Undergrads

out from india. Am I eligible to work in EU as a developer? | Hacker News

I am a college dropout from India with 5+ Years of Industry experience as a software engineer, I have made contributions to many open source projects and I