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IBM developer kits lifecycle dates

Use these dates to help you plan migration from older releases.

Service lifecycle dates for current releases of IBM SDK, Java Technology Edition.
SDK/JRE level Platform Product ID GA1 EOS2
8 z/OS 31-bit 5655-DGGMar 2015 To Be Announced
8 z/OS 64-bit 5655-DGH Mar 2015 To Be Announced
8 All other supported platforms Not applicable Feb 2015 Apr 2022
7 z/OS 31-bit 5655-W43 Oct 2011
7 z/OS 64-bit 5655-W44 Oct 2011
7 All other supported platforms Not applicable Sep 2011 Sep 2019
6.0 z/OS 31-bit 5655-R31 Jan 2008
6.0 z/OS 64-bit 5655-R32 Jan 2008
6.0 All other supported platforms Not applicable Nov 2007 Sep 2017
WebSphere Real Time V3.0
All supported platforms 5724-R04 Nov 2004

1. The General Availability (GA) date listed is the latest date that a version/release of the product is available to all users, regardless of language or media.

2. The EOS (End of Service) date is the date when IBM will stop making fixes generally available.

If you are using an IBM SDK or JRE that is incorporated into an IBM or Vendor product, EOS dates might differ from those in the table:


IBM developer kits lifecycle dates

Use these dates to help you plan migration from older releases. Service lifecycle dates for current releases of IBM SDK, Java Technology E

Fixes in the IBM Developer Kits

The IBM Developer Kit fixes lists contain descriptions of fixes, new function, restrictions and documentation generally available for these SDKs.

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