1. 程式人生 > >Do your best。

Do your best。

淘寶 NPM 映象

npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org

安裝模組(-g 表示全域性)

npm install npm -g


npm list -g


npm list -g --depth=0


npm uninstall npm


npm update underscore


npm install -g rimraf


cd xxx[include node_modules folder]

rimraf node_modules


cd xxx[include node_modules folder]

rimraf node_modules


Do your best

淘寶 NPM 映象npm install -g cnpm --registry=https://registry.npm.taobao.org 安裝模組(-g 表示全域性)npm install npm

just do your best

本人小碩一枚,水平有限,望大神輕噴,若有不足之處,請毫不留情的指出。^_^ 慢慢地開始習慣用部落格開始記錄學習和生活的點點滴滴。 今天是2016-6-30,參加了深圳總行的系統管理員面試,具體面試內容

Ask HN: What is your best advice for a junior software developer?

Don't stress about not being good enough when you see other people's work. People show off their end result and not the hundreds of brok

Ask HN: What is your best advice for a Senior Software Engineer?

Sometimes, we senior engineers seem to have lost our way. What is the way forward for us? What are the new avenues. I would call anyone who's been codin

The Product Triad: Great designers help their teammates do their best work

The Product Triad: Great designers help their teammates do their best workHow can I help my co-workers do their best work?Last week, I was in a meeting whe

Ask HN: What have been your best and worst experiences with recreational drugs?

best is something thats very difficult to quantify really, i guess it depends entirely on the application and setting. I have had vast experience which psy

Ask HN: What is your best web browsing tips and tricks for non

Things like inspecting elements, custom chrome search engines etc. What are some things that you do with a browser to increase your productivity that non-d


一.for迴圈 for迴圈語法結構: for(迴圈條件初始化;迴圈條件判斷;迴圈迭代){ 迴圈體; } 執行規則: 第一步:迴圈條件的初始化 var i=0; 只在最開始執行一次 第二步:迴圈條件判斷 i<5; 若判斷條件結果為真:則執行迴圈體 若不成立: 結束迴圈;

P1200 [USACO1.1]你的飛碟在這兒Your Ride Is He… 小組名和彗星名都以下列方式轉換成一個數字:最終的數字就是名字中所有字母的積,其中AA是11,ZZ是2626例如,USACOUSACO小組就是21 \times 19 \times 1 \times 3 \times 1

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int i, sum1, sum2, a1[6], a2[6]; char str1[7], str2[7]; //陣列開大一點,最多需要放六個字元外加一個字串結

Picking The Best Concrete Mixer Pump For Your Personal Construction Business

Whether you are interested in an electric powered or diesel concrete mixer pump for your personal business, there are numerous models and sizes to

Do not throw System.Exception, System.SystemException, System.NullReferenceException, or System.IndexOutOfRangeException intentionally from your own s

sonarqube的掃描結果提示 https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/programming-guide/exceptions/creating-and-throwing-exceptions https://stackoverflow.com/q


for迴圈: 先判斷再迴圈,適用於迴圈次數已知。 for迴圈語法:for(表示式1;表示式2;表示式3){ 語句; //迴圈體 } 表示式1、3:任意表達式語句或空語句 表示式2:必須為布林型常量、變數或表示式 執行過程: 例項:求1+2+3+…+100的

【[&] () {}】Life is short , Import your DREAM.獨學無友,則孤陋而難成;久處一方,則習染而不自覺

專業軟體工程, 現全職 iOS 開發工程師, 業餘 Android/遊戲開發愛好者 專注於C/C++, 移動應用開發,特別是移動遊戲的開發。Lisp語言的死忠粉:),熱衷於計算機底層原理。 連結我: 我的新浪部落格 Q:1020935219 微訊號:C_W_hu

The BEST Places to Get Developer Feedback About Your Tech Product

The BEST Places to Get Developer Feedback About Your Tech ProductWhen you’re building out a product, it can get really hard to understand what the actual p

Ask HN: How do you measure your funnel?

We are working on a tool to help people measure their conversion funnels. For example:Unique visitors to website -> User Signups -> Paid CustomersTh

Ask HN: How do you become the best at something?

I realized that while I'm fairly competent at some things, I'm not really top percentile in anything save my ability to communicate. It's really weighing o

Ask HN: How do you market yourself at your mid

Hello folks,I have a weird situation and if you don't mind, I would like to ask for your advice.I'm having hard time getting hired, both onsite and remotel

Ask HN: How do you organize your stuff?

So, I'm having an issue right now that is accruing rapidly. I have a lot of documents, images, pdfs, videos, code snippets, files, etc, etc that I have tri

Dear Ueno: How do you organize your design files?

Carolyn Zhang, designer at Ueno NY, happily replies:Hey Ricki (and the many other people who have emailed with similar questions)!Once upon a time, in the

Ask HN: How do you notify your readers when you blog?

In the past I have allowed readers to provide their email address to receive new-post notifications, however I discontinued this as I don't want the respon