Android-PullToRefresh 分頁請求網路資料的使用
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2011, 2012 Chris Banes. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *******************************************************************************/ package com.handmark.pulltorefresh.samples; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.view.ContextMenu; import android.view.ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.PullToRefreshBase; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.PullToRefreshBase.Mode; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.PullToRefreshBase.OnLastItemVisibleListener; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.PullToRefreshBase.OnRefreshListener; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.PullToRefreshBase.State; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.PullToRefreshListView; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.library.extras.SoundPullEventListener; import com.handmark.pulltorefresh.samples.GetNetJsonData.ItemAttri; /** * ①佈局檔案中使用PullToRefreshListView,findViewById * * ②設定滑動模式 * * ③設定重新整理監聽事件 * * a、getCurrentMode 判斷當前重新整理的Mode:上拉、下拉 * * b、上拉重新整理只請求首頁資料 toPage = 1、isMore = true * * c、下拉重新整理 toPage++,根據isMore來提示顯示資訊 * * ④非同步執行緒請求資料 * * a、有返回資料isMore=true; * * b、否則,isMore=false 並通知主執行緒 * * ⑤非同步執行緒完成 執行onRefreshComplete操作 * */ @SuppressLint("HandlerLeak") public final class PullToRefreshListActivity extends ListActivity { private final String TAG = "PullToRefreshListActivity"; /** 首次網路請求頁碼 */ private static final int FIRST_PAGE = 1; /** 資料請求頁碼 **/ private int toPage = 1; /** 更多的網路資料 **/ private boolean isMore = true; private List<ItemAttri> mListData;// 儲存網路資料 private PullToRefreshListView mPullRefreshListView; private ListViewAdapter mAdapter;// listView的介面卡 @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_ptr_list); initView(); // 初始化監聽 initEvent(); // ListView actualListView = mPullRefreshListView.getRefreshableView(); // Need to use the Actual ListView when registering for Context Menu // registerForContextMenu(actualListView); // 獲取首頁資料並設定listView mListData = new ArrayList<GetNetJsonData.ItemAttri>(); new GetDataTask().execute(FIRST_PAGE); } private void initView() { mPullRefreshListView = (PullToRefreshListView) findViewById(; // 滑動模式設定為雙向滑動 mPullRefreshListView .setMode(mPullRefreshListView.getMode() == Mode.BOTH ? Mode.PULL_FROM_START : Mode.BOTH); } /** * 初始化監聽事件 */ private void initEvent() { // 設定listView的滑動重新整理監聽 mPullRefreshListView .setOnRefreshListener(new OnRefreshListener<ListView>() { @Override public void onRefresh( PullToRefreshBase<ListView> refreshView) { // 獲取當前時間並格式化 String label = DateUtils.formatDateTime( getApplicationContext(), System.currentTimeMillis(), DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_ALL); // Update the LastUpdatedLabel refreshView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setLastUpdatedLabel(label); if (PullToRefreshBase.Mode.PULL_FROM_START == mPullRefreshListView .getCurrentMode()) {// 下拉重新整理 mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setRefreshingLabel("請稍等..."); mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setPullLabel("下拉重新整理..."); mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setReleaseLabel("鬆開自動重新整理"); // 重置集合資料 mListData = new ArrayList<ItemAttri>(); new GetDataTask().execute(FIRST_PAGE); // 還原toPage初始值 toPage = 1; // 還原上拉載入控制變數 isMore = true; } else if (PullToRefreshBase.Mode.PULL_FROM_END == mPullRefreshListView .getCurrentMode()) {// 上拉重新整理 // 上拉重新整理時,逐步載入新介面 toPage++; if (isMore) {// 上一次請求有資料 // 自定義上拉header內容 mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setPullLabel("上拉重新整理..."); mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setRefreshingLabel("正在為你載入更多賽程內容..."); mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setReleaseLabel("鬆開自動重新整理..."); } else { // 上一次請求已經沒有資料了 mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setPullLabel("沒有更多了..."); mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setRefreshingLabel("沒有更多了..."); mPullRefreshListView.getLoadingLayoutProxy() .setReleaseLabel("沒有更多了..."); } new GetDataTask().execute(toPage); } } }); // Add an end-of-list listener mPullRefreshListView .setOnLastItemVisibleListener(new OnLastItemVisibleListener() { @Override public void onLastItemVisible() { // listView最後一個item可見時觸發 Toast.makeText(PullToRefreshListActivity.this, "End of List!", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }); /** * Add Sound Event Listener */ //SoundPullEventListener<ListView> soundListener = new SoundPullEventListener<ListView>( // this); //soundListener.addSoundEvent(State.PULL_TO_REFRESH, R.raw.pull_event); //soundListener.addSoundEvent(State.RESET, R.raw.reset_sound); //soundListener.addSoundEvent(State.REFRESHING, R.raw.refreshing_sound); //mPullRefreshListView.setOnPullEventListener(soundListener); } private class GetDataTask extends AsyncTask<Integer, Void, Void> { @Override protected Void doInBackground(Integer... params) { // 本次請求的資料集合 List<ItemAttri> currData = new ArrayList<ItemAttri>(); currData = new GetNetJsonData().getDataFromJson(params[0]); if (!currData.isEmpty()) { // 有資料返回 // 資料加入集合中 mListData.addAll(currData); } else { // 沒有資料 isMore = false; // 向主執行緒傳送通知 mHandler.sendEmptyMessage(0); // 沒有資料toPage-- toPage--; } return null; } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Void v) { if (mAdapter == null) { mAdapter = new ListViewAdapter(); // You can also just use setListAdapter(mAdapter) or // mPullRefreshListView.setAdapter(mAdapter) mPullRefreshListView.setAdapter(mAdapter); } else { mAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } Log.i(TAG, "page:" + toPage); // Call onRefreshComplete when the list has been refreshed. mPullRefreshListView.onRefreshComplete();// 完成重新整理動作 super.onPostExecute(v); } } /** * 接收子執行緒傳遞出來的資訊 */ private Handler mHandler = new Handler() { public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) { Toast.makeText(PullToRefreshListActivity.this, "沒有更多了", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } }; private class ListViewAdapter extends BaseAdapter { @Override public int getCount() { return mListData.size(); } @Override public Object getItem(int position) { return mListData.get(position); } @Override public long getItemId(int position) { return 0; } @Override public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder holder = null; if (convertView == null) { holder = new ViewHolder(); convertView = getLayoutInflater().inflate( R.layout.item_list_view, null); holder.tvTitle = (TextView) convertView .findViewById(; holder.tvTime = (TextView) convertView .findViewById(; holder.tvContent = (TextView) convertView .findViewById(; convertView.setTag(holder); } else { holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); } holder.tvTitle.setText(mListData.get(position).title); holder.tvTime.setText(mListData.get(position).time); holder.tvContent.setText(mListData.get(position).content); return convertView; } private class ViewHolder { TextView tvTitle; TextView tvTime; TextView tvContent; } } }
package com.handmark.pulltorefresh.samples; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import android.util.Log; /** * 獲取模擬資料 */ public class GetNetJsonData { /** * 獲取網路json資料 * * @return 返回資料的list形式 * @throws Exception */ public List<ItemAttri> getDataFromJson(int pageNum) { List<ItemAttri> dataList = new ArrayList<ItemAttri>(); String path = "" + pageNum + ".json"; URL url; try { url = new URL(path); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setReadTimeout(5000); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); if (HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK == conn.getResponseCode()) { InputStream instream = conn.getInputStream(); dataList = parseJSON(instream); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (int i = 0; i < dataList.size(); i++) { Log.i("GetSimulationData", "" + dataList.get(i).title); } return dataList; } /** * 解析JSON */ private List<ItemAttri> parseJSON(InputStream instream) { List<ItemAttri> lst = new ArrayList<ItemAttri>(); byte[] data; try { data =; String jsonStr = new String(data); JSONArray array = new JSONArray(jsonStr); for (int i = 0; i < array.length(); i++) { JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) array.getJSONObject(i); ItemAttri v = new ItemAttri(jsonObj.getString("content"), jsonObj.getString("time"), jsonObj.getString("title")); lst.add(v); } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return lst; } /** * 模擬實體類 */ public class ItemAttri { public String content; public String time; public String title; public ItemAttri(String content, String time, String title) { super(); this.content = content; this.time = time; this.title = title; } } } class IOUtils { /** * 讀取輸入流為byte[]陣列 */ static byte[] read(InputStream instream) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = != -1) { bos.write(buffer, 0, len); } return bos.toByteArray(); } }
Android-PullToRefresh 分頁請求網路資料的使用
今天空閒,就下載了chrisbanes的Android-PullToRefresh,對其Sample進行了簡單的修改,完成分頁獲取網路資料。(資料放於七牛雲上了) 上程式碼 /*************************************************
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1.Get請求 try { //1 定義 URL 地址 URL url = new URL(地址 + 傳過來的引數); //ctrl + h 檢視類的繼承結構 //ctrl + q 檢視方法資訊 //2 開啟連線 H
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new css listen -m dir ble col export code 最近安裝了下vue cli3版本,與 cli 2 相比,文件少了,以前配置方法也不管用了。demo 中的大量的數據,需要做成 ajax 請求的方式來展示數據,因此,需要啟動兩個服務,一個用作
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<?php //include "fenyshow.php"; header("content-type:text/html;charset=utf-8"); $page = 1; $link = mysqli_connect ("localho